Monday, February 4, 2019

Should I start exercising, or give it some time?

Hey guys,

So I started my weight loss journey about a month ago now, and it's being going well so far. I've seen a dietitian, and I've cut out all soda, junk food, etc and I'm on a low carb diet. I started weighing myself just recently, so I'm not sure exactly how heavy I was at the start, but roughly 2 weeks ago I was 243 kgs (535 pounds) and now I'm down to 238.4 kgs (524 pounds).

I'm definitely sticking to the diet, but I was wondering, should I start going to the gym and exercising now, or at this weight, is it better if I stick to my diet and then start working out as I become smaller? Would it help me lose weight faster, or would it just help with my energy levels in general (I can't walk very far without becoming tired, would cardio help with that?).

My dietitian hasn't mentioned exercise and has just focused on my diet for now, but I'm pretty motivated to get healthier, I'm just not sure how viable it is at this stage.

Thanks for the help!

submitted by /u/21Sausagae
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, February 3, 2019

I was Jabba the Hutt. Now I'm just a lil chubby

Hello everybody. I hit a milestone in my weight loss earlier this week, and I really don't have a lot of people to share this with, so I just wanted to talk about it somewhere and maybe others might gain a little something from it

Basically I've been dealing with depression for a while, and whenever I'd get extra depressy I'd start eating away the pain. And as I gained weight, the more depressed I became, the more I ate, etc etc. Basically a year long spiral of that kinda turned me into Jabba the Hutt without me realizing it. After that before pic (245), I actually kept on gaining until I hit 259 on Christmas, but that's the earliest pic I could find because I was so embarrassed with myself I immediately removed any photos of me that had been posted.

I remember seeing 259 and basically feeling like I'd fucked my life up beyond repair. I'd always rode a rollercoaster with my weight, but it was always up and down 10-20 pounds every now and then, and nothing like this. It was a helpless, sunken feeling. At that point, I had been so disgusted with myself that I was miserable 24/7 and I knew it wasn't the only answer, but the weight was a big part of what was fueling my depression. So away we started

I was way too embarrassed going to the gym with a lot of people around, so I found a 24/7 gym and started going at 1 at night. Most of the time, I was the only one there at that hour, and if there were other people there I'd just drive around until they were gone. The stationary bike became my best friend for a few months since I couldn't do much else, and I confined myself to a 1600 calories/day. About 5 months later, I was at 215 and I kinda stayed there for a while because I felt content. I guess after what I had lost, I felt skinny again. But that didn't last long, and reality set in that I was still significantly overweight, so I began again.

At 215, I started going to the gym 6 nights a week, I'd go at 1 AM and get in 3 AM, while maintaining 1600 calories a day. The extra calories I burned through cardio I counted as a bonus and didn't factor that into my 1600. I did this for 4 months, and as of a few days ago, I was 179.7, but I'm gonna round that back up to 180 after the pizza celebration I had.

And now, I kind of feel the same way as I did at 215. I'm pretty content, but I know I'm still kinda flabby and out of shape so I need to keep going. 180 was my goal for a very long time, but now that I'm here, I think 160 I'll finally be able to feel like myself again. Thanks a lot for reading anyone, and if anyone has any questions about anything that I found worked for me, feel free to ask!

submitted by /u/Kttulu
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[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Monday, 04 February 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else struggle with their diet?

Hi there! I’m trying to start this whole weight loss thing, and want to lose about 20 pounds. I’ve exercised before somewhat regularly and enjoy it quite well, so I’m confident I can successfully start up an exercise routine. I love working out and I’m excited to try it some more. But diet is something I’ve always struggled with, mainly because I’ve never been able to stay within moderation. I’ve tried calorie counting and limiting desserts and carbs, and at one point I tried cutting out sugar entirely. (This ended with me eating a whole bunch of sugar after less than a week). I’m not really looking for a crash diet at this point. I’m looking for a way to change the way I eat so that every time I do eat junk food, it doesn’t go overboard.

