Wednesday, November 15, 2023

I'm not as hungry anymore?

Hello All! I am embarking on my weight loss journey again. I just started a short while ago, but I have found a real change in my hunger cues. I am just not as hungry, I am not craving snacks and large amounts of food. I am actually okay eating much smaller portions and healthier options. I thought that I would feel deprived but I don't! I am wondering if it is because I am not bored at work - I am working several contracts that keep me super busy doing work that I enjoy. So maybe being busy is helping keep me from thinking constantly about food? I even managed to buy healthy foods and stick to my grocery list when I was stocking up today!

Anyway! I weighed in at 182 lbs today and I know that it is probably mostly water weight, but I am still really happy seeing the scale go down. My goal for 2023 was to get down into the 170s, and that feels totally possible right now.

I hope you all are having a great week!

submitted by /u/Elfprincess
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Upping my calories a bit after losing too fast. Feeling some apprehension.

Hey everyone,

Over the last two posts I wrote about how I was losing too quick. After observing my weight loss and determining it’s way too quick, I’m upping my calories from 1500 to around 1900. This is after moving from 222.5lbs to 180lbs in around 2.5 months as a 5’9” male that does an hour of cardio a day. It is stupid, but for some reason I fear that this will somehow make me gain a bunch of what again.

For the most part though, I understand that as long as I am still in a deficit then I will lose weight. Is there anything I should expect upping my calories? Any advice that would help? I appreciate it.

submitted by /u/Coopofchicken12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 30 lbs and clothes still fit.

I’ve lost 30 lbs. 253-223 lbs 5’5 F. And I’m still wearing all my same clothes. I haven’t needed to buy a single new thing!

My idea was to wear my clothes as long as possible on my weight loss journey to save money and not have to buy new clothes all the time. But I haven’t even needed to buy new clothes. All my stuff fits pretty much the same.

Either my clothes are shrinking or I am not!

When in your journey did you feel like you officially had to buy new clothes because the old ones were just way too loose?

submitted by /u/HotSeaworthiness286
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tdee calculator physical activity help please

Hii all

I'm not new to counting calories or anything like that, but have got to my goal weight and now desperately want to maintain and get more toned and look stronger.

Previously I just selected sedentary for my physical activity for the tdee calculators as I was just on a weight loss journey so don't really have a good idea of what my physical activity should now be. So could someone please help me understand which is the best physical activity to choose?

My week is usually as follows :

  • one 10-20 minutes aerobics YT videos every day (fitbymik low impact)
  • daily 1-3 of Lidia Mera's pilates vids for abs/ full body/ booty but usually only do the 10 minute ones and usually strive to do two a day
  • daily 10 minute fast paced dog walks
  • light daily house chores too

Ok I know I ain't all that active so my guess would be light active.. again just a guess so please be kind

submitted by /u/Latter_Finance_4024
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Just started, losing too fast

I had a rough several years in life and went from pretty unhealthy to really unhealthy. A medication I’m on recently for my mental health had a side effect of being an appetite suppressant, and my antidepressant is working better than usual, so I impromptu started to diet, mainly with calorie counting, more fruits and veggies, and exercising a bit. The “problem” is that the weight seems to be falling off way too fast. I started at 325 in early August, and am currently 282. Most of that loss (over 20 pounds) has been since I started taking the diet more seriously and been talking to some (much healthier but still dieting) friends for support and camaraderie in early-to-mid October. That’s just waaaaaaay over “two pounds a week”, but I’m not starving myself and I don’t feel constantly tired or anything.

Is this common? I’m trying to be healthy and practice good habits I’ll follow through with for the years to come and am kind of worried I’m either being terrible with the diet or am coincidentally sick with something to lead to weight loss that rapid. But then again, I have a ton to lose and I have heard you tend to lose faster starting out.

submitted by /u/Flimsy-Bluejay-469
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For the girls, about the girls

Like many, post weight loss (and breastfeeding), my chest became quite deflated/saggy. I had lost weight in my 20s and they got a little less firm, then after breastfeeding in my early 30s and losing 25lbs last year took a huge toll on them. I’ve been incredibly self-conscious of my chest and didn’t even like going shirtless in front of my husband. They were two empty sad sacks I could roll up and stuff into my bra.

I can now say a little over a year later I have noticed that they feel a smidge firmer and are improved in appearance. I’ve heard that when we lose weight it takes about a year for our bodies to redistribute our remaining fat around and now I’m a believer. Don’t ask me for any details on it since I’ve done 0 research into the phenomenon lol. I have gone topless in front of my spouse again which feels like a big confidence win.

So it gets better! And don’t be scared to lose it in the first place on the chance you’ll have saggy boobs. It’s still totally worth it, and give your body some time to recover, it might surprise ya.

submitted by /u/calliegirl88
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Macros are hard!

Hey all! 28/F/140lbs goal weight 135lbs

I’m on a bit of a workout/weight loss revamp. I’m active, lifting 2x a week, cardio 3x a week, and light Pilates on my days off. Currently aiming for below 1500cals a day 130g protein/80-100gcarbs/30-50g fat. Does this sound realistic?

My goal is to tone up as working from home over the past 3 years has really taken a toll on my body. I’ve recently started a new job where I’m outside and moving all day which is amazing and really trying to get in my workouts before my workaday starts. I also have my honeymoon in March I’d love to feel confident in resort wear!

submitted by /u/One_Distribution_232
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from loseit - Lose the Fat