Friday, May 24, 2024

Relationship with food after weight loss

How are you guys handling it? Does it get better with time? I lost 80 pounds a few years ago and I’ve maintained but I’m still struggling to with the shifts I’ve had to make. Before weight loss I was unhealthy but had no food noise in my head. Now that I’m at a normal weight the trade off is the constant thoughts and worry and anxiety about food. Wishing for food I can’t have, being overly mindful of everything I eat all day and the caloric value of it, making social sacrifices because I can’t go out to eat constantly. Does it get easier?

submitted by /u/Accomplished-What
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, May 23, 2024

I used to struggle with weight loss so much, but I got out of my unhealthy relationship, and the weights coming off on its own

I always just thought I was a person who just loves food so that's why I ate all the time. I told myself I wasn't trying hard enough. That I needed to grind and force myself to lose weight. No mercy approach. Pure discipline. When I failed after a month I beat myself up every time.

I left my husband in November when he finally snapped and directed his anger at me and getting physical with me. I left immediately in a fright and went to live with my parents. The first change I noticed in being out of that environment was I suddenly slept through the whole night every night. Slowly other changes happened to me.

It's the end of May now and my appetite has completely dwindled away and I can only eat small portions now. I also don't really stop when I'm stuffed I stop when I feel satisfied. My cravings started coming up for fresher foods. I love fruit now. I'm enjoying cooking myself meals at home. Just for fun! I barely get fast food anymore. I can't remember the last time I craved for pizza or gummies or McDonald's. I'm dancing to the music at work cause I'm happy! I go outside and walk in nature just for fun and enjoy alone time because I'm happy. I'm totally looking forward to morning swims when the pool opens something that I used to love doing. None of these changes I had to force or grind at.

Hindsight being 20/20 I figured out that I was trying to fill the void of my needs not being met with food It wasn't that I wasn't capable enough, it's that there was an underlying problem of comfort eating as a coping mechanism that just wasn't going to go away until my mental health and life situation got better. Now that I'm happy and independent I don't have a void to fill anymore and I naturally gravitated towards a healthier lifestyle without thinking about it or trying to.

In December I was about 250lbs and now I'm nearing 230lbs. I'm still overweight and the changes are happening slowly. But I'm not feeling rushed or like I'm trying to lose as fast as possible or even like I'm paying super close attention to it like how I used to be in the times that I failed. It's more like I'm enjoying what's passively happening to me and I'm happy at whatever lighter weight I end up leveling out at.

I urge people who feel stuck in this loop of repeated failure and feeling not good enough to deep dive and figure out if there's mental health issues coming from life circumstances that you aren't conscious of that are setting you up for failure in the back ground.

submitted by /u/Ash_Friday_2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dominos anyone?

I've been on a weight loss journey for the past few months and have lost about 35 lbs by paying more attention to my nutrition. That does not mean cutting off everything "bad" just eating what I want in moderation and stay within my daily calorie budget.

That being said, i love Domino's but I always found it frustrating to calculate the calories and other nutritional info. So, I made a little tool for myself (I'm a jobless software engineer 😅). I figured someone else might find some use out of it so i made it a little prettier and made it public, It's called Calominos.

It basically lets you build your pizza just like on the Domino's site but gives you all the nutritional details right away. Super handy if you want to keep track of what you're eating without all the hassle.

Check it out if you’re interested: Calominos

Hope it helps someone else too!

submitted by /u/Bloody_yeti
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for a weight loss buddy

As the title says, I’m looking for a “weight loss buddy”, or even a group of people who are likeminded and feel as if having a buddy/group to hold each other accountable/share progress with would be beneficial to!

A little about me: I’m a 26 year old Canadian male. For the majority of my life I had been in pretty good shape, but during Covid 2020, I began gaining a lot of weight. A combination of moving out of my parents house (cooking less and eating takeout more), as well as staying inside much more due to covid has led to this gain in weight. I’m about 6 feet tall and weigh 260 pounds. I’m “lucky” that I carry my weight decently well, but it’s getting to the point where I genuinely feel fat 24/7 and looking at pictures of myself 4 years ago in comparison to now makes me feel ill.

