Saturday, January 12, 2019

Why have I done this to myself.... Again!! I am crushed.

Well reddit here I am again for the 2nd time in 3 years wondering why I allowed myself to do this..... early summer I hit my goal weight of 170lbs then I met the love of my life and got comfortable.... I managed to put back on 90lbs over a 7 month period and I am absolutely disgusted with myself. I am happier in life than I have ever been but then I catch a glimpse of my self in the mirror or feel the tightness of a shirt and I just want to break down and cry.

Well Today is day 1 of my new journey and I had to make this post to hold myself accountable to this final life change!! Today I break the cycle forever!! Meal prep for the week is done, joined a gym today and started their weight loss challenge.

I am sure I am not the only one out there looking to get started again!!! Well today is the day, stop telling yourself you will start tomorrow or start next week that is what I have been doing since November!! START NOW!!!!!

Now imfatfatfat once more.....

submitted by /u/imfatfatfat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A fat girl mind

Hi loseit, I've seen lots of posts and comments recently discussing the mental aspects of losing a large amount of weight and decided to make a post about something that's been bothering me.

It seems like I don't look like a fat person anymore, but inside, I don't feel any different. I'm starting to notice all kinds of automatic behaviours I've developed during my years of being obese.

Mortified of being The Fat Girl, being noticable wherever I go, every minute I'm trying to counteract the prejudices I'm expecting others to have. Being extra nice and likeable, almost subservient: please don't hate me because I'm fat. Always looking my best no matter if I'm just taking out the trash: please don't think I'm sloppy. Walking extra fast, working extra hard: don't think I'm lazy because I'm fat. Always trying to take up less space, keeping my head down, not being too loud, being inconspicious in every way: please don't notice me. This is where "getting compliments on weight loss is horrible" comes in, too.

But every time I behave this way, I'm enforcing my own feeling of being worth less than others, not being worth attention or affection. No one should feel this way actually, regardless of body weight.

What are your experiences with this? Do you know what I mean? Does it get better by itself? What are ways to work on this feeling? Losing weight has NOT changed ANY thing about it so far.

submitted by /u/nhove
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Have been looking around here for a while and have been really impressed by the stories so I thought I'd share a minor one of my own.

I've been struggling with weight loss for a while. I was doing well when I was moved back in with my parents a couple years ago after a job in another state ended. Having healthy home-cooked food was very helpful and I did lose about 20 or so pounds. However after I moved out again, the backslide started. When left to my own devices I didn't make good choices and now am realizing the gravity of the situation.

Lately I have been sticking to a habit of smaller portions and an trying to transition those portions to healthier foods as I attempt to cook for myself more often. But that's not what I want to say....
Today i went on a walk for the first time in a long time and I didn't stop!

I'm very proud of myself and it thanks to the encouragement in the little things you all show each other .

submitted by /u/themagicforloop
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying to beat the blues

Sorry but this is mostly just a rant.

My whole life has been a battle with food and my weight. About two years ago I was doing a lot better and making healthier choices. I lost a lot of weight but slowly gained it all back. I know I can lose it again and I've been working on my diet and exercise, but for me I can easily be defeated. I hate it. I sort of spiral into self destruction mode.

A few minutes ago I was out on a walk around my apartment when a stranger approached me to tell me I wasn't trying hard enough. He said he was a physical therapist and that my posture meant I was not doing any real work.

I was shocked an my mind just went blank. I didn't say anything and he just smiled and told me to try harder and then left. I know it's something so small and silly and I should have laughed him off but no, here I am, venting on the internet.

I am ashamed I let some stranger ruin my walk, so I'm going to go back out there and walk again.

Hopefully by the end of the year, I'll be posting weight loss pictures on this subreddit instead of rants.

submitted by /u/strangelinkage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can't give up!

Here to give an update.

Highest Weight : 265 lbs. (2 years ago)

Current Weight : 231.5 lbs.

Goal Weight : 160 - 170 lbs.

I started this journey a couple weeks ago on December 26th, and posted about my progress for the first week or so 11 days ago.

  • I had reached 228.4 lbs at the beginning of this week (January 7/8) (*now back up to 231.5)
  • BUT my boyfriends' birthday was the 10th...long story short I've cheated my way out of ketosis by allowing myself to eat goodies at every meal for the past 3 days. Quite a few times of eating out as well as a 'celebration' meal for an interview I had yesterday for a really great job opportunity.
  • Regardless of all the posts and pick-me-ups about cheating and how it's not a deal breaker, I FEEL LIKE A GUILTY PIECE OF SHIT. I know it's not a huge deal and I'm planning to jump right back in by fasting today, but I felt like I was doing great, getting so strong. I did decided to consistently measure ketones over the last couple days while my nutrition was off (kinda as a test of "fuck it, I'm going down anyway, let's see how far I could push adding carbs back in"), and they really weren't affected much by the first day I was eating more carb-heavy foods. Ketones really started dropping off by the end of the second day of cheating, and with testing this morning I'm almost complete depleted.
  • They say you eventually develop a mind set of "ehh, cheating with those french fries/chocolate cake/potato chips really wasn't worth it. But lemme tell ya, those damn Olive Garden breadsticks were most definitely worth it. I've come to the realization through these last few days that ya gotta live your life and I shouldn't look at it as a mistake and how I ruined myself, but that I'm allowing myself to enjoy an occassional treat (however, I shouldn't have let it last 3 days...).
  • I've found it really difficult to stay hydrated which is why I think I'm not seeing the weight loss I expected. I literally just don't even think about drinking water even when it's sitting beside me the entire day, 12 inches from my face until I'm dying of thirst. I don't know, it's like if I'm not craving it, it makes my throat feel weird and I kinda gag. I know, strange!
  • Also been pretty bummed about the exercise part of losing weight. I continually pay a gym membership, yet never go. I have a dog who loves to go on walks, and I used to, except it's cold and dark when I get off of work and I never feel like going out when I get off of work.
  • Additionally, where the fuck is the energy you're supposed to have? I mean, I know it's only been a few short weeks (and now I have to restart), but I never gained anymore energy and was just as tired as before I began keto. Does it take months or what? Because that's one of the main reasons I had interest in the keto lifestyle.

Here's to a keto, round two. May the odds be forever in my favor.

submitted by /u/abedwell
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

28F, 427lbs - I was disgusted by this photo of me over Christmas, so my weight loss adventure begins here!

Hey Guys!

I may as well introduce myself because I plan on being active here :) I'm Chloe, and THIS is the photo that has sparked my motivation for weight loss. I'm 427lbs right now (at 5'7") - and I've gained weight steadily since I was at University. When I was 18 I was around 190lbs, and I was happy with how I looked back then. I've never been super skinny, but I was happy in my own skin. It's obviously super depressing to compare the two 10 years apart, but I can't take back the bad decisions I've made and the life I've lived in that time, so I may as well start somewhere - better late than never!

Anyway, my goal is to be 350lbs by Christmas. It's a somewhat conservative goal I know, but I'm expecting some losing battles along the way. I am a food addict, and have been all my life. I used to be able to get away with it mostly because I lived with my parents who limited access to constant food, and was very active when I was younger too.

I'm going to achieve this 99% through diet at the moment, I want to get a base level of fitness before I go to the gym and exercise. I'm cutting out takeaways completely. Cutting out biscuits, chocolate, sweets - completely (for now). I'm eating 4 small meals per day with minimal carbs.

For my future reference (and yours of course) when I am lacking motivation, I'm going to think of these things I am looking forward to when I'm not so heavy:

  • Not being out of breath all the time. It isn't normal to get out of breath talking for more than 5 minutes Chloe...
  • Being able to talk and walk at the same time!
  • Not having to panic thinking about whether or not I'm going to be able to fit in the booth at the restaurant, or the seats on the plane, or in my friends car!
  • Not having that awkward conversation about "have you thought about losing weight" with my doctor *every* time.
  • Being able to have my blood pressure taken on a normal machine, not one built for fat people. (This happened the other day. Super embarrassing.)
  • Clothes shopping like a normal person.
  • Not having a deathly fear of stairs.
  • Not feeling like my head is going to explode when I bend down to put on my socks and shoes.
  • Being able to walk around a shopping mall, town centre, party venue, anywhere - without having to sit down after a while because my legs and back hurt.

I don't take life too seriously, but above all I am looking forward to a happy, healthy and hopefully long life. I'd like to have a family of my own one day, and I need to be properly able bodied mentally and physically before that can happen.

Let's go!!!!!

TL;DR, I am fat. I want to be not fat.

submitted by /u/Elegant_Anxiety
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Where were the unsolicited opinions on my health when I actually needed them?

I got in a disagreement/fight/tense discussion with a close friend last about health and my weight loss and it’s still getting to me.

We got onto the subject of what things can be measured to evaluate health and I was pointing out that research shows waist circumference and body fat percentage are good indicators of health (risk for diabetes, heart disease blood pressure issues etc.) She was saying things like “well if that’s what you think” and “I guess if those things work for you but it doesn’t really matter”. She was discounting medical consensus as nothing more than opinion. She was also expressing that I didn’t need to lose weight and I shouldn’t keep losing weight. She’s seen pictures of me at my heaviest (when I was classified as obese) and said the same thing. “You looked fine!” “You didn’t look overweight.” “There’s no way you weighed 220.”

I understand that my friends experience with health and weight has been very different than mine. (She was on the underweight end of the spectrum in high school due to an autoimmune disease and now she’s a healthy weight. I’ve been overweight since age 17 until this year.) I just imagined having her own struggles would make her more understanding, not less.

I’m just frustrated that the entire decade of my adult life that I was unhealthy, unfit, and not in control of my health, nobody would recognize it or suggest I focus on my health. Now that I have worked for a year towards a totally reasonable and goal with consistent success, people feel comfortable telling me about weight loss and what to do with my body. The same people that weren’t worried about me being overweight are the ones who are apparent experts on health now and think I’m doing something wrong.

submitted by /u/AlwaysRoundDown
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from loseit - Lose the Fat