Friday, September 22, 2023

Fitness Trackers + Calorie Consumption

Hello everyone. I just need to rant and get some questions answered…

As it says on my flair, I have lost 30 lbs so far. I have been on a weight loss/fitness journey for about 2 years now. I am a 5’4” F who was 180lbs and currently 150. I have been trying to get down to 130 or 125 but I can’t seem to find the right calorie deficit. I have trouble coming up with a number for the caloric deficit because I don’t have a gauge on what I am burning. I have used Garmin, Fitbit, and Apple Watch devices and all give me different numbers (I understand that no fitness tracker is 100% accurate but I want a ballpark of what my TDEE is). I have been at 150lbs for over a year and just need some advice.

My current fitness level is pretty advanced. Former soccer athlete, I currently run a 55min 10K, I bench 140lbs, squat 225, deadlift 225, can do pull-ups, push-ups etc. I currently run 4x a week and lift on those days as well, so I usually have 2-3 rest days per week, sometimes less. Because of my fitness levels, when I tell friends or trainers at the gym that I am going on a “cut” (lose fat, maintain muscle), they tell me to eat 1600-1800 cals or 2000. But is that low enough? For example, my garmin tells me that I have burned a total of 2500cals after 17k steps + all the aforementioned activity. But Fitbit would say 2300, and Apple Watch 2700. What seems to be the most realistic?

Because I have maintained and grown my muscle mass for over a year, I feel that a strict cut for 2-3 months would allow me to get to 125 and not lose too much muscle/strength… Can anyone give me a calorie amount that seems right and that has worked for them? I feel a lot more athletic than I look. I don’t know if it’s a problem with me, or I just haven’t been in a deficit, I.e I’m eating more than I think? It’s just very disheartening when my initial goal was about appearance and somehow I made it about performance and I’m still not satisfied with how I look. And don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t think I’m at a comfortable weight yet either. I have flat feet and the extra body weight hurts my arches when I run or do any hiking. I def think that there is room for improvement, just not sure how to get there.

submitted by /u/nazanina8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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