Friday, September 22, 2023

Could sleep affect my weight loss

Currently at 201lbs and I, for the life of me, cannot lose it!

For some context: I am 23F, full time desk job and full time master's student. I am on hormonal contraceptives and antidepressants, but I was able to lose weight during the spring and summer but gained it all back and then some. I've upped my daily step count to 7000-10k steps a day (bought a walking pad for when i work) and I go to the gym for resistance training 4-5x a week. I weigh my food out and log EVERYTHING (even if I don't want to) on MFP. Sedentary days, I eat about 1500 cal and active days, 1800cal. I've lowered it to about 1300-1700. And I cannot. Lose. Anything. I'm actually consistently going up in weight or stagnant for the entirety of September. The ONLY thing I can think that might me hindering it is my sleep?

My sleep is garbage and not by choice. I have insomnia and go to sleep between 3:30am-4am and wake up at 7. I take MANY naps. Like, whenever I get the chance. Could my poor sleeping habits really be the culprit on why I can't shed this weight? Should I go get my thyroid checked? Everyone I talk to says ny calories are pretty low and the fact I can't lose the weight is concerning me. I was 185 this summer and ballooned up to 200. I'm really trying to get this under control but it doesn't seem to stop!!

submitted by /u/Alone-Money7325
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally! Started from 86 kg, dropped to 79 and stayed there for months. Last month I dropped to 77 kg. This month I'm 75 kg!

180 cm tall

Finally, this is absolutely amazing! I'm finally at my original weight, when I was at my absolute healthiest!

I go to the gym 3-4 times a week, I count my calories as much as possible, and it finally happened! Reached my goal weight! Now I can finally get a rest and eat at my maintenance.

What helped me, for those struggling with either plateauing or gaining -

It's fine to skip breakfast, and don't let anyone tell you that you have to eat 3 times a day. I just ate whenever I felt hungry and it was either at lunch or dinner but never breakfast. At most, I had a small candybar so the sugar can get me through the morning but that's it.

Be kind with yourself and have patience. It's not easy. You might slip, you might think you've gained a bit of weight but it's not the end of the world. I noticed that when I had a binge for a couple days and gained 1 or 2 kilos, they went away shortly after I began dieting again. Water weight can be very deceiving.

Exercise - a lot of people say that it's better to eat less than exercise but I don't agree 100%. Just 400 calories burned during exercise can make the difference between maintenance and weight loss.

Drink water - most of the time you're not hungry, just thirsty.

submitted by /u/Elegant-Passion2199
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, September 21, 2023

How to start exercising as a beginner?

I (21F) recently lost a fair amount of weight, about forty pounds. I went from 170 pounds to 130 pounds but I did it without ANY exercise. The weight loss made me happy but I still have a fair amount of body fat despite being a healthy weight for my height (5’5). I’ve never liked exercising and haven’t really exercised since high school when I had to take gym class. That being said I really need to get toned if I want to be happy with my body and I don’t know where to start. I also recently quit smoking so my lung capacity isn’t great. Are there any exercises that are easy to start with and good for beginners?

submitted by /u/No_Jackfruit_3821
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Have I even made ANY progression?

I've supposedly lost 30lbs within the past couple of months but I really don't see a difference and it's getting so discouraging.

My heaviest was 330lbs. I only got serious about weight loss this year though. I went from 300lbs in April down to 220lbs now. I lost the weight through water fasting on and off.

I look at other women who are my weight and they look so different. I pretty much still look like I weigh 300lbs. This is so depressing

Am I losing muscle instead of fat? I thought it went glucose > fat > muscle.

Do I even look like I've lost any weight at all between these two pictures? Please be honest. Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/Practical-Finding494
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dieting in a family that throws junk food down their throat


Dieting was always hard and I never kept to it until recently I had enough of my cysts (I suspect I have hidradenitis) and went on an elimination diet of sorts. Still in the middle of figuring out my triggers but that’s besides the point.

Thing is. It took all four of my sites (both bikini lines and under both armpits) to flare up one day to really hit me how much I needed to eat healthier. Cutting potatoes was hard. I. Love. Potatoes. Chips and fries are my favorite of the bunch. I had to cut the rest of potato’s family members too (nightshades like green peppers and tomatoes, both that I LOVE). I’ve cut: processed sugars, coffee, nightshades, all junk food, all candy, soda, and an array of other stuff. I’ve lowered my intake of wheat too, but not completely on a GF diet yet.

