Thursday, July 28, 2022

Anyone else despise the effects periods have on weight loss momentum and overall body changes?

I lost 65lbs so far, have 20 more to go to my goal weight of 165lbs. I’m a 5’10” woman.

About a week or so before my period, I notice the scale freezes. I’ve been circling around 185-187lbs for the past 10 days. I normally lose at least 1.5-2lbs per week the rest of the month. Regardless of any changes I attempted (ran more, increased my fasting window, etc), nothing moves the scale and I feel bloated as hell.

I understand it’s normal and whatnot but it’s so, so frustrating. What do y’all do in these times? Do y’all stick to the same habits or make adjustments?

Also, if it matters — I am not using any birth control, which may affect hormonal levels. (Husband had a vasectomy).

Rant over!

submitted by /u/ThrowRA-1990
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Slow weight loss and nobody notices

I’ve slowly lost 49 pounds over close to 10 months. (I know it’s not good and I should’ve lost way more by now but I’m fat and it’s hard) My stomach is huge and is covered in layers and layers of fat so there aren’t many changes at all if any. It takes me forever to go down a size in clothes and no one really notices my weight loss even my mom said it wasn’t that noticeable cause I’m doing it slowly. I thought it was just my body dysmorphia taking its toll on me cause I suffer with it daily but I guess it’s really the truth cause my mom said there was no difference cause I’m not doing it fast. I mean what’s the point in putting in all of this work for no one to even notice, my clothes to fit tight, and to feel like trash in my own skin? I’ve put in way too much work on my body and mind to get here and it doesn’t even make a difference…it sucks

submitted by /u/Calm-Face-3584
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Seeing all that loose skin made my skin crawl... literally

This post has absolutly no reason besides venting into the void.

I lost so much weight, worked my ass off for years. Im working out 6 days a week, 70 to 90 minutes. I am around 156 pounds, maintaining my weight by eating a lot on the weekend. I needed to maintain my weight in order to start trying getting those skin removal surgerys paid by my insurance.

For this I visited a clinic 4 weeks ago. The doctor looked at my body, a friend of mine was with me. Im mentally pretty strong, but this thing man...

To say, that im stressed out because of the whole skin situation would be an understatement. I always knew how bad it must look. I mean im not stupid - just because I wear glasses doesnt mean I dont see the flabby belly, my arms and my legs. That doctor was nice. And to make my suffering and emberassment even worse, that doctor was Handsome. I will never ever in my life forget, when we spoke about my none existing boobs and to lift them up, how he grabbed them and rolled them up like a friggin Sushi roll. And he was like "Well, they would be a bit smaller, but fitting for your small frame!" Thanks doc. At least I have a small frame, fitting for my Sushi roll boobs.

In the same clinic they took pictures from me, completly naked. I knew those pictures would be horrible, which is good, right? If it looks terrible the insurance is likely to say: "Crap, look at that shit. We should pay so we dont have to look at this anymore."

Fast forward two weeks, I get an USB Stick with those pictures. Im to afraid to look at them, so I put the stick away. Today i recieved my appraisal. Looked good, the doctor wrote everything i hoped for. So today was the first time im looking at those pictures of myself. And god damn, I was horrified. I always thought: "Well the back or the legs cannot be that bad, right?" Wrong. Everything is bad, absolutly everything. I remember somebody in this sub called himself a "melted candle" and to be absolutly honest, im the pinacle of this. Looking at this, I really am surprised how I am able to work out like this. No fucking surprise my back hurts like crazy after my sport. No fucking surprise, after 6 days of working out that hard constantly I feel like crap.

Seeing those pictures raises the question: Do i regret loosing all that weight? No. For sure not. Even with that skin, even with the pain... I still feel better. I mean I was in pain before as well, but at least I can move now. No diabetes anymore. I can do stuff, without thinking about EVERYTHING.

Man, I was thinking about sharing some of my skin pictures in case I get those surgerys. But now im afraid even a NSFW tag is not suitable for this.

Im sorry guys, this post is just me venting - I dont have any other void or pool of people who could understand the struggles I go through. If you are reading this: Thank you - I will keep you guys posted as soon as I get a reply from my insurance. Fingers crossed.

TL:DR: I look like a melted candle but it was still worth the weight loss.

submitted by /u/Mormandanza
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice for avoiding loose skin?

5 lbs down, 75 to go… and a very vain fear of mine is that I (33F) will have lots of loose skin at the end of all this. I’m losing weight at a healthy rate- about 1-2 lbs a week, and I’m making an effort not to let it go faster because I know that can have a bad effect on the overall results. I want this to be sustainable.

I know excess loose skin may just come down to genes, but has anyone else encountered this same issue/fear on their weight loss journey? especially if you’ve had to lose about 80lbs total?

My stats: 33F, SW:225, GW: 145

submitted by /u/Pootsaroo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any tips for losing weight without allowing it to consume your life?

