Monday, August 31, 2020

What are your weird/ less talked about weight loss tips? Here are mine.

I went from 112kg to 69kg in 8.5 months and I'm 6'1. I have maintained for 4 months now. I still do a lot of these to maintain.

• first tip is to drink water all the time. Well, not all the time, but when you feel hunger coming on it's possible to suppress it just by filling your stomach with water. I love cold water, so I always keep ice in the freezer to make drinking it more appealing.

• pickles are your best friend if you crave salty things. Seaweed is another good option. Very high sodium obviously, but super low calorie (only about 7 per pickle!) If i ever crave a salty snack, pickles satisfy that instead of binging on something calorific.

• "barrier foods". Basically before eating your actual meal or before snacking, fill up on something low calorie. I like broccoli for this. If I don't like the idea of eating broccoli I'm not as hungry as I thought.

• coffee. I have about 4 cups a day, maybe that's not ideal but I'm not hungry after drinking it. Black coffee is best obviously.

• avoid sugar and sweet things. I know this isn't for everyone but it really helped me with my cravings. Super sweet things also seem to trigger that same hunger response. The less sugar you consume regularly, the nicer low sugar options taste. I actually enjoy black chocolate much more than regular chocolate now.

• I saw this suggested here before, but wear tight clothes when eating and grocery shopping. It makes you more aware of your body and how you actually want it to look. When I felt uncomfortable in my clothes I bought a lot less food. I also eat less, especially in public.

• replace bread with rice cakes. Small change but you won't regret it, much fewer calories and still satisfies the carb craving. I eat a low carb diet and rice cakes are very satisfying for me.

• And finally something that helped me a lot to think about: humans are meant to be hungry. It's okay and healthy to be hungry throughout the day. It's even healthy to go many hours or even days without eating, that's why fasting works. The advice "eat when you're hungry" can't be applied to most of us, because if we do we just eat too much. Think of hunger as a part of life rather than something you immediately have to immediately satisfy.

Hope this helped in some way, I'd like to hear your weird tips.

submitted by /u/90popp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Long time lurker, first time poster

I’ve spent the last year losing weight and trying to get healthy and I’m thrilled to say that that effort has resulted in me losing 96 lbs and this community was a big reason why that happened. I’ve been part of this subreddit for YEARS and never took any real steps to improve my health. It always felt insurmountable and I had more of less come to terms with being fat the rest of my life.

But I hit 30 a couple of years ago and I began to really feel the weight of my obesity. I could feel it in my joints and specially my back. I also wasn’t having any luck dating and I knew deep in my bones that it was because of my weight. Especially on dating apps, first impressions are everything, and I knew that I wasn’t giving off a good impression at all. So I knew for my physical we being and mentally health that something needed to change.

So I started reading more and more of the posts here. Seeing what did and didn’t work for people and what made sense for me. That, along with seeing a friend of mine find huge success with it, led me to CICO. I got a little obsessed with counting calories and changed a lot of my eating habits. I bought a scale and checked it weekly. I wanted to make sure I didn’t let my weight loss consume my every waking moment. I lost about 50 lbs just from cutting back and cutting out certain things. Then I added some light exercise (thanks Ring Fit Adventure) about 6 months ago to supplement my dietary changes and that helped push me to 96 lbs lost. I was hoping to reach 100 by the one year mark but those last couple of pounds are being stubborn. Thrilled with the results overall though.

It’s been a weird and good journey. A lot of highs and lows. I still feel “big” a lot of the time and have HUGE issues with body dysmorphia and probably will the rest of my life. But this is a change that was long overdue and I’m happy with my progress so far.

SW: 330 lbs CW: 234 lbs GW: 200 lbs

And here’s a before/after for ya!


submitted by /u/mercedesbens
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm making progress and I just wanted somewhere to share

There's no need to reply, I just really needed to post it somewhere, it's slow but I've started making progress.

I was over 235, not sure how much, that's as back in January, I was scared to check but I know I had gained some after that weigh in. Morbid obesity, diabetes, and food addiction have hit most of the women on my mum's side and I was getting scared. I'm tall so it wasn't easy to tell how bad I'd gotten but I'm still firmly obese.

