Sunday, September 29, 2019

In need of advice, need to lose 250lbs all over again

I won’t bore y’all with the story but I’ve been fat all my life and had one good weight loss movement,I managed to go from 450+ to 250, stalled and called it quits due to work stress. Low cal Keto, low carb, and low sugar helped me lose it all.

Here I am again at 425lbs and I’m getting sick and tired of being sick and tired. I need to lose this again, but I need it to be sustainable. It doesn’t help that I’m stuck with family at the moment and they’re overeaters too so it’s like crabs in a pot when it comes to me losing weight, even though they fear me dying.

The last time I saw a good doctor, she diagnosed me with hypothyroidism and told me I should be eating somewhere between 1500-2000 calories to get the weight off now, and recommended the anti-inflammatory diet. Unfortunately that’s easier said than done, and I’m afraid of damaging my heart more with that deficit, plus i have gout and I’m pretty sure I have undiagnosed gallbladder issues.

I plugged my numbers into MFP and it recommends 2580 calories a day but won’t this keep me overweight far too long? It seems more doable however.

I also wonder about macros, must I hit them perfectly to lose weight? My doc recommended avoiding wheat and try low carb/Keto again but do carbs honestly matter if you’re at a calorie deficit? Low carb was sorta doable before but Keto was definitely not. I’m tempted to just eat carbs in my diet but the way they leave me hungry makes me want to limit them again

Advice? Where do I start? Did any of you start at 1500 and lose? 2500?

submitted by /u/BigRedMachine425
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing Weight, but unwanted attention makes me want to be fat again

I've lost about 75Lbs thus far, since starting Intermittent Fasting in February.

I would get hit on by guys when I was heavier, but they were so much more sincere. Now, guys are straight up scary. I have gotten an influx of friend requests, followers and likes on my social media platforms. Normally, this would sound great right?? Ummm... No.

These guys are awful. They're rude, they ask too intimate of questions, they tell me they want to get married, they expect me to have sex with them upon first meeting them, etc. And no, they're not all bots. Some are, no lie; but not all of them. In person out in public, it's so much worse. I've been followed, touched, or stared at by men in public spaces. I now fear for my safety. Guys have said disturbing things to me in public, one guy at a club spanked me and told me I had the posterior of an African-American woman (in not those words) and that I can't be walking around like that without someone trying to grab it.

I'm starting to miss being fat. I miss it when guys came up to me because they genuinely liked ME. When I was heavier, most men would literally avoid looking at me, they would literally turn their head away from my direction. I always thought, being ignored is better than being bullied. When I would have lunch with my best friend, he would ask me question after question about the way I see the universe and the philosophy and theology that shaped my paradigm. Now he just stares at my boobs and wants to talk about sex. [because of the hormones I take, my boobs have actually gone up to an F cup during my weight loss.] Now my best friend wants to know the things I like in bed, the things I've done. At least now he opens all the doors and always pays for lunch (he wouldn't when I was heavier), but I miss our sexless deeper conversations.

Messed up part is, I'm still fat. I'm well over 300 lbs. I'm not healthy yet. I want to get to that point, of good health. I was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, and after everything I've been through, I am now cancer free and feel like my body can do ANYTHING, even gracefully get to a healthy weight. I am focused on the things that I want from weight loss: riding rides at the fair, not worrying about diabetes, better sleep, prevent the cancer from coming back and cheaper clothes that are cute! But these guys are really bothering me. It's a weird problem to have, but I have it. I don't know, this whole experience even has me questioning my sexuality. I'm starting to wonder if I'm asexual.

This is a lot, sorry for the long read
TL;DR - Lost approx 75Lbs. Still fat, but guys are treating me worse than before. They approach me too aggressively now and even my best friend switched up on me. Because I'm overwhelmed, I'm starting to miss being fat and am now questioning my sexuality. Am I asexual??

submitted by /u/CHERished626
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Huge NSV , literally almost cried.

I have tried and failed at keto diet too many times to count. In February I realized I was disgusted with myself and couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror without wanting to cry. I hadn’t weighed myself in around a year, stepped on the scale and had gained 35 lbs in a year. I was already over weight before the 35 lbs! I finally got serious about this way of eating and have been on keto since the end of February. I’ve lost a total of 55 lbs on a 5’3 frame. Anyways the last month or two the weight loss has REALLY slowed down and I have found myself very discouraged. I had however added a gym regimen 5x per week and still feel that my body is changing and looking more toned and healthier everyday. Anyhow fast forward to yesterday I went out clothes shopping. I asked the attendant in the store if she could pull a shirt down off the wall for me. She asked me what size and I responded oh either large or xl. She told me here try this medium instead those will be way too big. I tried the medium and it FIT! I haven’t worn a medium top since high school! I had a bit of an emotional moment in the fitting room. Proceeded to grab a couple other medium shirts and dresses, they all fit too! This really really lifted my spirits after feeling discouraged about no weight loss.

submitted by /u/jasiujaneczkos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Is losing weight slowly a sign that the weight loss is sustainable or am I deluding myself?

I'm maintaining a fairly small calorie deficit and losing about 1/3 to 1/2 a pound a week. The calorie deficit is small because I cancel out about half of my daily calorie deficit with a once weekly cheat day.