If anyone would be interested in becoming weight loss buddy’s, male or female, comment on this post of DM me here on Reddit and we can exchange snapchats and start this journey. Summers here it’s time to make a change!

submitted by /u/United-Shape-4877
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


I will keep things brief lol. I am working with a physician-taking medication for weight loss and increased my activity levels and eating habits significantly. Since late January. I have lost 27lbs and I’m feeling good. But I had a shit romantic encounter and immediately started emotionally eating again. This is something I hadn’t done in YEARS. In response to this I continued to panic further, causing me to eat even more junk food, cookies, chips, fast food. Thus giving me zero useful calories to use for exercise. It genuinely feels like I’ve gained 10 lbs in two weeks. I’m terrified that I’ll never reach my weight loss goals and be in the 300’s forever (last I checked in at 323 lbs). Monday was the first day I started exercising regularly after ~3 weeks. I still haven’t kicked the sugar cravings but they are slowly going away. Im trying to remind myself that setbacks happen, welcome to being an human adult lol. But it’s been pretty discouraging.

Not sure what I’m looking for here, but wanted to post where j thought my situation would be relatable.

submitted by /u/Commercial_Bet5082
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

pros (and cons!) of being in a skinnier body

I (20F) have been losing weight for a year and a half and went from (5'8) 242lbs-165lbs. I am insanely proud of myself and all of you guys too. I have gone from Obese Class II to a healthy weight. Wow.

I have been discovering more about my body and my lifestyle. Things I'm now seeing for the first time in my life ever. I also want to hear your guys personal pros and cons. Mine are as follows:

Pros: - Can walk literally all day and no tiredness. I walk for fun because I just enjoy it now. Moving my body has been wonderful and I can do it in ways I never could before. - Since I hit BMI 26, I haven't gotten a single blister on my feet from walking. It makes sense because less strain on my feet and shoes, but I never expected it. - In that same vein, my shoes last longer without being worn down. - No more thigh chafing!!!!!! Even when I wear just a dress with nothing else. - My life is full of joy. It happened at the same time as the weight loss and I think partially because of it. - I crave going out more and I do so much more with my life. I also get drunk on less. - I crave fresh veggies more than I crave any other food. They make me feel great! - I see food as energy, and try to go on a walk shortly after I eat a big meal to explore how it feels to be properly energized by nutrition.

Cons: - My thigh gap is awesome. But, I try to lay stuff down on my lap as a force of habit and it falls through. I chipped my phone this way. - Sitting down HURTS. The floor, the seats at school, the bus, anything hard hurts me so badly. - My knees are bony and they now touch when I sleep on my side and that hurts. - I get cold easier, I get sick easier. I blame the calorie deficit for the latter. Does anyone else find they get sick more often in a calorie deficit? - I am finding my bones weird. Especially in my feet. Ew. - My shoe size and ring size have both shrunk. It is inconvenient lol. - My belly hurts for a day or two when I eat a big fast food meal now.

submitted by /u/sweetsugarbutterfly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trip to Italy in 4 months… don’t want to self-sabotage out of frustration

I’m trying to convince myself that yes, I can absolutely make a dent in my weight loss journey over the next 4 months if I consistently try. I’m 5’6” (44F) sitting at around 215 at the moment. Goal weight is 150 but obviously that will not happen by then. I really want to look and feel better for my trip. This is maddening and I have gone through this before, to the point of self-sabotage because I gave up when the date started getting closer and I hadn’t made the progress I’d wanted. I don’t want that to happen again.

Can anyone here relate? And….. if I’m being honest, I could use some words of encouragement (if that wasn’t already obvious).

submitted by /u/La_Reina_Rubia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat