Saturday, September 30, 2023

What are some things about weight loss you’ve noticed that are Awesome and Not So Awesome?

Personally, mine are mostly about food. (Apologies for the formatting, I’m on mobile).

What’s Awesome—

-I can eat foods like potatoes/cabbage and eat a crap ton of it and still not pass my calorie intake. I love it so much.

That said, heard marshmallows are good little treats for sweet tooth days and I’m considering getting a bag for when those moments appear and enjoy their “filling” affect without worrying about my calories to much.

-I like how you can technically eat all of the foods you want, you just have to monitor the intake amount so you don’t overdo anything. There’s a person here I believe who lost weight only eating fast food— I’m not saying that’s everyone’s taste/goal and it’s not mine either— but the fact he was capable of doing that is pretty awesome in my opinion.

On the flip side of Not So Awesome— a small fast food meal, a milkshake, or other “non-filling” foods have such a high calorie amount BUT DON’T FILL YOU UP 😭

-I hate it so much. It feels frustrating at times knowing you can eat a slice a cake with say 500 calories yet’s not going to fill you up in the same way 500 calories worth of potatoes would.

One can’t just “minimize” portions and hope to lose weight because the way CICO works and certain foods being more calorie dense than others.

I’m sure there are many many more, even bit food related. So what are some things you guys have noticed in the process of either losing weight or just aiming for a healthier lifestyle that’s awesome or not so awesome?

submitted by /u/Cefitie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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