Monday, June 6, 2022

Pushing through the urge to eat my emotions

As is probably the case for a lot of people here, I've struggled with using food to regulate my emotions for a lot of my life. Most days since I started my weight loss journey I feel fine and it seems manageable. But then something sad or stressful happens, and with that comes the urge to go back to old eating habits. I'll completely lose my sense of appetite and feel the same amount of hungry regardless of what I eat. I'll only notice I'm full if I'm very physically full (as in I can feel my stomach being full). I'll only notice I'm hungry if I'm tired and dizzy. It would almost always lead to me overeating in the past (or sometimes undereating followed by overeating when I eventually get my appetite back).

Today and the last few days have been like that. And normally I would just go straight for the sweets and other high calorie foods. But I just ate at maintenance of some healthy foods and just felt my emotions instead of eating them, even though it has been very difficult.

I just wanted to share because I'm proud of not slipping too far back into old habits, even on a bad day.

submitted by /u/perpetuallyconfused7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Have lost 120lbs so far and have another 100 to go until I reach my goal- should I stop doing so much cardio and focus more on weight training now?

Last August, weighing in at 480lbs, I took up boxing. It was the first ever sport that I found engaging and enjoyable enough to actually stick to. Previously I'd have run off at the first sign of discomfort, which boxing had tons of from my first session- but I stuck to it, starting out at 3-4 x a week, until eventually I was training daily, which is how it's been for many months now. When I first started, I could barely complete 45 seconds of pad work, but some months in worked my way up to being able to complete 12 x 3 minute rounds on the heavy bag (usually 1 min break in between rounds), and can usually go 4-5 x 3 minute rounds of light-medium sparring. In combination with diet (I went from eating probably 4-5,000 cal/day to around 2,500), the weight began shedding, but I hit several plateaus- in fact, I'm in one now, but mostly because my diet has been imperfect.

Anyways, while weight training has been integrated into my routine pretty much since the begin, I only recently started taking it more seriously and broadening the scope of exercises I do. One of my friends at the gym who has shown me a great deal is adamant that I should forget about all the cardio and boxing I've been doing and focus strictly on weights (and diet) for at least the next couple of months, claiming I'll lose just as much weight from hitting the weights as I would with all the cardio (my regimen is admittedly very cardio-heavy... usually 20-60 minutes elliptical on higher resistance, in addition to several rounds of boxing). I think his reasoning is that the muscle would burn the fat more quickly. Currently, I greatly struggle with the weight training stuff, especially push exercises. i.e. flat or incline bench, I can't seem to get past 20lbs on each side. It's embarrassing for a guy of my size... 6'3", 360lbs. I do slightly better on the pull exercises, for example I can do multiple sets of the tricep pull-downs at 110-120lbs, 140lbs (+ the bar) on deadlift, etc. But even those aren't numbers to brag about. I know that I'll slowly build up over time... my point isn't necessarily to lift super heavy and be a body builder, I merely just want to build up my strength and muscle, ideally to help with boxing in some capacity- or just generally to better my strength and conditioning.

Just curious if my friends advice to focus entirely on the weights for at least a couple of months seems good? He's not saying to entirely give up on the boxing, but says I shouldn't do the heavy bag workouts due to the intense cardio which will eat away at muscle, and that I should, for now, focus more on technique + footwork, shadow boxing, etc. Also told me to cut out all the cardio. Just posting here to see if there's some science or something to back this idea. I'm 32 years old btw, and while I started much too late and have a long way to go still, my intention is to eventually, maybe in a year or two, compete on an amateur level in boxing- at least a few fights, just to say I did it. I've really fallen in love with the sport, training being a highlight of my every day, despite the discomfort (and sometimes pain). I am going back to a more strict diet tomorrow, partly to of course expedite the weight loss, but largely also because I noticed months ago that I genuinely feel overall much better when eating clean.

submitted by /u/migrantgrower
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A lil weight loss during final exams vent

I have been eating at maintenance and sometimes more. I try to compensate with exercise usually but because of the stress I’m not really putting in that much effort. I feel terrible because

  1. I’m not losing weight
  2. I don’t have the energy to be in deficit or to work out
  3. When I do end up working out it’s never the same, my mind is elsewhere
  4. I’m stress eating like it’s literally the only comfort I can find - either that or self sabotage but isn’t this sabotage too? To see my body not being toned anymore!!
  5. The quality of food I’m eating has gone down because I’m snacking so much that I’m omitting one of my meals

I’m just not happy right now and I feel stuck, which sucks because I reached 1/2 of my goal yet I’m here wondering if I’ll be able to lose the rest of it as I lose my mind. I feel unhealthy and sad. I want to go back to being me.

submitted by /u/seasiderhapsody
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally in the normal range!

At a staggering BMI of 24.8 and a year long 56 lb weight loss I am FINALLY in the normal range. I still have 26 lbs to lose and some loose skin to address but that feels less daunting knowing that I’ve completed a good chunk of my journey. If I was able to do it with my thyroid screeching to a half for 5 of those 13 months— anybody can do it. Sending lots of hope to everybody else hoping to enter the normal range as well. May we all prosper!

submitted by /u/throwaway2938293787
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eating everything in sight…ruining my weight loss.

I was so proud of myself, I’d lost around 6/7 lbs after a long stagnation. Part of it came from a stomach bug, but still - progress.

The last few days I have eaten EVERYTHING. If it’s in front of me, I’ll eat it. I’d gotten good at a mantra, “I control what I eat and when,” instead of absent minded eating. And I can tell, I’ve ruined a good bit of the good.

I don’t know how to get it back under control.

submitted by /u/MDFUstyle0988
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I get in the right weight loss mindset?

I need to lose a lot of weight (about 6 stone or 84 pounds). My weight gets me down multiple times a day, but I struggle to keep focused on eating better. I might do well for a day or two, and then give in to temptation and convince myself I can portion control. Or, I’ll see something tempting, totally forget that I need to lose weight and eat it. It’s a never ending cycle of feeling guilty but having no control. We have a young child, so have “treat” foods for snacks/lunches in the house and I will feast on them if I feel the urge.

I really feel at a loss with how to sort my headspace out. I’ve even looked for apps that could send me little mantras randomly throughout the day, saying things like ‘do not reward yourself with food - you are not a dog’ and such like, but I haven’t found anything. I’ve tried slimming classes, but hate them and find it doesn’t help me stay focused.

I would really appreciate tips for getting in the right mindset, staying in that frame of mind and actually succeeding.

(UK based, if that makes a difference).

submitted by /u/_Cookie_Monster7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Takeaway day 🫣

Had my first takeaway since I started my weight loss( chicken fillet burger and chips). Still in a deficit of around 750 and I don’t feel guilty at all. I’m happy to know I can control myself and not binge on unhealthy stuff after it but go back straight to my regimen. So if you mess up or decide to also have a bit of a treat don’t dwell on it. Enjoy it and try return to bettering yourself cause we’re not perfect. Have a good day everyone

submitted by /u/Comprehensive_Bed848
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from loseit - Lose the Fat