I lost close to 10 pounds and since weight loss has been in my plan for years, as unhappy as I am to lose all this junk food, I’m not gonna complain about the bonus of the weight loss lol.

Right now, I’m sitting next to my brother who is stuffing his face with a family pack of chips, eating with his mouth open, and guzzling coke. It might be FOMO, it might be the annoyance of hearing him smack his lips and eat with his mouth open, it might be shoving the chip bag in my face asking if I want some (he knows I cant). It might be my mother telling me how much better the food tasted tonight with a bit of tomato garnishing (she told me this 7 times). It might just be work exhaustion. Might be my period that just past (delayed PMS?)

Whatever the case, I’m just so angry tonight. Like irrationally angry. I was always one of those “don’t impose your diet on other people” guys, but tonight, I’m just. So. Exhausted. Sad. Infuriated. I want to eat so much stuff and I can’t. I can’t even have a cheat day. I did that and then hobbled around with a bikini line cyst for days. Was not worth it.

I’m not going to tell my family to not eat these things in front of me or to force them to join me in my diet. But can I get some respect? Like. Don’t shove the chips in my face or tell me 7 times how good the dish that I can’t have was? Can you eat with your mouth closed?

Better yet, can my brother stop going around bragging that he can eat whatever he wants (he shouldn’t, diabetes and high blood sugar runs on both maternal and paternal sides) without anything happening and is proud to be obese with a big belly. I figured that when a family member is suffering, it was common courtesy to not rub stuff in their faces.

submitted by /u/ReleasePositive2454
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tips for a maintaining a healthy long-term weight loss mindset?

I've recently begun my (long overdue) weight-loss journey. I'm a 5'1 23-year-old woman, and almost fainted when I looked at the scale for the first time in a couple of years and saw that I'd climbed up to 290 POUNDS just from letting go a bit for my first year and a half of moving out on my own. Needless to say, my weight was far worse than it was the last time I checked it. I'd been suspecting for some time that I'd been gaining weight, but sheesh.

I've always struggled with my weight, because I honestly just think that I'm inclined to gain it relatively easily if I don't watch what I eat, and in spite of inherently disliking soda and most chips/various junk food snacks, I still really love my carby sweet pastries and pastas. The mortifying atrocity of being 180 pounds over what is considered healthy for my height has nonetheless forced me to accept that I just don't currently have the metabolism to be as lax about what I eat as I have been, and for a month now have been very strictly dieting, exercising etc. and have so far lost around 8 pounds.


I do immediately feel far more energized and physically happy than I have in years, so I think my body's thanking me for these changes, and that alone is pretty motivating. Unfortunately, since I have, uh, an entire person's worth of excess fat that I really want to burn as fast as possible, it's difficult to not feel like I'm not losing it fast enough. Even though I'm technically making progress, I can't shake the incredible guilt I feel at letting it get this bad. I didn't even think that I ate that poorly before this, but that initial number still really haunts me. It might always haunt me. I still don't really feel better when I see the scale fall down a measly pound or two, because the amount of weight I apparently need to lose is so immense. I'm still in panic mode, I guess, and sometimes it's really tempting to cut it all down to 900 calories a day or something just to make this happen faster.

I know that's really bad for you, so I do what I can to drown out those voices. Are there any other people here that have been in a place where they've begun their large-scale weight loss lifestyle changes, and had to come to terms with their decisions as they did so? Does anyone have any advice on the emotional impact of something like this, and being patient with the inherently gradual nature of healthy and sustainable weight loss even when they needed to lose a LOT?

submitted by /u/theoxidantspaceship
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weekly Discord Support Group

I'm planning on starting a discord support group where we would meet on a weekly basis via voice chat to talk about our achievements, obstacles, etc.

I feel like being in a weight loss group helps motivate people to stay on track and holds them accountable.

It's also going to be an open community where we can encourage eachother during the week, post progress pics, food pics, recipes, etc.

Anyone is welcome to join as long as you're friendly and ready to lose weight. It doesn't matter if you need to lose 1 Lb or 100 Lbs!

I already have a few people interested. We can decide what day of the week / time works best for everyone.

If you're interested let me know!

submitted by /u/thetruefrozn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat