Monday, April 29, 2019

Friend gave me the finger when she found out I lost more weight

Hello long time lurker, sorry for the format I'm on mobile, and also sorry for my grammar.

So this happened a few weeks ago but I just cant seem to get over it. I have a friend (24f) who i (24f) started a weight loss journey with. We started hitting the gym last years, but a few months ago she stopped going. I haven't, but everytime I mentioned I was going to the gym she would expect me to not go because she didnt go. She never said it out loud but she would give me crazy attitude anytime I went by myself. Last month she sent a meme to our mutual group chat, the meme was about sabotaging your friends diet. Ever since then I have been noticing how she would always offer me the foods that I cant eat and when i say no shes keep asking if I'm sure. Before i saw the meme i fell for it everytime thinking she was just being nice, but once i saw it and started saying no she would again catch an attitude with me. Everytime someone points out how great I look, instead of being happy for me she starts talking bad about herself and derails the conversation which makes me really uncomfortable. I've evan had mutual friends point it out. But a few weeks ago she went to far, I was with her and her boyfriend when she grabs the waist of my tights. She mentions that there looking loose so I say "yah I've lost more weight" as soon as I said that she gives me a big frown and the finger and says fuck you in what I felt was a serious tone. When she saw the look on my face she tried to play it off as a joke but I could literally feel the resentment roll off her. I played it off cause I didnt know what to say or how to act in the moment but it's been bugging me for weeks. I love her shes my bestfriend but I cant deal with the jelousy. I cut off a mutual friend of our a few months back because she kept making jabs at my weight loss and was over all toxic. She knows how our old friends words affected and hurt me so why is she pulling the same shit now. I dont want to cut her off or distance myself cause shes my bestfriend but what she said hurt me. How do I talk to her about this.

submitted by /u/wannabegoldenboy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dieting As a Student

I’m getting really frustrated.

I’ve been trying to lose 30 pounds since August but it’s so difficult to remain in a caloric deficit when you’re constantly sleep deprived, stressed, and busy. I keep trying to focus on my assignments but I can’t concentrate because I’m hungry. It’s also becoming very difficult for me to get my workouts in because I’m always so ravenous and all I want to do is nap to ignore my hunger.

I’ve tried gum, intermittent fasting (which led to binge eating due to my history of disordered eating; anorexia), full day fasting, regular snacking, small meals, big meals, etc. I feel like I won’t be able to lose the weight until summer when I have less obligations, but I also know that the first half of my summer will be a summer session for a notoriously hard class (ie. it won’t get any easier to lose weight), and the second half of summer is a long way to wait.

I also get frustrated with myself frequently when I think about how I could have already lost the 30 pounds (and then some) had I just done this right the first time. I lost about 60 pounds (more than was healthy to lose for my height and starting weight) about 4 years ago, but gained it back last year because I had developed an eating disorder.

I’m healthy (mentally) now and ready to lose the weight again since I went to far in recovery (I almost developed binge eating disorder well after I was weight-restored). I’m so really frustrated with constantly having to sacrifice my physical health and weight loss goals for my school work.

submitted by /u/neuraltransmission
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Something i notice that's pretty significant

I started tracking my weight in 14th of March this year, i usually eat 1400 cal per day to fulfill my calorie deficit routine, I'm sedentary so that i can see what effects the diet will do to me without doing much these past ~2 months and all is going well, i also track my weight everyday every morning, i have a steady curve of weight loss and I've lost 5 kg already (hooray me).

But there are moments when i was doing college work and i had to do an all nighters, it was at around the end of march and middle of april where i didn't slept that day, i checked my weight loss curve and found out i actually gained weight at those period, i wasn't even eating over my calorie intake of 1400 and it isn't small either i gained like 1 kg from each of those nights just cuz i didn't sleep, i compensated after by sleeping well again and it steadily decreases again but man oh man.

Tldr, If you're planning to lose weight then sleep cuz apparently your body burns more calories when you do than when your awake. Don't sleep to much thou like 8 hours is the ideal sleep time.

