Thursday, November 29, 2018

Discouraging vent

It is so discouraging sometimes. It seems like every time I have a maintenance day my weight spikes up a good 2-5 pounds and then for whatever reason takes a week or more to come back down. Why I don't know. This wasn't always the case, my weight would usually stay the same or go up a pound and come back off in a day. Lately though maintenance has been fucking everything up and it's really discouraging. I'm a 31/M/5'10.5/lowest weight 176 so my TDEE is about 1800. I eat 1500. I get 10,000 steps in about 4 times a week and if not then usually 7K which means I'm also burning several hundred calories on top of that yet my weight has only gone down about 1.7 pounds in the last month. October 28th I was 178.8. Yesterday I was 176 but I was also 176 on November 21. The day before Thanksgiving I ate at maintenance and then on Thanksgiving I ate my 1500 plus one plate of food (so I'm guessing like 3000 Max not too much, maybe not even that). It's taken me until yesterday to go back down to where I was before that. Yesterday I hit 10K steps by jogging so I figured I'd eat maintenance since I burned so many extra calories. Had 2 pieces of pizza on top of my 1500. Was exactly my maintenance. Today I'm up 2 pounds. I understand it'll come back off but the discouraging part is that no matter what I do it'll take another week or at least few days to recover from that. But Why? Because I ate 2 pieces of pizza?!??! That's insane to me. I also don't understand why my weight has come off so slowly despite the cardio I've been putting in. That's the most discouraging part more so than the maintenance spikes. I've only even been doing it because it's starting to get to the point in my weight loss where 1500 is not enough of a defecit for the rate of loss I want to achieve but despite my legs hurting or feeling tired from it it's like it's having 0 effect at all. Yes I am weighing foods correctly and logging them correct. I'm meticulous. I do seem to have a problem with constipation but that also feels irrelevant because when I do have a good day with that nothing seems to change the next day. Also I drink good amounts of water. I'm not looking for answers. Just wanted to express how frustrating this can be sometimes. It's a lot of work for very little reward sometimes and makes very little sense. The extra work in the cardio feels so pointless but what would happen if I didn't do it? Nothing?!?! Ugh.

submitted by /u/AnAlienFrom1955
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tips for petite women?

As a smaller woman with a relatively sedentary job, I have trouble sticking to a low cal nutrition plan, especially when my maintenance level is around 1500 calories. Now, I’m 5’1” and 128 lbs, so just a few extra pounds will bring me to the “overweight” section of the BMI (and I am definitely not a bodybuilder so I will assume the BMI is accurate for me).

I have extra fat on my stomach and thighs and could also benefit from general overall toning up, so I’ve started P90X3, which I’ve successfully completed before. I think it’s a good balance of weight training and cardio and the nutrition guide is IIFYM, which I love. I’m eating veggies, fruit, yogurt, protein powder, etc and tracking all my macros to hit them as best as possible. Are there any additional tips you can give me to be as successful as possible? I know weight loss is slow for someone of my stature, and I’m not going to weight myself for a few months since NSV are just as important. Should I incorporate more cardio or something? I just don’t want to overdo it and burn out, especially when I’m already not eating much.

submitted by /u/magnetsbitch_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Thursday, 29 November 2018? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel awesome and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

I think I’ve hit my weight plateau and now I’m falling backwards!

Hi guys! I am on my 2nd year of my weight loss journey and in the last 2 years I have lost about 16-17kgs. I started at 94kgs in 2016 and now I am 67-68kgs. My goal is 60-62kgs But for the last 8 months I’ve hit my plateau and no matter what I do my weight just seems to fluctuate between 67-68kgs. Without me even realising I have been giving my self a ‘pass’ almost everyday now to eat junk or eat out with the thought of just for today. I’ve also noticed I get super hungry mid day and with my stomach growling like a lion (very very loudly) so I tend to continuously much on something to not make the sound of my stomach heard. Does anyone else had experienced something similar? Any suggestions or ideas to help me get back on my healthy/weight loss path would be helpful!

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Yozora_14
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

One Year Later (NSFW for Scantily Clad Dude)

Hi, r/loseit! I keep telling myself that I'll post here one day when my weight loss is "done" and I look amazing but I figured out that there's no reason not to share now. Especially since it's been roughly a year. I've also found myself wondering about a few things that I'd like to hear your thoughts on.

Height: 6'0" SW: 230 CW: 157 Started in November 2017 so it's been a year!

Just a little background in case anyone is curious: I had been overweight my whole life. I owe a ton to this subreddit, as reading posts here is what got me curious about losing a few pounds. Thank you all so much for sharing your stories and pictures. Even though I never post, coming on here gave me a sense of community. Starting out, I tracked everything on MFP as recommended and kept my daily intake mainly around the high 1000's. (1600-1900) No special diet but I do my best to eat tons of vegetables and drink a gallon of water daily. I go to the gym 3-4 days a week.

A year later, I'm feeling better but I'm posting to remind myself that it's not over yet! I want to recommit to this and continue to put a lot of energy in to improving myself!

The thing I'm kinda stuck with now is shaping up. As you can see, I am quite "skinnyfat." I know the common advice is to build muscle so I do machines at the gym 3ish times a week but I have to admit I don't enjoy it at all. I would also ideally like to be slim and not flabby looking so I can't seem to put my heart in to building muscle. Do you think there's any way I'd shape up if I stick to a deficit and cardio?

Thank you all!!

P.S. Sorry if the speedo isn't your taste but I always wanted to try wearing one so getting it was definitely a NSV! Haha

submitted by /u/lettucegarden
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Thursday, 29 November 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feelin worthless after big weight loss

Hello dear community,

First of all I would like to thank you all for exsisting. Without this sub i would never lose 70 kilograms (140 pounds) and weight 68 kilograms as off this moment.

But, recently i began feeling worthless. Like im still a big ugly piece of lard that cannot do anything right. I started to cry every night because of that. (27m). Today is my 27th birthday, i have done nothing i thought i would have done by now. I got rejected by my tinder date, my girlfriend left me two months ago because i have a lot of body issues. My lose skin in the stomatch reminds me of failure every day.

I sincerely dont know what to do, i am insecure, i think im ugly and unattractive, im so vain it seems because it bothers me so much. Every night i need to spend one hour listening to music and crying before i can go to sleep. Slowly losing contact with my friends and I live like a pig. All of these things added up and I binged two large pizzas and vomitted afterwards because i make myself sick. I have started smoking again. I just feel worthless. Literally i cant think of one thing that makes me happy atm, except for the morning cigarette and coffee.

Was anyone in a similar situation and what do you recommend to do? Im thinking of seeing a therapist just want some advice from people who know whats it like to battle with obesity (and social issues it causes).

Thank you so mucu for reading.

Sorry for my english, i am from Europe.

submitted by /u/nhoyd
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from loseit - Lose the Fat