Friday, September 22, 2023

Could sleep affect my weight loss

Currently at 201lbs and I, for the life of me, cannot lose it!

For some context: I am 23F, full time desk job and full time master's student. I am on hormonal contraceptives and antidepressants, but I was able to lose weight during the spring and summer but gained it all back and then some. I've upped my daily step count to 7000-10k steps a day (bought a walking pad for when i work) and I go to the gym for resistance training 4-5x a week. I weigh my food out and log EVERYTHING (even if I don't want to) on MFP. Sedentary days, I eat about 1500 cal and active days, 1800cal. I've lowered it to about 1300-1700. And I cannot. Lose. Anything. I'm actually consistently going up in weight or stagnant for the entirety of September. The ONLY thing I can think that might me hindering it is my sleep?

My sleep is garbage and not by choice. I have insomnia and go to sleep between 3:30am-4am and wake up at 7. I take MANY naps. Like, whenever I get the chance. Could my poor sleeping habits really be the culprit on why I can't shed this weight? Should I go get my thyroid checked? Everyone I talk to says ny calories are pretty low and the fact I can't lose the weight is concerning me. I was 185 this summer and ballooned up to 200. I'm really trying to get this under control but it doesn't seem to stop!!

submitted by /u/Alone-Money7325
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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