Sunday, April 17, 2022

Are My Parents Gaslighting Me?

Hi All! I'm a 19 yr old male.I'm 181cm tall and started out with 87kg, I decided that I would commit to the journey by counting my calories and after using MyFitnessPal to calculate it all it came out to 1900 calories per day to lose half a kilogram per week. About 2 months later I've lost about 7.5 kilograms, and that's great but i've also started to get a lot of worrysome comments and even had outright arguments with my mother who believes i'm on track for an eating disorder and is constantly asking when i'm planning on stopping this weight loss journey. Since that argument i've looked into it a bit and there seems to be at least some correlation between calorie counting and psychopathology, though a conclusive study linking the two eludes me. Yet I personally feel like i've become less obsessive with my tracking after the first month. Its important to note that i haven't experienced any anxiety because of tracking,just occasional comments that might be weird like:"damn i shouldn't have had that orange juice,the 200 cals weren't worth it".

P.S. i feel like a lot of old school Eastern European families hold the notion that "skiny is bad" and that may be the root of my parent's concern(even if they are educated people)

My questions are:

-Are my mother's observations valid?

-Should I consider easing off of calorie counting despite the obvious success for fear of developing a disorder even if I feel like I love food to much for that to happen?

-At what point could I reasonably stop being in a caloric deficit and shift towards a caloric surplus in order to bulk up(specific weight or something notable like a "six pack"

Thank you all for hearing me out.

submitted by /u/ringerapologist28
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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