I’ve actively losing weight for a few months, but I’m finding it consumes every thought. Whether it’s positive thoughts about how far I’ve come, negative thoughts about never being happy in my body, or thinking about what food I’m going to have next, I’m just constantly think about it.

I know it’s becoming bad because I’ve gotten to the point where I have been considering significantly dropping my calories (I’m currently in a 500 cal deficit) just so I can lose the weight and “be done.” Whenever I have these thoughts, I remind myself that weight loss is slow and I have to accept that. I have pushed off other goals, events, having fun all to focus on my big goal of losing weight. Also, I have about 3 events in August where it’ll be impossible to carefully track and count calories and I’ve been stressed about what to do (though I know I should just enjoy the event and move on).

Does anyone have advice on making weight loss less of a focus in my life? I’ve considered taking a break from the scale to really just focus on making good food a daily habit and not focus on the actual loss. But I’m terrified that I will unknowingly not lose. I’ve also considered taking what I learned and ditch calories counting. But again I am scared to not lose because I really do want to lose weight.

submitted by /u/Excellent-Summer0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Slowly Slipping Back Into Bad Habits…

Alright. Here I am.

I’m about—almost—three months into my weight loss journey. Had a sort of revelation, I don’t think it’s really gone away, but I was very dedicated and committed to my weight loss and fitness goals.

Maybe because it’s becoming chronic, and isn’t very visible/tangible yet, I’m starting to forget the mission? Im not sure.

The past few weeks I have been going over my calories. I’d say almost over 1,000 each week. Last week was more. The first time I did it, I was just like, “I’ll make it up.” I even got to a point where I had a large amount of cals one day. Maybe over by 1,000, and tried to withhold 500 calories the next two days. Obviously it wasn’t sustainable.

The few things I can think of that set this off:

  1. I lost 18lbs in about two months. Woo hoo. Great job. Do I feel like I’m done? I have about 150lbs more to lose.

1a. on that note. Once I hit 299, my daily calories went down to 1,400 so I changed my weight loss calories from 2 per week to 1 1/2 without counting calories burned from exercise. So I got to have 1,700 calories and it somehow felt like too much freedom. I didn’t like going up. Having more. I have a long history of starvation eating disorders and, as SMO as I am now, I still slip easily back into the restricting mindset. Liking it. Etc.

  1. Work sent us webcams and said we’d have to start using them soon. I was really unhappy about it. I work from home and I look terrible over webcam. Can’t hide my size and I felt like soon I’d be exposed and people wouldn’t like me at work anymore. I felt ashamed to be me. I can imagine it’s made me want to seek comfort—in food. Vicious cycle.

  2. My energy was super super low the past few weeks. Found out I’m very anemic and am currently on super high dose iron, so hopefully I’ll feel better in about two weeks. But maybe I was seeking comfort from not feeling well? Idk I have been feeling pretty irritable lately. I’m supposed to get my period very soon and was keeping track, but that always makes it not come.

I know I’m still at the beginning of my journey. My goal is to be 145lbs or very close by my 35th bday in about a year and seven months. From 317. I’ve lost my first 20. I know this journey isn’t perfect and a straight line, but any tips on how to get ahold of myself before this becomes a serious issue?

submitted by /u/EBeewtf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

8 day check in

Hey guys just wanted to post a little update. It’s been 8 days since I’ve restarted logging my intake and making more of a conscious effort food and exercise-wise.

It’s starting to come back to me which has been good. Yesterday was the biggest struggle, a whole bunch of things went wrong and by the mid afternoon I had cancelled my exercise plan for the night. A few weeks ago I would have comforted myself by ordering pizza and pasta and eating it in bed with Netflix for company. I was in half a mind to do that yesterday, but I sat with the thoughts for a while, played out the consequences (pushing back achieving weight loss goals, feeling like shit the next day physically and mentally etc) and I was able to make a healthier choice to eat my preplanned dinner. I still went to bed and watched Netflix when I got home though.

I weighed myself once on Saturday night (had a girls night with my best friend and told her about restarting and she was curious where I was at), and I was at 81.5kg. This is down 4.5kg from when I last weighed myself donating blood (just over a month ago), which is great. I know it was mostly bloat and water retention that I lost, but even then it makes the next 6.5kg to lose seem much closer and achievable.

One weird thing that I’ve found that I remember from my last journey (and this is TMI) is just how much I look forward to… ahem… going number 2. It’s like i miss the feeling of being super full and satisfied with a large meal, so I’ve replaced it with the satisfaction of a good BM? Idk it’s weird but I guess you gotta find joy in the little things.

I’m not interested in weighing myself again for a while bc I don’t want to get fixated on a number on the scale, I’d rather go by how I feel and how I look in the mirror.

Thanks for reading, and here’s to another 7 days ahead of making healthy choices :)

submitted by /u/phoebalini
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