Sorry for my English.

submitted by /u/blueasian0682
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My mom hates my fitness journey.

Hey all, I’m an 18M at 5’10” soon-to-be college kid who’s been bullied for all of my life because of my weight. Usually it’s small teasing, nothing majorly crushing, but it’s severely impacted the way that I see myself in the mirror and in pictures. On March 12th of this year I decided to lose weight and finally get to where I want to be in terms of both looks and health. I excitedly told my mom, hoping she would support me and want to help me with the basics like counting the calories that she cooks, but the opposite happened: she threw a fit and told me that I look fine, that I don’t need to worry about what others think, and that if I keep bothering her about it she’ll have to take me to a doctor about a possible eating disorder. What do I do? I’ve tried showing her my research and explaining to her the process and my goals, but she won’t have any of it. My friends are also limited in supporting me, saying that “doing a calorie deficit is just advanced starvation” and the like. I’m not going to stop, because this is my journey and my body and I’m handling my weight loss safely (down 10 pounds in around 2 months at around an 800 kcal deficit!) but I’m having a hard time with even mentioning food around her. Is there any way to help her listen to me without blowing up, or should I suffer through the summer until I move into college in August?

submitted by /u/Serebii123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Keep repeating day 1😣

I’ve been trying to start intermittently fasting because in 1 month, I have an event & want to be a bit slimmer for that and I want to start my weight loss journey. Has anyone got any discipline ideas? I keep failing day one of fasting. I’m never going to get anywhere if I keep failing on the first day.

I’m sure many of you have been here, I just can’t get past this. I want to lose as much weight as I can and I’ve heard IF is the most effective way. I’ve started to work out everyday and I have no trouble sticking to it, just the fasting part.

If any has any tips or motivation for me, please comment themπŸ™πŸ™πŸ₯Ί

submitted by /u/ddaege
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Body Image Depression

hey there, i'm about 4 months into my weight loss journey and I've gone down from 85kg to 69kg, which i'd say is a lot but i still feel so fat. when i look at the pictures i took 4 months ago i can see that my back rolls are gone and my legs are thinner and my stomach doesn't hang over but just like, living day to day, it still feels like i'm 85kg. i don't feel different, i still feel fat. what bothers me is that my current weight, which is my lowest weight and is such an achievement on paper, is some girls worst nightmare, it's some girls highest weight. i know that everyone is different and that i shouldn't be so harsh on myself, but i just want to look normal and not be fat and to look pretty. my mother is only a few kilos heavier than me and sometimes i look at her and think "is that what my body looks like" and it makes me feel like shit because she looks great for her age but it not what an 18 year old girl is supposed to look like. i don't know, sorry for this depressing rant.

submitted by /u/trashlvrd
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to be a good weightloss supporter to my GF?

Not really a weight loss question for me but i wanted some perspective from you guys who seem to be experts on the subject.

So, my girlfriend has decided that shes ready to make a change and get healthy. A change i am so proud of her for making.

She's a bigger girl (19 y/o, 5'4 and about 330), so she knows she has a long road ahead and I know i need to be a strong and empowering supporter for her to truly shine and i really wanna be that for her.

My only hesitation is that im fortunate enough to say that i've never had issues with overeating or with my weight so i dont REALLY know what kind of mental or physical struggles she's going through.

With that said, im admittedly coming from a place of ignorance and just want some advice on how i should be with her while she goes through this journey.

Just from reading a few forums about this; it seems like a lot of overweight and obese people dont like being constantly cheered on because it feels kind of demeaning (which i totally get) but i also dont wanna not acknowledge my girlfriends accomplishments and positive strides either, ya know?

I also have to plead guilty on somewhat aiding in her unhealthy habits. We've been together for about a year and I admit, iv been known to overindulge her with food (i know thats not right of me but i just enjoy making her happy). That obviously has to stop but should it be altogether. Like, lets say, she loses 10 pounds, im assuming i shouldnt reward with food right?

Bottomline, i just wanna do my part in helping my GF make this journey as good of an experience as i can. any advice?

submitted by /u/AnthonyPhila98
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from loseit - Lose the Fat