On one hand, with the cheat day (which I sometimes save for special events) the current calorie amount doesn't feel like a huge sacrifice, just an increase in being careful. So maybe that means the weight I lose will stay off? Because I'll have an easier time not going back to an unhealthy lifestyle after?

On the other hand, maybe I should actually be more serious about this and the slowness means I'm not being serious enough. With the cheat day, I'm still making food a major source of pleasure in my life and maybe I shouldn't be doing that? I'm not sure.

Anyone experienced something similar and have any thoughts? Did losing weight more slowly help you keep it off?

submitted by /u/ErinFlight
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

An backhanded insult that kicked me into high gear

I'm a male grad student 215lb, 6'0" at an American University, and I had been losing weight slowly. Recently I had been stuck on a plateau at 220. I was okay with it and knew if I kept improving it would pass.

However, one day a group of people were hanging out with a flat mate. They assumed I was gone and were talking about me. The girls all agreed that I had a "cute face", and that it was easily a 9/10. But..... because I was fat, I was a 3/10.

I'll admit it sucked to hear that, and it really crushed me. I had always known that my weight created biases against me. I fought those biases to get into grad school, and I fight them when I assist in teaching classes. But to hear people talk so brutally and honestly stung.

After really thinking about this, I realized that what hurt the most is that internally i felt the same way, and hearing someone say that really sucked. I decided to kick my weight loss into high gear and eat cleaner and workout more.

All in all though, it showed me who I can and can't trust within that group, and I'm glad I found some more motivation during a hard plateau.

submitted by /u/OverworldGamer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight with ASD

To start this off, I am a 23 year old adult male. I am a reasonably short guy, 165cm/5 foot 4 inches, and the ASD in the title means I have autism spectrum disorder. I don't think I've seen this topic addressed here on loseit before, as a pretty long time lurker making a first post, I thought I would mention it.

I was diagnosed at the start of this year, as a "high functioning" (I don't like that term) man with autism. I wasn't a particularly chubby child, but as soon as puberty hit I kind of expanded. Lol. At the age of 14 I was about 80kg/170lbs, and that was definitely not muscle. I already thought I was big then, but this time last year I stepped on the scale to find I weighed 110kg/240lbs. It was heavy on my mind for a whole year before I finally decided to do something about it.

I wear XXL or XXXL clothes, those are what I bought last time I went shopping. It was embarrassing, having to go store to store because I couldn't find stores that had clothes that went up to my size. It's embarrassing sitting on a crowded train and taking up so much of the space that you have to press yourself against the side so people can fit next to you. I've been applying for jobs recently, and there's always this thought in the back of mind about whether their uniforms would even fit me.

Now here's the problem. I have autism. I couldn't even eat toast a few days ago because it wasn't the brand of bread I usually eat. Changing my routine is extremely upsetting for me and it leaves me feeling this encompassing, heavy feeling of being... uncomfortable, I guess. These first two weeks have been very hard for me, but I have still stuck to it despite this. I know that these first few weeks are the hardest and I just have to keep pushing through.

Two weeks ago when I decided to really stick to this, I was 110.7kg, and this morning I stepped on the scale to see 108.15kg or 238lbs. That day I weighed myself, I made huge portions of various meals (I'm a pescatarian so it's mostly vegetables) and then portioned it all out to be less than what I would usually eat (which was a lot). I have managed to stick to eating one for a meal and snacking on crackers and hummus or drinking tea/coffee if I get hungry.

Having autism makes changing these routines and habits extra difficult, but I know that this decision is good for me. My pants are getting looser, they start to fall down as I walk, and I know that my mood has improved and I feel healthier. I do not count calories or macros or anything like that and I currently don't exercise, and although I don't plan on ever doing the former I will attempt the latter. I am not trying to say I think counting things like that is bad or what you should not be doing, I just don't think it's for me as a man with autism who will likely become obsessed.

This got longer than I anticipated and I'm not sure where I intended to go with it. I'm not entirely sure about goals for the weight loss, at the moment I think I just desire to be below 100kg/220lbs, which hasn't happened since high school. Back then I was a size small, I don't know if that's achievable as I'm currently an XXL. I think I would like to be a large, it would make clothes shopping a lot easier and feels like a much closer goal. I'm sure there are other people in my situation, trying to lose weight with autism. Perhaps this would help someone feel like they are not entirely alone.

submitted by /u/grand__R
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

(Need Advice) Lost my will power. Health took a nosedive after family emergency.

Hey there. I started my weight loss journey in June of 2018. By March 2019 I was down to 176 lbs (from 207-208). After giving in to a pizza party at work, it all start going downhill from there. I stopped counting my calories and stopped caring of what I was eating. In August I was 180 lbs, which wasn't a lot gained.

But then on September 1st my mother suffered a massive stroke. For the rest of this month I've been going back and forth to different hospitals, keeping up with her recovery and being with her. I avoided the scale for a long time and now I just weighed myself and I'm back to 192... I stress ate until I gained 10 more lbs. I'm so frustrated. I don't want to lose all the progress that I made. I feel gross. I need to get back into the groove.

Any advice on jump starting again is appreciated.


25F H: 5'3 CW: 192 GW: 130

From Ontario, Canada.

submitted by /u/Inkjewel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat