Monday, February 20, 2023

What was your petty reason for losing weight? Did it affect your success?

Has anyone started a successful weight loss journey based off petty reasons?

So background story, my husband (M33) and I (F29) have unfortunately gained a decent amount of each over the past few years- myself in particular. My partner is sitting at roughly 10-15kg overweight and myself 30-35kgs. It hasn’t been a steady gain though, we’ve had our ups and downs.

In 2017 we both successfully lost a decent amount of weight and were feeling fantastic. Unfortunately due to mental health, financial stress and another baby the scales have gone up significantly.

The other week we were at my FIL’s house helping clear out his shed when he made some comments about us losing weight. Neither of us have lost weight and I’m normally not the type of person to outwardly discuss my body.

My FIL then felt it appropriate to say a family member on my husbands side had come up to him at Christmas and guessed how much weight we’d gained individually. Followed up by wanting to know if the guesses were correct. I was shocked but I could tell my husband was feeling very offended and didn’t want an argument. So I responded with “yep that’s about right, 10kg for each kid I’ve given birth to” and tried to change the subject.

Now we aren’t very close to my FIL for other reasons or his side of the family so we’ve only seen extended family from his dads side 3-4 times in the past 10 years. I was shocked that a) they’d feel it appropriate to discuss our bodies and b) his father didn’t realise how rude it was to reveal that.

Now I’m feeling extra determined to meet my weight loss goals so when we see his family next I can say “thanks for the compliments but I’ve got far more interesting achievements going on in my life than how my body looks.”

submitted by /u/jeeze_louise_93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV (I can crouch down again, yay!) and question about baker's cyst

Hello y'all! I've been loosing weight since may last year. In total I lost 27kgs and counting. Last week, I did something I hadn't done in over a year without pain, I crouched down to look for something in my bag. You can't believe how surprised and happy I was for this new found mobility. I was diagnosed with a baker's cyst about a year ago at my highest weight. My doctor also told me that my knees were irritated and inflamed with higher than usual for my age (f26) wear on the joint. He said that i would have to get it punctured. Now from my research it doesn't seem like baker's cysts are usually cured by weight loss, though I think it makes sense for them to get better with weight loss, because there is less stress on the joint. Has anyone of you guys had a similar experience? Maybe it wasn't even the cyst that was hindering my mobility but the fat on the back of my legs. Anyways, I am very happy to not have to get surgery:)

submitted by /u/gurkenglas4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Weight Loss Calculator

I'm finding excuse after excuse not to lose weight.

Is there some kind of calculator that I can put in my height, weight, age and all that stuff to see if I eat X amount of calories per day I can lose X amount of weight in a week or in a month or whatever the case may be? I know it wouldn't be 100% correct but I need something visual or something to see the progress I can make. I'm all wrapped up in my own head.

submitted by /u/Lapras1407
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need some advice from the ladies on here!

Hello! Okay so I don’t mean to single out only the ladies but I’ve been learning more about hormonal belly fat etc. So I’m trying to figure out if the reason for my weight gain could potentially be hormonal belly fat or not! I’ve been introducing a calorie deficit into my daily routine and I don’t know if I have really seen any progress which is disheartening. I also read that a caloric deficit can cause hormonal imbalances but I’m on hormonal birth control so would that balance it out? I’m not sure the best way to go about fat/weight loss! I really want to lose like 20 pounds or so but even when I was skinnier I realized I still had that “hanging low belly” look so is that hormonal or not? If someone has conquered both please give me some advice I need it!

submitted by /u/Famous_Program9320
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Metabolism and weight loss?

Hey y’all! I’m trying to lose weight cause I’m CHONKY. I’m 5’9 and weigh about 260, I know my eating habits are to blame so I’ve been limiting what I eat. My boyfriend says what I’m doing is bad and actually going to make me gain weight.

But how?? I will admit I skip meals and can go a couple of days without eating unless it’s a few snacks here and there. I don’t do it often but still.. the less I eat the more fat my body will burn right???

He says I have to stabilize my metabolism and eat normally but it easy for him to say that cause he can eat a lot and still maintain his current weight :/

I don’t exercise much so I feel like if I start eating more I’m going to get bigger… I’m not sure what to do.

submitted by /u/lycheeroll
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 100lbs but hit a sort of plateau.

I started in march of 22, weight loss was pretty consistent up until the end of jan 23. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week and currently am doing the 75 hard challenge so now doing minimum 2 workouts a day one of those being a walk atleast. I’m kinda just having trouble with what and how I’m supposed to be eating now, my goal weight is 220 I’m 247. Someone told me to eat more throughout the day to lose weight so I’m just confused on what to eat and how much. No where near giving up that thought left me long ago. I want to learn and build

submitted by /u/Weekly_Ad_5737
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I keep track of my weigh loss without using a scale ?

I have a bad relationship with food, scales etc. It sounds ridiculous, I'm fully aware, but I'm still too scared to step on the scale. I'm currently 1 week into my weight loss journey and feel that I am doing good so far. The only issue is that I have no real way to measure my weight loss, at the moment.

what methods can I use that do not involve a scale ?

I don't have anything else to say, but I need to meet the word count so I'll just talk about what I've been doing:
I've been slowly lowering my carbs whilst also combining it with intermittent fasting for between 18 and 20 hours a day with a time frame of either 4 to 6 hours to eat. The last time I weighed myself I was 79 kg, since then I've probably gained some back based on the my clothes not fitting so well anymore. My goal weight hovers at around 70 kg, but I don't want to step on the scale until i've lost a significant amount of weight, hence my problem.

Okay hopefully i've met the word count now. thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/cherriesdeath
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from loseit - Lose the Fat