Tuesday, March 8, 2022

How often do you struggle with this whole thing?

Lately it feels like once a week I have a day where I am just OVER IT. I want to eat junk and pig out and not care about it anymore. I've lost 15lbs so far since Jan 11th and I am struggling more and more. F, 35yrs, 5'2" SW: 179.8 CW: 164.6 GW: 135(to start, maybe get down to 125). I am worried I am struggling too often, like is this normal??? I don't restrict foods, just serving sizes. So why am I still wanting to pig out?? I had a nutrition/protein shake with fruit for breakfast, I ate a very healthy, big salmon salad for lunch today and chicken tacos with tortilla chips for dinner followed by an ice cream sandwich(1334 cals). I'm not even hungry, I just want to eat junk. I'm so invested that I will not be giving into these feelings for a long time because the weight loss obsessed part of me is disgusted with the thought of going over 1400 calories in a day, I just can't do it..... but that just means that I'm sick of feeling this way and wish my brain would just STFU about food. It's a hard habit to break when I've eaten whatever I wanted since like 2013. (Lost weight before in 2012 then had 2 more babies since then.) Just wanted to vent and see if I was alone in this constant battle with food.

submitted by /u/Ok_Image6174
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/tyKvYs7

Frustrated with Bras & Weight Loss

Today sucked. I feel like I had a very bad breast day. I'm making great strides in my diet and my weight loss part is going fine but over the last week or two I feel like I developed a couple sudden issues:

  1. Zero bras of mine fit anymore. I know this is supposed to be a good thing. It's not the cup itself but rather the bands are too big. I feel like I have zero support at this point. My cup size (DD) has not gone down which just makes the weight of them even more frustrating. I ordered a couple bras that should hopefully be here in a day or two. I would have gone to the store already to buy one in person if I lived closer to a shopping center.
  2. I'm in a near perpetual state of the nips to the point where I have tenderness. I'm fully blaming a loosely fitted bra.
  3. My ribcage above my chest is starting to be more visible but I am far from my weight goal. I have no idea if this is because of my chest size but as I dress (in front of a mirror) I see multiple rows of ribs as I move my arms to dress/undress. My shoulders are getting boney too. I know it's a good thing I'm losing but at the same time I'm seeing bones there and still making no progress on my stomach? (I am far from underweight)

How do you address weight loss and bras? I want one that can follow a t-shirt size but I am not sure if that's even possible. Any recommendations will be HIGHLY appreciated.

Has anyone else dealt with the same issues?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/pasta-hating-goat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/mFPfVlA

The finish line keeps moving.

Weight loss is such an exhausting process. Last week I weighed 162.6lbs and this morning I was at 164lbs. I know that in the grand scheme of things, it’s obviously better than being at 168lbs 4 weeks ago but to make the decision everyday to be hungry, in a caloric deficit, saying no to food, and choosing to workout…4-6 months of dieting feels like a lifetime. I try not to weigh myself often for this exact reason, but it’s unfortunate to not be able to see consistent data despite consistent effort. I should have been .5lbs down from last week’s weight given my calorie tracking, but my weight is actually up instead. Water, sleep, etc I know logically affect this but emotionally it can be so draining. But we push on knowing that today is another decision point and it’s worth the work long-term. Keep going, friends. The battle continues.

submitted by /u/livinlavidaanxious
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/le3xQTt

Idea for minimizing loose skin, thoughts?

Was wondering what you all thought of this. I'm 24F 5'5 250lbs GW 130lbs. Past 4 years I've been 220+lbs. I am fairly young and want to try to avoid skin removal surgery (though I accept I might need a skin reduction on my breasts). I'm aesthetically motivated honestly so loose skin is a big deal for me. Honestly the thought of loose skin has been kind of demotivating for me, though I know I need to lose weight for my health and comfort as well.

My thought is that I could lose 60-75 lbs to get myself into a safer zone regarding my health (nearing overweight BMI instead of obese). From there, I'd want to maintain a while, maybe 6 months, to give my skin a fighting chance at bouncing back. From there, I'd make the second push of clearing the last 45-60 lbs. At the end of the day, loose skin will probably happen, but this might help me prevent it from being as bad.

I think going slower with weight loss overall would probably be better, a steady decline, but I'm a very all-or-nothing person and I need to embrace what I'm good at to finally drop the lbs.

Obviously this is a long road ahead of me, but I'm finally ready to tackle it for real. I have kept up my calorie restrictions for over a week already, which is a big deal for me. I'm super excited and wish you all luck on your journeys!

submitted by /u/NewTastes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/E0w57xC

Monday, March 7, 2022

bit of an update plus a little bragging :)

Posted about a month ago that I started (again) my weight loss journey. So far 3 months later I'm still going strong, I'm down ~30 pounds since December 7th. I have essentially cut out all drinks except for water and the occasional coffee. My weight loss started off extremely fast, probably because i was extremely fat. I'm down to an average of .5 to 1 pound a week. I have occasional cheat meals throughout the week so I don't really have any cravings that make me feel like I'm going to break my weight loss journey.

My old clothes have started fitting better. jeans that either used to not close are finally buttoning up now and jeans that were to tight for my legs to be comfortable are starting to fit. Some of my shirts are becoming too loose and others are fitting again. I'm more comfortable tying my shoes since now i can be bent over for longer periods of time without my stomach getting in the way or my back hurting. I can go on longer walks before feeling it in my legs. I can climb more than one flight of stairs before i feel completely winded and like my heart is trying to break out of my chest.

I'm in an overall better mood and am eager to continue my journey. Just wanted to post this as I don't have a lot of people to share this with.

Thanks for reading

submitted by /u/juanCarlos92
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/qPshDHr

Hormonal Imbalance & Weight Loss

F(18). 5’0. 150 lbs.

Hi! So, I have a hormonal imbalance. My testosterone (almost 2,000) and prolactin levels were INSANE. The high levels of prolactin, apparently, can be due to an immense amount of stress. They’ve gone down a lot since October, but there’s still more work to be done. I was wondering if a hormonal imbalance makes it difficult to lose weight? Once I got on medication, I gained a lot of weight + the weight I packed on during quarantine. I haven’t been able to lose past 3-4 pounds though, which is frustrating :( maybe I haven’t tried hard enough tho, who knows. Maybe I need to push harder? I just don’t KNOW how or what to do. I want it to be healthy and safe, but either I suck at this or my body is really stubborn.

I asked my gynecologist but he didn’t really give me a straight forward answer. Just said he would reduce the milligrams. Which wasn’t what I initially asked lmao. I’ve done some research but that stuff really confuses me.

If an hormonal imbalance DOES affect weight loss, do you have any tips or advice? Or some info dumbed down for me :,) I want to know because I’m at the point that I’m about to burst with frustration. If not, all’s well. Thanks!

submitted by /u/BeeRepresentative730
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/UvNkOaq

trouble staying within my calorie limits :(

i have recently started to count my calories again, in attempt to kickstart my weight loss. i have my daily allowance set to 1850, which is a reasonable amount for someone my height/weight. however, it has been so hard to stay within the limit! i never go crazy overboard, but i usually hit around 2000 cal. i’ve only been calorie counting for 3 days, so is this something that will get easier as i go along? any tips?

submitted by /u/bedrecoverythrowaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/su8qEn2