Sunday, January 27, 2019

I took 2 back to back "cheat" days unintentionally and I guess seeing how I bounce back will determine my willpower and is one of my first real tests in this process

Thursday morning I was 196.4 and Sunday morning I was 201.2


I didn't plan on having any cheat days this weekend but hey, shit happens. This may come as a surprise but pitchers of beer, the munchies, and 3 am pizzas are NOT the secret to weight loss. I know most of this is water weight because 5 pounds of fat is 17,500 surplus calories and I really don't think I ended up there. It'll probably just be a day or two until I sweat all this weight off but man it's a punch in the face to see the number go back into the 200's after falling out of them.

Hopefully my next post here will be when I hit 190 and I buy myself the body analyzer that I set behind my goal of 190 lbs!

submitted by /u/Freakyoudude
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight with Lymes

I have 2 main questions, and I explained my problems farther down. Thanks in advance :)

How do I motivate myself to eat healthy when i get sick no matter what I eat?

And how do i eat a healthy when all the carb stuff is what is easiest on my stomach, and the the carb stuff I can eat (gluten free) is soo expensive?

I have Lymes disease (have for about 7 years, diagnosed 1 year ago) and am on TONS of medications. I have horrible stomach problems from the antibiotics and IV’s. I also have autoimmune reactions to food and am not supposed to eat gluten, any grains (except rice and corn), cows milk, cheddar cheese, or peanuts.

So I’ve been trying to do the Keto Diet as it’s inherently grain free. But here’s the issue, my stomach is not handling the high fat, protein rich foods well at all. I’ve lost 8.5 lbs in 3 weeks but also everything I eat goes straight through me... it’s hard to eat healthy when the “healthy”food makes me sick too. The carb food like crackers, and such doesn’t make me as sick. But also low carb was kind of the goal for this year. I don’t want to give up on weight loss, but I’m also not making it to my college classes, and I’m scared to leave the house cause of how sick I get.

submitted by /u/ChemEngecca
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I went back to the gym for the first time in a month and a half!!

And damn did it feel good. My MO with gym memberships has alway been to go maaaaybe 2-3 times and then make excuses for months, wasting money, until I’d finally cave and cancel my membership.

This time around I invested in a personal trainer for 6 months, which really helped me get familiar with the gym and the equipment. I didn’t see a ton of weight loss during this time as I wasn’t doing cardio and wasn’t going to the gym outside of my training sessions.

Well, my training sessions ended mid December and of course without the accountability I stopped going. My excuse was initially the holidays, and then how busy the gym would be in January. Yesterday I ignored all of my excuses and went to the gym. I started slow, doing a light ab day and some cardio, but it felt really good to be back.

Just thought I’d share that I’m slowly breaking old cycles. I know going back once does not necessarily mean that I’ll go back again, but it’s one step in the right direction and sometimes that’s all it takes. If you’re in the same boat as me, make a deal with yourself to go back just once. Don’t plan to go 7 days a week right off the hop, because I personally find that very intimidating.

If you have any tips or tricks for me (I.e. getting more comfortable at the gym, any cool exercises or workout routines) I’d love to hear them!

submitted by /u/lord-of-the-elves
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How accurate is YOUR fitness tracker calorie burn based on your Lose It! calories in and weight change over time?

First things first, this is a question I am asking out of academic curiosity. And I understand that the reliability of data is dependent on a number of factors, likely the most significant of which is how accurately people are logging their calories in Lose It. Another big issue is that it doesn't account for rapid water/glycogen loss at the beginning of a very low carb diet. So there are a lot of limitations to this "study".

With that out of the way, I'd be interested to hear the following data from people who are willing to submit it:

  1. What fitness tracker is estimating your calories burned
  2. Average estimated calorie burn per day
  3. Average calorie intake per day in Lose It!
  4. Average weight change per day in lbs
  5. Total number of days of data included above

So for me, it would go like this:

  1. What fitness tracker is estimating your calories burned: Fitbit Charge 3
  2. Average estimated calorie burn per day: 3713
  3. Average calorie intake per day in Lose It!: 836\*
  4. Average weight change per day in lbs: -0.85
  5. Total number of days of data included above: 51

\I have been on a medically-supervised very low calorie diet*

Based on my data shown above:

Assuming pure fat mass (FM) loss (3500 kcal/lb), my expected average daily weight loss would be (836-3713)/3500, or 0.82 lbs, which would suggest that Fitbit was overestimating my calorie burn by ((0.85-0.82)/0.85)*100, or 3.5%.

Assuming 75% FM loss and 25% fat-free mass (FFM) loss (average 2719 kcal/lb), my expected average daily weight loss would be (836-3713)/2719, or 1.06lbs, which would suggest that Fitbit was overestimating my calorie burn by ((1.06-0.82)/0.85)*100, or 28.2%.

If I exclude my first week on the diet where I lost a lot of water/glycogen weight, I come up with 17.1% overestimation of calorie burn assuming pure FM loss vs 41.3% assuming 75% FM and 25% FFM loss (data not shown).

If anyone else is willing to submit the 5 data points above, I'd be happy to do the calculations for you. Most fitness trackers will answer Questions 2 + 3 for you. Question 4 can be calculated by dividing your total weight change by the number of days total between the starting and endings weight.

submitted by /u/amin4791
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1200kcal are not plenty to me... I have to slow down

Hi fellow losers,

today it feels to me like I'm doing a bit of a back step but probably it isn't.

I have lost a bunch of weight during the last 6,5 month. About 74lbs so far. And it feels really good. My eating habits have improved a lot, I have mostly stopped eating my feelings and for the first time in my live I seem to develop normalish eating patterns. I've been looking forward to break the 100kg limit in winter (which are just about 2kg less). I wanted to reach a BMI unter 30 as fast as possible.

I can be very disciplined and I normally expect a lot from myself. In fact I'm seeing a therapist to learn to understand that I'm not just my accomplishments. Since I'm only "allowed" 1200kcal to move on on this pace this weight loss journey is turning from "I treat myself much better" into "I have to fight myself hard to accomplish this next step as fast as possible". I'm struggling daily and feel extremely restricted. Even more than I am in fact because the difference to 1500kcal is not that big. But it's stressing me out to be always on the edge of too much. I'm frustrated to pass on even actually healthy foods and normal meals during the day.

So today I decided so slow down and change my goal to a pound per week. I even thought about maintaining for a while to break this fear of food pattern which slowly is slithering into my mind but I still need to end being morbidly obese as soon as possible which means to lose another 15lbs before I can do that. I will not chance what I eat, I plan to stay low carb for the rest of my live, just how much.

Yes, that's mildly interesting at most but nothing I would usually do, I would just push harder and harder and that is apparently also a pattern I need to break. Cutting myself some slack...

Tldr: Getting a bit obsessive while staying at 1200kcal, decided to slow down.

submitted by /u/majorburden
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stop and look at what you achieved and shut up your brain

I've lost 15 pounds since the beginning of November 2018, went from 171 to 156 this morning. Of course, the majority of it was lost during the first month, and now the loosing process is more of a fluctuating back and forth.

But I just couldn't accept it. I thought at first — well it's just water weight. Or the glycogen in muscles that my body lost since my no carb diet. It doesn't matter. You fit in those pants without squeezing your love handles? Well that's because you were just on your period, and we know how the weight drops after the period because the body stopped retaining water.

Just as in the past, when I was looking for excuses to NOT lose weight, I began to look for excuses to NOT COUNT this as a weight loss.

Then my parents saw me and told that I lost a lot of weight. My sister told me that I visibly skinnier. I checked my notebooks and diaries from several years ago, and I am the lightest right now in the past 3 years. Maybe, my weight loss is small in comparison to great results I saw in this sub, maybe I wasn't that heavy to begin with, but goddamn, why cannot I compliment myself for achieving the weight I didn't have for 3 years?

When I was fat, I used to tell myself "it's temporary, I used to be skinny so I'll get back to skinny one day" and kept eating, eating. I became fat, like with real overweight BMI. I told myself "well some of it's weight is muscle since I work out pretty heavy" sure bitch but you aren't lifting much bigger weights now than when you were skinny, so most of this extra weight is FAT.

The brain works in funny ways. It does everything to persuade me to stay the same, to do nothing. I was fat and I saw it — the brain looked for excuses or at least, a delay in weight loss. I am getting skinnier and I clearly see it in the mirror and on the scales — and the brain tries to convince me it's not real, or that it's temporary, or that it's the days of the cycle when I am the lightest. Jesus brain. Shut the fuck up and accept that I did lose weight, and that I still have a lot to go and I will do it because I can.

submitted by /u/olesiafesiun
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What am I doing wrong? Working out 5-6 days a week, eating better, not losing.

Hey all, tldr at the bottom cause this is kinda long.

As the title says, I’m feeling really discouraged right now.

Let me preface this by saying, I know weight loss takes time. However, I normally see results relatively quickly when I start working like I have, but I’ve changed my approach a little for sustainability and I want to see what you guys think.

25f, was 210 when I started all of this two weeks ago.

My friend and I wanted to start getting serious about our health again, so we decided to start focusing on eating right and exercising. Namely, weightlifting.

I love lifting. It’s so nice to accomplish something so early. Here is the routine we’ve been following 4 days a week:

Warm up~ 5-10min

Weight lift (we do legs/shoulders, back/biceps, and chest/triceps, repeating 1 whichever day we started with)

Stretch, cool down.

On the days we’re not weightlifting, we have 1 solid rest day a week, and the other two days are cardio/abs.

Now previously when I tried weight loss and saw pretty good results, I incorporated much more cardio. But I thought maybe my deficit combined with the weightlifting would cover that because I just get super bored with cardio normally, unless I can catch a yoga or dance class.

Now for deficit:

I calculated my TDEE, and it’s 2,657 for moderate exercise (3-5 days a week). I also cut 7000/wk so I’m eating around 1650/day and don’t generally eat back the work out calories.

Now, I weighed myself this morning (albeit after a heavy pasta day yesterday, for a “eat back calories” day but didn’t go crazy) and measured myself.

I have gained two pounds, and my measurements are essentially the same. The only place I’ve lost anything is about an inch in my belly.

I do have a protein shake on weightlifting mornings along with breakfast, so maybe that’s causing something?

I’m incredibly frustrated! So I’m reaching out for help. Should I add more cardio? Change up the routine? I’m at a loss, or maybe just being impatient.

TL:DR-believe I’m doing everything I should be for the most part-eating in deficit and weightlifting/ exercise-but not seeing any results. What can I change?

submitted by /u/zegora_anora
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from loseit - Lose the Fat