Monday, May 20, 2024

Easiest Lifestyle Changes to Start With?

Hi everyone! I’ve been a lurker on this sub for a bit, and it’s been great seeing people’s progress and support of one another! I am trying to begin my weight loss journey, but I am someone that needs to make small incremental changes over time, otherwise I set myself up for failure. My goal is to habit stack 2 things to start implementing and really prioritize those for a couple of months. Once I feel I have a handle on those, I plan on adding more. One thing to note is that I have a history of disordered eating and for my wellbeing, really cannot bring myself to count calories to protect my mental health (please do not try to change my approach on this, I’m doing what’s best for me in the long run). So long story short, I’m well-aware of CICO and am not looking for input about that.

So, that all being said, if you could pick just 2 lifestyle changes to start implementing that you felt really catalyzed your weight loss journey, what would they be? (Bonus points for the why/personal anecdotes!)

Thanks in advance!!

submitted by /u/f_laur_ida
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Alternate Day Fasting + Walking Success Stories?

Hey everyone! I’m just getting started trying to lose weight and I could use some inspiration.

About me: 5’8 female, starting weight 260, goal weight 140.

I’ve always been on the chubby side since I was a kid, but I gained a lot of weight when my mom died when I was in college. I’ve never been athletic, I hate working out, I rarely drink water, and I love terrible food. On the plus side, my weight has remained consistent for the last 5 or so years, so it’s not like I’ve been steadily gaining.

I’ve tried more than once to get myself on a weight loss kick, but I haven’t had the willpower. I want this time to be different, so I’m taking a different approach. I’ve started alternate day fasting, ditching my near daily sodas, and making myself hit 10k steps (as opposed to my ~2k average). I’m also obviously trying to eat a little bit more consciously on my eat days and adding in more substantial workouts, but the ADF, water, and 10k steps is the baseline I’m shooting for every single day.

I want to know if any of you have come from a similar lifestyle/stats and taken a similar approach, and how it has worked for you. Of course I’m sure making these changes can only help, but I’m the type of person who likes to have examples to work towards.

I know that healthy weight loss is around 2lbs per week, but obviously people with more to lose who are going from doing nothing to making pretty significant lifestyle changes will lose more up front. What were your results ~3 months in? ~6 months? 1 year?

Thank you all in advance! This seems like a supportive community and I’m hoping that with your insights, this will be the time I stay on track!

submitted by /u/Chance-Aardvark-5883
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Struggling with weight loss

So since March I decided to start my CICO journey in full, I looked at the maintenance for my weight( 5’5”, 200lbs) which was 2200 calories with me having a more sedentary lifestyle.

So I started by eating at 1400 calories, tried eating a good 3 meals, veggies and proteins, left room for snacks too.

2.5 months later and I’m still 200lbs. I even started exercising but instead I gained an additional 5lbs.

I can’t visit any doctors at the moment but weight loss wasn’t this hard when I was 180.

I wanted to lose some weight by summer but it seems hopeless. I really don’t want to do one of those fad diets like eating cabbage soup or drinking lemon water only but it honestly feels like I need to drastically decrease my calories more if I want to see any semblance of progress before August—before my next semester at school starts.

If anyone has any recommendations, tips or tricks for what I may be doing wrong or what I can add to help me lose weight I’d most thankful. I really want to get serious about my health.

submitted by /u/HentaiQueen0w0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Can someone help me calculate my macros?

Hi! So I am 5’5 155lb 25 yr old women who is looking to lose weight. I would like to lose 2 pounds per month, I know it’s a little extreme but I’m just gonna try without fully expecting it. With this goal, I have use Chat GPT to help arrange my weight loss plan. It helped me calculate my BMR which is 1509.58. With my exercise level I would multiple my BMR to 1.55, giving my TDEE of 2339.37 calories a day.

So, I need to go on a calorie deficit, let’s say 1000 calories, which will give me a daily caloric intake of 1339.37 calories.

With this in mind, I read that gaining muscle helps lose body fat so I want to eat the right amount of protein. The bare minimum apparently is 0.8 grams of protein for every pound of body weight. The minimum for me would be around 124 grams of protein. Obviously this is high for me! So I am calculating what to do with the rest of my macros.

I saw online and measured 28 grams of fat a day would be healthy, but then, this leaves me with 11 or so grams of carbs every day! Isn’t this pretty low? I tried Leto before and I could never go that low. So I need help adjusting my macros to ensure weight loss and that I am eating enough protein.

