Thursday, May 16, 2024

Fighting and Weight Loss

Hi all -

I am a professional fighter, a woman 5'6" and fluctuate between 145 and 150. I know the scale isn't end all be all but for fighters, we need to make weight.

I would like to fight in the 135 weight class, which means I'd like to get to 140 or a little below. I've tried cutting for months. I track and weigh everything. I've gotten to 145, I'll stay there a day or two, then the next day I go up to 147 and just ... stay there. This has been going on since December, more or less.

These past few weeks I was steadily trending downwards and I was at 144. The next day, no deviation from the diet and eating about the same things as I had been eating for weeks, I went up to 147.5. It stayed there for 2 days, no deviation from the diet, and then yesterday went up to 149. Today back to 148.

I'm not on my period, hydrate and I train twice a day - pads and S and C in the morning, technique/pad/bag work and sparring at night. I run 3-4x/week on top of it. I use Carbon to track and I was eating about 1750 calories daily.

I don't understand what's happening. I don't get how the weight could just go up like that and stay up for days. Carbon is telling me to go to 1550 but I feel like that's too low for my activity level. Any advice or help would be so appreciated, I feel very frustrated.

submitted by /u/muaythaimushroom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I instinctively tell people I'm not losing weight.

I can't describe it but I guess my weight loss is getting noticable and whenever someone says "wow, are you losing weight."

I immediately say "I don't think so but thanks! Maybe I have!"

I always say that because I don't want to talk. Whether they are saying something positive or negative. I don't want to talk.

And then 5 minutes later, I realize that I probably did and I wish I had said something different

It's so hard for me to talk about weight and instinctively shut it down. I'm proud of myself but I've still got that automatic impulse response to run from any impromptu weight conversation

submitted by /u/MinervaMinkk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Starting to slip - send reinforcements!

It's finally happened.

The novelty of the initial weight loss has worn off and Im starting to binge again.

Im managing to keep under or around maintenance, but Im feeing control slipping.

My weigh loss is plateauing and Im hearing myself say 'Fuck it' with more and more frequency.

Give me the your best.

Whatever it is you say to yourself, or do or adjust or whatever.

I wish I was ok with taking a break, but it's not a break Im choosing to take, my mental state is taking over me and I'm feeling old bad habitats and lack of control creeping up on me again..

submitted by /u/Reasonable-Letter582
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

5'7 250 lbs and overwhelmed

I'm trying to lose 30 lbs for my brother's wedding over the holiday. My family is being really pushy / supportive, so I want to finally get my weight under control. Weight loss is new to me, I gained most of my fat during covid and then built up habits that just kept it coming.

There's a lot of great information on this sub and online. For me though it's almost too much and analysis paralysis. I just don't know where to start.

There are so many diets like keto, fasting, and vegan. Plus there are a ton of different content creators and apps. It's my first time really losing weight and I feel like I've arrived hours late to the weight loss meeting. Have the stuff is about optimizing diets I've never even heard of before. Can anyone help?

submitted by /u/roberdiahsherman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling discouraged because I’m not seeing any progress yet

I decided to start turning my life around two weeks ago and started in a calorie deficit (1404kcals a day). For the past 4 days, I have also began walking approximately 5.5 km daily. I have not gone over my calorie goal once (although I do often struggle with hitting my 100g protein goal), however, I haven’t seen any change in the number on the scale. Last week, I thought I’d lost 2 lbs and a few days ago, I was ecstatic to see I had lost 6lbs. But this morning, I was 5 lbs heavier again. I feel like my weight fluctuates all over the place and I don’t even know if I’ve made any real progress.

I know weight loss isn’t linear, I just wish I had some indication that I’m getting somewhere.

How long until I make real progress?

submitted by /u/valhallan_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weird pattern in my weight loss is this normal?

I've been weighing myself twice every day since the start of the year. Once when I wake up and once when I go to sleep

(If you want to see the data with some extra stuff here's a small GSheets I made)

I've made sure I am in a calorie deficit and my weight does steadily trend down, I've nearly lost 10KG since the start of the year, but I've noticed a pattern where my bodyweight will tends to plateau then drop suddenly?

Is there a reason for why this happens? I've heard some people online call it "Whoosh Effect" but provide no real solid answer as to why this is?

submitted by /u/Zappy-Boy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Cross fit is horrible!

I'm 37F who is currently at 220. I've lost 40 lbs and hit a big plateau. So I decided to splurge for the next couple of months and hired a personal trainer at cross fit once a week. Did my first session today and it was hard as shit! Good lord I thought I was getting in better shape the last few months working out, and I was WRONG. It kicked my ass. Don't get me wrong, it's what I need to up my game, but I hated every minute of it. Like I don't think I can work out the rest of the week. I stand for a living so my legs are getting zero rest. Wow, hardest 45 minutes of this whole weight loss journey. Why did I do this to myself?!

submitted by /u/cookiesarenomnom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat