Sunday, September 11, 2022

Menu nutrition calculators are so inaccurate.

today i had eaten most of my calories in the earlier day and wanted a low-calorie but voluminous and filling dinner. so what did i turn to? stuff’d!! their daily bowl, based on the nutrition calculator for soba + mash + broccoli + salmon + base, was ~230 calories. however, i got curious this time when i bought it, because how can THAT much soba be 39 calories? i’ve been eating stuff’d almost every weekend, thinking it’s ~200 calories. however, today i weighed everything out, and found that they gave me TWICE the amount of mashed potatoes and THREE TIMES the amount of soba!! in the end, it all amounted to almost 500 calories.

this means i’ve probably been going over my intended intake by 300 calories for the past few months. like, it’s only during the weekends i’ve ordered this, but imagine how much damage it can do to another person’s weight loss if they ate stuff’d every day thinking it’s so low in calories. The nutrition calculator had mistaken 500 calories worth of food for 200 calories, so i imagine meals calculated as 600 calories on stuff’d nutrition calculated might be a lot higher in actuality.

TLDR; i’m never eating stuff’d again :”)

submitted by /u/Grand-Net3191
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Playing as an adult for weight loss, exercise, and fun?

Hi everyone, I posted here a little while ago and happy to report that since then I’ve lost 6 pounds (mostly water weight, but still pretty proud)!!!

I started with just smaller portions and would like to add exercise in the coming weeks. The advice I got last time was to do exercise I enjoy and when I think of it, the way I have most enjoyed moving my body in the past is playing as a kid (tag, playgrounds, kicking a ball around, etc.) I’ve also read that some studies say that incorporating play as an adult can improve mental health.

What are your thoughts on including time to play into an adult/college lifestyle? Any ideas on how to do do this or activities to do would be much appreciated!

submitted by /u/321badabingbadaboom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Exactly 16 weeks until January 1. 30 pounds to go. New year new me or a puddle of failure on the floor?

I am halfway to my goal. It took over five months to lose the first 35 pounds and I have 30 more to go. I had hoped to be at my goal weight by Halloween but I have extended that to New Year's Day 2023. 30 pounds in 16 weeks is roughly 2 pounds per week.

2 pounds per week is achievable and not unsafe or extreme but weight loss is all mental and my brain game falls apart every few weeks. I swear it is like my body and brain are fighting me on my goals. They want to keep the extra insulation because they know the Farmer's Almanac is predicting a colder than usual winter.

Anyone else in fear that 2022 is fast disappearing and that they might not reach their goals and finish the work they wanted to this year? I always try and wrap up every task and job I have been delaying (painting, cleaning, work tasks, personal goals) by December 31 so the baggage of the old year doesn't bleed in to the new year and weigh me down. The New Year represents new challenges and new goals and I want to start fresh at my goal weight.

Tips, tricks and inspiration wanted please! I only weigh myself on the first day of every month so I have to be down 8 to 10 pounds when I post in the SV/NSV post on October 1.

Edited to add: Thanks for the downvote!

submitted by /u/Canadasaver
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Back on this sub

I am a 24F who was previously on this sub over a year ago after losing 50lbs/22.6kg. After a few stressful months and 2 weeks of vacation I lost track of my eating habits I’m back on this sub with a goal of losing 10lbs/4.5 kg. All to say that weight loss is a journey and can fluctuate with other stressors in our lives and it’s okay to not stay at one maintenance weight forever. To all of you out there with your goals, let’s do this!

submitted by /u/loquacity25
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I stop people's comments from affecting my behaviour?

Thankfully I've been losing weight slowly for the last 8 weeks. During this time, I've gained weight and lost it haha, it's not been linear for sure. I've been eating less and walking more mostly every day.

Anyway, people have started to notice. In the last week, I've met with friends and family that I haven't seen in a while and everyone has commented. My cousin opened her front door yesterday and said 'have you lost weight?' before saying hello. I just lifted my shirt to show her the safety pin I had in place to stop my trousers from falling down! Haha.

Which is all great and lovely...but...I find that because I'm getting rewarded/praised, I want to do even better!

In other facets of my life, that is definitely how I get motivated, getting a good grade always makes me want to study harder, positive feedback at work makes me want to work get the picture.

This week on most days, I ate 500 calories or less. I went for a long walk every day to further increase the deficit. Mostly stayed full on the praise of people, water and chewing gum when things got rough. My scales have rewarded me. I don't want to do it this way, I want it to be sustainable and healthy.

Summary: Comments on my weight loss make me go into a bigger calorific deficit in an unhealthy way. How do I stop people's comments from affecting my behaviour?

EDIT: Ok thank you for the words of advice. I'm glad I am able to be aware of the issue and address it heads-on before it gets out of control!

submitted by /u/LA5E14
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Binge Eating

I can diet all day and do great! But when my children go to sleep, I am all alone and bored I always binge eat. I binge eat so much that I feel sick and terrible with myself afterwards. The worst part is I know it is unhealthy and I can identify the behavior as wrong. Somehow for some reason I "justify" my need to binge eat, almost tricking myself. I feel bad over eating but what I hate is the feeling of guilt knowing how wrong mentally it is to "justify" such an unhealthy habit. I started my weight loss journey at 211, I was able to lose 40 pounds. That was three months ago. I was able to curve the binge eating but all of a sudden it is returning. I am scared to gain more weight back that I worked so hard to lose.

submitted by /u/Red_Butterfly1212
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

i finally have something to push me to reach my gw and i’m hoping it’s enough to get me there

i’ve been on my weight loss journey since late january, but in my mind i didn’t actually start until early march because i had NO idea what i was doing in the beginning and had all my numbers wrong so i wasn’t getting any progress. since then, i’ve lost 35lbs. i know that’s a good amount of weight and i’m proud of myself for getting this far. but when i started, i wanted to be my goal weight by my birthday. and with my birthday being next month, it would be impossible for me to lose 50lbs by then. the reason i haven’t made more progress than i have is because i haven’t been consistent. i had a really good few months where i stuck to everything really good and was seeing results. i’m not sure why i fell off, but i did. i started bingeing and going over my calorie goals, but one thing im proud of is that i never gave up. i have woken up everyday and decided to try again. im finally starting to actually get back into things. (not just eat good for a few days and then fall back into binging) it feels good. i planned a trip for may of next year and i think that i can reach my goal by then. 50lbs in 8 months? that feels doable to me, but i’m not sure if i’m being overly optimistic. either way, i’m excited to actually be back on my journey and taking it seriously. i’m excited to get as close to my goal as possible before my trip. i think this might be what actually gets me to take this a lot more seriously and see big results. i’m hoping so!

submitted by /u/Most-Caterpillar7291
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from loseit - Lose the Fat