This sub I think is super supportive and gives great feedback along the weight loss journey, and I just want to add, while it's great to keep consistent and loose weight, it's also good to take care of yourself.
I don't mean start binging comfort food just for the heck of it or completely ignore healthy meals and exercise. But it's ok to take a break for one reason or another. I've been sick for weeks now, haven't been to the gym at all in over a month, and barely sticking to a regular diet this whole time. At first I felt guilty bc, "what about my progress?". But you know what happened to the scale? Virtually nothing. Some days I was up, some days I was down, same as usual.
I've recently started eating full meals again and hitting my calories and macros and the scale actually went down, despite still not having enough energy to hit the gym. My reps at the gym are probably going to be a little weaker than before once i do go back, but that's to be expected. I still feel strong, I'm just recovering. And in a way, this break has really shown how far I've come with being consistent prior, since I didn't slip back into my usual unhealthy habbits.
I just thought I'd put this out there for anyone going through something similar, whether it's mental, emotional, physical or something else. It's ok if you need a break for a bit, even if it's weeks or months. You can still pick it back up, and the work you're putting in now won't be erased as quickly as you may think.
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