Generally for me, sugar is the culprit (I’m low key addicted) and once I start I usually only stop when my stomach can’t handle more. I know, it sounds bad. Typing it is making me realize how bad it sounds. The way my family has always eaten never suggested moderation. Having a couple cookies every day while they exist, and repeating with every other snack or dessert that enters the house, is kind of how we do things and always have.

This is a lot longer than I thought it would be. Basically, I’m a very all or nothing person when it comes to controlling my diet, and more often than not I end up giving to cravings without thinking of the long term consequences. Do any of you have some advice on how to handle this? Thanks so much!

submitted by /u/biohazardhoe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tips for staying full on 1500 calories?

I’m normally a fan of eating as much as you can get away with and staying as active as possible, because that’s an enjoyable and painless way to lose weight. I did it that way years ago, and kept it off until recently. Suited me, because I’ve always had a big appetite, and hard cardio both curbed it and gave me a buffer.

After fours years maintaining, I regained it (multiple injuries; new relationship)

I now want to lose at a quicker rate (1-2 lbs a week) because knee pain is making me miserable, and weight loss is the best thing for it. (Will need a knee replacement, but am holding off on that as long as poss.)

I can’t do intense cardio anymore, and don’t have that appetite suppressing help. (Also can’t do lower body lifting.)

So I have to find a way to do this with food alone. I want to stick to 1500 calories. (Have never eaten less than 1800, and as I say that was fine, recommend it to others who can wait a bit, I actually lost 60 lbs that way and didn’t bat an eyelash.)

What are your tips for managing hunger?

I’m eating lean protein and high-fiber carbs, and watching fats. Not drinking my calories. Taking a fiber supplement for other reasons (TMI) and that is helping somewhat, weirdly. This is getting me to 1800. I want to shave 300 off that.

What little tricks do you use to get those calories down and feel full? (Apart from “getting used to hunger and ignoring it” because that 100% doesn’t work for me. Can’t sleep, can’t focus, can’t function, nope nope nope)


submitted by /u/Pigeonofthesea8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost myself

Hello all. I am new to this sub and I hope I can get some tips/inspiration from it.

Around a year and half ago, I decided to start my weightloss journey and it turned out really well. I lost around 30 kg in a year and I was almost satisfied when it came to my appearance after the weight loss (in my mind I needed to lose maybe another 5-10kg). So a few months ago, I started to eat again and I stopped working out. I’ve gained almost 15 kg back and I am absolutely heartbroken about it. I really lost myself in the process of losing my ex bit by bit and I just let loose and found comfort in food and basically just being lazy all around.

The thing is, my sister is likely to get married around August this year and I really want to look my best by then. I’ve attempted to diet again two weeks ago and I just cannot seem to have enough discipline to stick to it. I know exactly what works for me when it comes to dieting and working out (I do low-carb + 4 gym days a week where I do mostly weight training) but it’s not working.. even though I know I must put in the work now if I want to have the body I want by then.

So my question is, do you guys ever struggle to get back on track after letting yourself go for a while? And if so, how do you get yourself back on track? What motivates you? What kind of diet do you easily stick to when you just start your diet? All suggestions are very much welcome!!

submitted by /u/xiyarmast
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just got a gym membership and I have no idea where to start....HELP!

My stats - 29 / F / SW 367.2 lbs / CW 350.8 My husband's - 30 / M / SW 470 lbs / CW 440 lbs

My husband and I are just joined the YMCA. As you can see, we are very large. We joined to help our weightloss journies along, our problem is we have no idea where to start. I know how to use the machines, and the weights but I'm at a loss to design a program for us. I was on swim team in my teens, so I definitely will be swimming laps, but I just don't know other than that. We don't want to just go and work out willy nilly, we want to have a structured program to follow. We aren't focusing on muscle mass at this point, just weight loss. Once we've slimmed down some, we will add muscle building. Any ideas?

submitted by /u/NovaStarchaser
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from loseit - Lose the Fat