Saturday, April 30, 2022

Trying to lose weight after EDNOS

TW: Eating disorder

Hi! I hope this isn't against the sub rules, but basically, I'm trying to lose weight again after years of doing everything I can to not think about my weight.

I'm female, 22 years old, 5'4. I currently weigh 60kg after gaining about 4kg because of lockdown and a sedentary job.

A few months ago, I noticed I was lethargic all the time so I tried to work less and sleep more, thinking that would fix it.

It did not. I hopped on a scale and saw I was at 62kg.

It was really triggering.

I stopped eating bread and rice and cut out as many carbs and sugar as I easily could out of my diet. I also started doing pilates.

I got my weight down to 60kg and started calorie counting again. I've been eating 1,000 cals a day for the past two weeks and walking/jogging 5.5km 3x a week but I haven't lost any weight.

It's starting to mess with my head. I'm worried all my disordered eating habits (guess who used to cry on the kitchen floor while eating a handful of carrots?) have ruined my body. But I'm more worried that if I don't see results from doing things the healthy way, I'll lapse back into old habits.

All I've had today is a cup of coffee and a dessert plate of boiled and salted cabbage that I had to force myself to eat.

Is it just my disordered brain talking or is this weight loss pace normal? And how can I get faster results? I know it's impossible to lose weight super fast without doing something dangerous, but I need to know the fastest, safe way to do it before I end up just not eating.

Please don't say fasting because the temptation to never eat again is there.

submitted by /u/Agitated-Math4574
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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