Help me figure out how many grams of fats and carbs I should have. Thank you!

submitted by /u/heartswellsz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Today I learned that weight loss completely changes the shape of your face…?

I have lost a lot of weight over the past year and a half or so—my highest was around 315 and I’m currently 208. I still have a ways to go, but I’ve just now reached a point where it’s noticeable to me. I just can’t get over the fact that so much of myself has changed, you know? When I first started losing weight, I assumed that I’d end up just looking like myself, but smaller. But yesterday I saw an old friend and they said that from far away they couldn’t tell if they were looking at me or someone else. Which I thought was CRAZY, but then I found an old selfie and compared it to a headshot I had taken 2 days ago—and it’s like someone took a totally different face and copy/pasted it onto my body. It’s almost like I have a different bone structure. My eyes are SO much bigger. It’s so weird.

Old photo on the left, new one on the right!

Have you experienced this same thing? If you’ve lost weight, what was the moment where you didn’t realize how much you changed?

Not gonna lie, part of me wants to lose more weight purely out of curiosity to see how I’ll look. 😂

submitted by /u/LaundryAndTaxes27
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Nearly 400LBS and Finally Started Losing Weight. How I've Started

TLDR; I've recently started a weight loss journey this year, as someone starting at 400lbs at 25 years old (M), and is seeing weight loss for the first time ever in my life. I thought to document how I started this journey, where my complicated relationship with food started, how far it went, what finally pushed me to start tackling my health, and what I did in order to lose the weight for the first time. The following link will be a google document of an 11-page breakdown of what the first part of my journey was like if anyone cares to check it out:

I figure there may a couple reasons someone may want to read this; someone might be in similar weight range looking to read that its even possible for them the way I found inspiration from posts here from people my weight showing me its possible. I also want to offer an open floor for curiosity for people who maybe arent in my situation but want to hear more about what life looks like in my situation (I included what my day-to-day food consumption looked like like pre-diet since I saw some genuinely curious people in old posts I saw wonder what it even takes to gain this much gain to begin with), but most importantly, I'm here just sharing a story i'm proud of. And this is probably one of the most hyped someone will ever be over losing less than 20 pounds, so if you take the time to read this I thank you a lot. I

submitted by /u/EggShellR
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to deal with weight gain shame?

Hey fellow redditors..

First time posting here. Sorry if I miss any guidelines or so.

My weight has fluctuated all my life, two years before COVID hit, I managed to lose a significant amount of weight without dieting just by establishing a different lifestyle. I added lots of veggies, focussed on fiber especially and got into weightlifting and walking. It felt natural and unforced. I was happy with my body for the first time in three decades. COVID really messed with that, but I managed best I could and only fluctuated maybe 10 pounds, which I was OK with.

For two years I have had enourmous stress both at work and in my private life and I have gradually gained maybe 30/35 pounds and completely dropped out of my weight lifting routine. I still walk a lot and I have a physical job, I do at least 15000 steps a day without trying. But I have a tendency to stress eat and coupled with a massive chronic lack of sleep I have been over eating and not had any energy left for going to the gym.

I had a couple of social events coming up and I have nothing to wear except for stretchy clothes and work clothes. I ended up skipping a big social event not only for that reason but for the main reason I am posting here. I am deeply ashamed of gaining this weight and not being able to change my lifestyle to lose it naturally again. I have been trying to go back to the gym and started to be more aware of when I am stress eating and changing that. Still, I cannot get back to my routine of lifting weights for 2 hours three times a week like I used to. I feel exhausted all the time. I wake up tired and without energy. Whatever energy I have left, I use to at least have a bit of a social life, as my work is very demanding with long hours and weekends worked often.

I am so frustrated, I feel like I cannot win here. And I am so ashamed of how I look. I dread meeting people who have not seen me in a while. The weight loss is really noticeable and even though I am aware that my friends and family love me for me and probably do not care a bit how I look, I am still ashamed and I feel judged even though they probably don't.

I have tried being kind to myself and be aware of the reasons for the weight gain and how it will hopefully change when my work situation and sleep situation changes but right now I cannot help feeling so ashamed for letting that happen. I envy people who lose weight when they are stressed. How do I deal with this? Any of you have experience with this and can give some helpful advice?

Thanks for reading and pls forgive any guideline violations!

submitted by /u/WaterLilyWaterLily
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