I kept failing at fixing my habits, I needed abdominal surgery for cysts and I've been in agony ever since. I'm in pain, doc wrote me off as needing to exercise and to try birth control pills, I've realized just how bad my mental health is and I decided to take some small steps in a healthier direction

Last three months or so, I cut out pop. I started drinking that sugarless soda water because the fizz always ends up bringing me back if the sugar doesn't and I was drinking SO MUCH pop. Now if I drink juice or pop it's mixed into water (either 1 to 1 mix or mostly water with a little juice) so I can taste and enjoy it but not over indulge. I started swapping snacks, hot pepperettes instead of chips (I eat way less because the heat is satisfying and stops my cravings) I started eating olives (no clue why, I always hated them) again, just a few. It's sodium rich foods but I'm doing my best to be careful. I'm buying more veg and trying new things. It's hard because of the stupid BC pills causing some debilitating depression on a more regular basis but dammit I've been making progress at it for me AND my partner.

We weighed ourselves last week. He'd been curbing his snacking and he's trying to cut down on pop too. He lost 10 pounds, I'm down 25. I almost cried. He's been trying so hard and it's all a big victory even though we have a ways to go. It never helped that he was constantly walking and working he just couldn't drop weight so to suddenly see progress is so wonderful! A nasty voice in my head tries to tear me down, saying it's all due to the BC pills and it'll come back soon, but I'm doing my best to drown out that voice. My face and belly aren't so swollen and puffy now, it's something.

I'm 5'11" I'm 210 pounds and I'm going to keep inching back to where I used to be. I'm going to do my best to make good habits and dammit I'm going to give myself credit. I hurt every day and everything feels like a struggle right now but I'm making good choices and it's had some effect. I appreciate this sub. I lurk and upvote because I have some serious issues discussing weight loss/gain/food talk in general and I really need to address that with a professional, but it helps.

Thanks to everyone here, it really helps

submitted by /u/SpareforDucks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is this just the way I’m shaped?

Is this just the way I’m shaped?

Height: 5’10” Age: 22 Sex: M SW: 218lbs CW:169lbs GW: 165lbs (visible abs)

Hey I have lost nearly 50lbs from January and I was wondering if I could get any advice. I am currently very motivated and determined to get “shredded” and I have this “w” shape lower belly. I don’t know if it will go away with more weight loss, if it’s how I’m shaped, is it a consequence for gaining then losing weight, is it just a little bit of loose skin that allows it to droop? I just want to know what it is as I am very curious. Thanks everyone 😊

Images of my body and the “w” shape I am referring too

submitted by /u/NauseaForce
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintenance Monday: August 31, 2020

If you've reached your goal weight and you're looking for a space to discuss with fellow maintainers, this is the thread for you! Whether you're brand new to maintenance or you've been doing it for years, you're welcome to use this space to chat about anything and everything related to the experience of maintaining your weight loss.

Hey gang, here's your weekly discussion thread! Tell us how maintenance and life in general is going for you this week! And if you missed last week's (or simply want to reread), here's a link.

If there's a specific topic you'd like to see covered in a future thread, please drop a comment or message!

submitted by /u/liyote
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

“You’ll be skinny in no time” is not a compliment

I recently just started a new job where I’m working 6 days a week. Talking to a friend yesterday about my new schedule they said “wow, you’ll be skinny in no time”. At first I didn’t think too much about it, but this morning it really resonated with me.

You’ll be skinny in no time IS NOT A COMPLIMENT.

While you may mean well, saying this to anybody is reinforcing unrealistic expectations about weight loss & body image. Especially if the person is self conscious already, or maybe they aren’t even trying to lose weight.

You don’t go up to someone who just went from a labour oriented job to a desk position and say “wow, you’ll be fat in no time”. So why do we do this the other way around??

submitted by /u/MyNameIsFranks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can’t work out! What else can I do to help my weight loss?

I’m a 20f,5’3 and 185lbs. Since quarantine started I let myself go really badly and started eating a lot. I got on track and started working out but in june I had a nasty eczema outbreak all over my body and head and it hasn’t gone away since. Every time I work out my body and scalp burn really badly due to sweating. I’ve tried completing just 10min videos and yoga but once I start sweating it feels like I have razor blade cuts everywhere. Im giving IF a shot and counting my calories, according to the app my calorie intake is 1,299. Are there any extra tips I can use to lose weight faster or low impact exercises that won’t cause too much sweating. Thanks :)

submitted by /u/Allycaaat561_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat