Thursday, September 1, 2022

I finally did it. I went for a morning walk. You should too.

28M here. I’ve been calorie counting for about 10 months now. Lifting weights for about 8.

I’ve dropped from 123kgs to 95kg and put on about 4kg of lean mass. As great as this achievement is, I am aiming for 90kg and this is where cutting seems to be getting harder as the body fat gets low.

My PT has told me time and time again to increase my daily step count but I simply lack the discipline as I’m not good with mornings.

Funnily enough, when I mentioned this to my counsellor, she suggested to wake up early and go for a walk, as the morning sun can reset your circadian rhythm which will allow for better melatonin production and natural sleep, which in turn helps to shred those stubborn kg’s and is generally great for your health and well-being.

Today, I finally did it. I woke up, ripped myself out of bad no matter how badly I wanted to sleep more. And I have to tell you. The feeling is insanely good. I got to work energised, elated, moving about with a lot more purpose and determination in my step. And I’ve already added 3000 steps to my day before it’s started.

To anyone out there feeling like they’re struggling with their weight loss, just start going for morning walks! TRUST ME.

Peace & Love 💛

submitted by /u/TheRealLylatDrift
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

2 more lbs until I hit 20 lbs down, still have 12 lbs to my goal & I’m struggling with motivation, advice?

Hi everyone! I’m 22F and have lost 18lbs since March of 2022! I’ve recently got out of the military and started college. I honestly lost my motivation a month or more ago but worked out until I stopped two weeks ago. I want to start again but there’s so many stressors in my life and I don’t know how to balance that and working out but I think I’ve figured out a plan.

What’s some things that usually motivate you to keep going or even start again?

I’ve been maintaining but want to lose these last few pounds! Next goal is to focus more on muscle growth once I lose the weight instead of just toning / weight loss.

submitted by /u/manabez
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV, nine months of nothing and suddenly, two victories back to back.

I wear suits every day for work. I have a black suit that I wear twice per week.

At the beginning of the year, I decided to lose weight. I haven't really changed my diet but I do order pizza less (and try to eat something nutritious before I eat pizza so I don't get full on just pizza) and I've mostly switched from craft beer to miller lite. The main way I've lost weight is by riding my bicycle at least one hour every day.

So, I started the year at 5'11, 265 lbs. Three weeks ago, I was down to 230lbs. To this point, no one really noticed, or at least they haven't said anything, about my weight loss. My wife and I were on a vacation in NYC, pretty much solely to ride bicycles and eat pizza. She took a pretty good picture of me on my bicycle. When I posted it to Facebook, one of my buddies commented "that boy getting fit!" A lot of people liked his comment. NSV 1!

We got COVID on the trip (Vax, boostered, didn't matter) and I lost seven pounds in ten days. I didn't have covid that bad, it just seemed like an easy time to lose weight frankly. No need for pizza if I can't taste it.

So, I'm finally back to work yesterday, wearing what is really not that nice of a black suit. I mean, it gets the job done but I'm pretty sure I thrifted it years ago in grad school. Anyways, TWO PEOPLE complimented me on my suit yesterday, and I cannot recall anyone ever complimenting me on that suit. I must be wearing it better :) NSV 2

Edit: Because everything is better with pictures, here is one from September 2021 and the one in question from NYC in August of 2022.

submitted by /u/hostilecarrot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else think their FitBit may be off about calories burned?

Height: 5'7 & Weight: 261lbs (all stats are entered correctly in my FitBit).

My FitBit says, on average, I burn 3,100 calories per day (around 21,376-21,647 calories/week). But In the last 6 weeks I've lost 3 lbs, which doesn't make since. I'm tracking my calories meticulously, aiming for 180g of protein every day (half the time I get in around 125g-140g of protein), and am in a deficit most days (I usually eat around 1800-2200 cals/day). A little more on weekends. For workouts I walk 3x per week, and get in around 8k steps/day (I can't do more right now due to a hip injury).

I've been very frustrated at the slow weight loss following CICO, and now I'm wondering if maaaaybe my FitBit could be not tracking my calories properly? It has all my correct stats, and I had my thyroid tested last Fall, so I know it's not that. I have a Charge 2 and just found this article; now I'm worried.

Just wondering if anyone else has noticed the same with their FitBit, or has a recommendation for a more accurate calorie counter.

submitted by /u/dogmom34
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m always hungry

Hey everyone!

I’ve been on a weight loss journey for the last 13 months now. I have lost 103 pounds so far, and while I am very happy with all the progress I made, I still want to lose another ~50 pounds to get to a “normal” weight. ( I’m female, 5’4, SW: 286, CW: 183.2, GW: ~135).

I’ve lost the weight by simply getting into a calorie deficit. Over the last year, I’ve had ups and downs obviously, but I’ve generally been good at tolerating a CD, as I know how to make it “easier”(high protein, high fiber, low cal-high volume foods).

The issue I’m having atm is said in the title, I don’t know what is happening, but for the last few weeks, I’ve been hungrier than usual, and I just want to eat all the time. It’s especially hard for me to stop eating after dinner for instance, as I keep wanting more and more.

I’ve obviously struggled with this at times throughout my WL this past year, but it was more a binging issue rather than being physically hungry. This time, It’s really hunger, like, I feel it physically.

I first experienced this about 2-3 months ago, and that’s when I started eating breakfast daily (I used to skip it because I didn’t like eating in the morning). This helped for a bit, and now I’m having the same issue. Also, for reference, I eat at least 45g protein at every meal.

I don’t know what else to try. Have you ever dealt with that and what helped you ?

submitted by /u/Okaymaybeidk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss journey has been a massive failure so far.

18 yo Male here. I started all the way back in April, so it has been five months now, and it derailed as quickly as it started.

I'm 5'0''. I'm so short it's completely embarrassing. 2021 was a really awful year for me, and the stress and anxiety ended up with me gaining a lot of weight; I was at a whopping 61 kg when I decided that I needed to get my shit together and start working out a bit. I'm very forgetful sometimes and I tend to give up really easily, so I opted for a more lighter routine to get myself comfortable with the idea of working out. Eventually I got to the point that I was able to have a 3km walk about 3-4 times a week, and I was ecstatic. And I actually did feel a difference; I noticed that my stomach had shrunk in a little bit, and I felt a lot more energetic and overall kind of … good? I got the courage to scale myself for the first time in probably six months, and I realized I had managed to get to 59.8 Kg, which was so fricking awesome. I started to really enjoy going for my midnight walks. But then it all went downhill.

It started with my college exams. I was super busy so I was like, okay, I need to go all out and study as much as I can. I didn't even realize that I was skipping my workouts until my exams were over and summer break began in July. I told myself, okay, I'm going to restart my workout routine, and now that I have more time than ever I can get myself in top shape by the time next semester starts.

What a fucking lie I told myself.

By the time week 1 of my holidays were done I felt so lazy and lethargic everyday I didn't even want to get out of bed. I started staying up at night and waking up at noon; I stopped going for workouts at all and I started to double down on the junk food.

On a side note; this is when I realized that … I eat when I'm upset. You know. Like Po from Kung Fu Panda. Whenever I feel tired, or sad, or feel anxious in any way, I'll binge on a lot of food. Like, a lot. Not helpful at all.

It's been nearly two months now. I haven't scaled myself, and I don't need to, because I know what it will say. I have felt very … hopeless. Like, I knew and recognized the problems but even then I couldn't bring myself to it. I even set alarms and timers and did everything to remind me I need to work out, but at the end of the day it all boiled down to my lack of will. I just … couldn't do it.

So, I've decided that I need to change my strategy.

You see, I detest routine. I despise it. I love being spontaneous in my actions. On some days, I'll be super energetic. But on most days, I feel very tired, very anti-social, or very limited in energy. Forcing myself into a routine that requires me to do the same thing everyday is something that could only work if everyday of my life was a good day. But it isn't. So, I'm switching tactics.

Firstly, my shit sleeping schedule is going away. (I slept at 12 yesterday and woke up at 8 this morning, and I have never felt better.) Then, I'm going to up my hydration levels by keeping water with me at all times. I'm going to try my best to stay in motion, like if I'm doing nothing or I'm just on my phone, then I'm going to walk around my house or just make sure I'm not sitting. This would also help me in fixing my sleep schedule. If I find myself energetic enough to finally to do a proper workout, then I'll do so, but I'll make sure to do the bare minimum for now, no matter what type of day it is.

Well, that's my plan, anyway. I'm really disappointed that I couldn't reach my goal in these five months, but I want to forgive myself because, well, if I don't then who else will. I would like a better strategy if there is one though, or maybe a tip that would help me in the long run. Also, sorry if this sounds cringe. I just needed to get this out of my system.

submitted by /u/Living_Mountain1267
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: September 1st, 2022

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support, and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone is welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

For all new people that have joined this month, at the end of the month we do a roundup of what happened. we'll also talk about our goals for September.

How was your August?

You're free to structure this however you want, but think about the following topics:

  • How has your weight loss progressed? Better, or worse than expected?
  • What are some Non Scale Victories that you've experienced this month?
  • Did you set goals, did you keep to them?
  • What went well during this month, what could need improvement?
  • What important lessons did you learn?

Today is also the goal-setting day for September!!

If you're new, every first day of the month we think about small goals we want to achieve this month. They can be weight goals, exercise goals, or anything really... An important aspect is that they are SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time based...

  • Do you have a goal weight for this month, if yes, what is it? For example: maintain a 0.5kg loss a week.
  • Do you have exercise goals? For instance, get in 10.000k steps a day
  • What plans do you have for your diet? Do you have goals there?
  • What are some non-weight/exercise-related goals you have? Here, get creative. Past participants have used this section to stay accountable for their homework, learning languages, pledging not to order junk food, ...

if you’re new, please introduce yourself! Let’s kick some ass!

submitted by /u/visilliis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat