Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The elliptical has made me love cardio

I started my weight loss journey a bit ago (for those of you who are concerned with my first post I’ve upped my calories to 1800 so no worries) and going to the gym daily has been part of that.

Running has never been my friend, mostly due to asthma but now obviously because my weight as well.

Even back when I was in good shape I have never been able to run more than half a mile without stopping, because I did not medicate my asthma in anyway at the time.

This has made me shy away a ton from cardio and the thought of it was dreadful for all my years up until this week.

The elliptical allows me to choose a pace where I can keep my heart rate between 135-155 which is my aerobic training hr and now I can go for 3 miles straight without stopping (this usually takes me just under 40 min)

Bc I could never train cardio running even at a slow jog would raise my heart rate too much, I tried it again recently and I still couldn’t manage even a quarter mile before having to walk due to my weight and an asthma flare up (I was outside).

But now thanks to the elliptical I can train my cardio and progress my way to being able to run one mile as I lose weight and cardio has actually been somewhat meditative for me and has had a really positive impact on my mental and physical health in only a week of doing it every day!

Just for reference: Body weight: 377.6 Height: 6’5 (194cm rougly) Calorie intake before diet: 3000-5000 Calorie intake now: 1800 Workout schedule: 3 miles of elliptical daily and upper body weight lifting every other day

submitted by /u/TheFastestBonk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to loose weight over 40... Any advice?

I heard it is really hard to loose weight after 40...I turned 43 this year. I gained 50 pounds in the last 2 years, as the results of stress, pandemic, bad breakup and illness.

I finally found the courage to start my weight loss journey, which scares me quite a lot, I must admit..

I am more motivated than ever! Just found some super cute weight loss tracker online to helps me track my progress, I am now ready to start!!

Do you have any other advice for me on "how to loose weight over 40"?

submitted by /u/Mathilda18
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Something weird is going on in my neighborhood.

(Hope I flared this right)

So I'm going to come out and say it I live currently in the most obese state in the continental United States (I've looked up the stats once or twice) there are many factors as to why this is. General overarching culture, poverty, lack of education (this I think is the biggest and because of my husband's work I know that kids here can't do basic math in HS and lack many other fundamental skills they should have learned frankly it's deplorable and their school system should be criminal but I digress), and just general mental health issues here due to many of the above factors it's very sad.

So part of my weight loss has been that I walk on average 15k to 20k steps a day on top of going to the gym several times a week. As you can imagine I've gotten some really weird looks from my neighbors as the see me out doing laps around our apartment complex starting early in the morning and carrying on throughout the day. I wave and am polite to people but they do stare and it's kind of unnerving but that's what noise cancelling headphones are for and my podcasts. Anywho starting on Monday some of the other wives started joining me on my walks. First they lagged behind but today they saw me coming out of my back porch area so they joined me.

One of the wives mentioned well we see you out here everyday rain or shine and have noticed you've lost quite a bit of weight so we thought we would give it a try too. More the merrier is my motto but it's a little weird as I started this for myself and now I've got them asking me my "secrets" and how long before they see results. Honestly I was extremely overwhelmed as I'm not a super sociable person right off the bat with people, it takes me a minute to warm up to them. So any advice on how to tell them what I've learned without coming across the wrong way?

Like to me CICO is simple but I know it's not simple for everyone and I don't want anyone to get discouraged from improving their health because it may seem too complicated. Has anyone else ever had this happen?

submitted by /u/engagedandloved
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When your new high was your old low

I have been taking my weight loss super slow and have lost almost to 10 lbs since January. (5’6F SW 175lbs CW 164lbs). I have been tracking my weight through daily weighing and only looking at weekly averages, which have been nicely trending down in a sustainable way for the first time in my life. I just looked at my weigh-ins for this week and saw that my average is down a pound since last week, which is great.

But more importantly, the highest weight I’ve been for the last couple weeks, the number I’m looking at as my ‘bad moment’ is a number that I was ecstatic to see like 6 weeks before that. Taking a moment to realize that made me recognize that I’m on the right track. I am losing weight without thinking that hard about it, without starving, without depriving myself, and I am making real progress.

I just wanted to post this because the hardest part of weight loss for me has always been the mind games - the joy of success and the devastation of setbacks. If this is you, consider trying the weekly average weight tracking method. It obviously doesn’t make you lose weight, but it has really helped me to not give up after a few bad days. Because all that matters is the average of several days, so if I have a bad one, I can do better tomorrow. Particularly, as a person with monthly hormone fluctuations, I feel like this method allows me to better see my trends regardless of the cycle.

submitted by /u/helixhumour
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing muscle weight

I'm a male age 44, current weight is 176, BMI is 26 and I need to lose about 30 lb to get to ideal weight.

Recently I started one meal a day and it's working great. I'm running 3-6 miles per day as well.

The only thing I'm a little nervous about is I'm losing almost 1 pound every single day. I'm a strict 1500 cal max diet.

I feel fine, energy is good. But I'm worried that losing 1 pound per day might make me lose muscle and I don't want that to happen because it will make my legs weaker so I cant run as fast.

I have plenty of fat I need to burn, I'm not exactly skinny but does having rapid weight loss make me lose muscle mass too?

submitted by /u/platon20
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not losing enough weight in the past 2 months.

Hi guys,

I’ve started my weight loss journey beginning of February. Since then I’ve only lost about ~6 lbs.

I’ve been eating around 1300 calories a day and do weight training HIIT workouts 4-5 times a week. I’m also been doing 18-6 intermittent fasting.

I’ve been very consistent with it, maybe had like 1 or 2 bad days where I ate over 1300 calories.

So I don’t really understand why I’m not losing more weight. Given all of this I should losing around 1.5-2 lbs a week, but sometimes my weight doesn’t even budge in a whole week.

I thought that I was counting my calories wrong or something so I stayed under 1300, so if there are some discrepancies that would make up for it.

I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong, and what I should change. I’m gonna keep going because I’m committed to this, but it just seems like I’m doing something wrong. Any advice?

submitted by /u/kindaokayfornow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

losing/lost 200+lbs?

Hi everybody! So I'm interested to hear of anybody's experience/journey/tips/tricks to approaching a significant weight loss goal wether it's 100 lbs or 200 lbs. Right now I started losing weight at 370lbs and my ultimate goal weight is around 150 which I just realized is over 200lbs to lose. I'm already almost 50lbs down and super committed to doing it, but I just wondered if anyone else who has lost a considerable amount of weight like that had anything they could say about a long journey like that that might be helpful to me as I keep going?

Thanks so much!

submitted by /u/lambcow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat