Saturday, January 12, 2019

Where were the unsolicited opinions on my health when I actually needed them?

I got in a disagreement/fight/tense discussion with a close friend last about health and my weight loss and it’s still getting to me.

We got onto the subject of what things can be measured to evaluate health and I was pointing out that research shows waist circumference and body fat percentage are good indicators of health (risk for diabetes, heart disease blood pressure issues etc.) She was saying things like “well if that’s what you think” and “I guess if those things work for you but it doesn’t really matter”. She was discounting medical consensus as nothing more than opinion. She was also expressing that I didn’t need to lose weight and I shouldn’t keep losing weight. She’s seen pictures of me at my heaviest (when I was classified as obese) and said the same thing. “You looked fine!” “You didn’t look overweight.” “There’s no way you weighed 220.”

I understand that my friends experience with health and weight has been very different than mine. (She was on the underweight end of the spectrum in high school due to an autoimmune disease and now she’s a healthy weight. I’ve been overweight since age 17 until this year.) I just imagined having her own struggles would make her more understanding, not less.

I’m just frustrated that the entire decade of my adult life that I was unhealthy, unfit, and not in control of my health, nobody would recognize it or suggest I focus on my health. Now that I have worked for a year towards a totally reasonable and goal with consistent success, people feel comfortable telling me about weight loss and what to do with my body. The same people that weren’t worried about me being overweight are the ones who are apparent experts on health now and think I’m doing something wrong.

submitted by /u/AlwaysRoundDown
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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