Sunday, June 5, 2022

How do I get in the right weight loss mindset?

I need to lose a lot of weight (about 6 stone or 84 pounds). My weight gets me down multiple times a day, but I struggle to keep focused on eating better. I might do well for a day or two, and then give in to temptation and convince myself I can portion control. Or, I’ll see something tempting, totally forget that I need to lose weight and eat it. It’s a never ending cycle of feeling guilty but having no control. We have a young child, so have “treat” foods for snacks/lunches in the house and I will feast on them if I feel the urge.

I really feel at a loss with how to sort my headspace out. I’ve even looked for apps that could send me little mantras randomly throughout the day, saying things like ‘do not reward yourself with food - you are not a dog’ and such like, but I haven’t found anything. I’ve tried slimming classes, but hate them and find it doesn’t help me stay focused.

I would really appreciate tips for getting in the right mindset, staying in that frame of mind and actually succeeding.

(UK based, if that makes a difference).

submitted by /u/_Cookie_Monster7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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