Sunday, September 24, 2023

280>230, 50 lbs down. Halfway to Goal Weight

Hey guys,

Just wanted to do a midpoint follow-up to share my experience thus far. I started my weight loss journey in March and this morning I hit 230 for the first time. My ultimate goal is 180 but I plan to take a little maintenance break at 199 to see how things are going.

I’m going to break down how my progression looked in phases that I consider a shift in my mental process regarding weight loss and how it naturally progressed for me. I hope this helps anyone that may just be starting or having a hard time.

Phase 1 (280-263) AT the beginning, i took about a month transitioning to cooking at home again instead of eating out so much. I wasn’t tracking calories at this point but I started dropping weight anyway. A couple of weeks after starting to cook my own food i began walking 2-3x per week and started feeling generally better. In this phase I didn’t care about calories or protein or anything else, i was just laying the foundation for what was to come.

Phase 2 (263-248) After losing about 20 lbs I got that happy feeling of “wow, i can actually do this”. I decided to do some more research on how to continue my weight loss in a consistent matter. I learned all about CICO, calorie tracking, and TDEE. I downloaded LoseIt!, bought a food scale, and started tracking all my food and calories. It took a few weeks to hone in my calorie goal but I eventually arrived at eating about 2200 calories/day which put me at around 1% bodyweight loss per week.

Phase 3 (248-Present) After a couple of months of building those habits in phase 2, i decided to do even more research and get into the details of my plan a bit more. I realized I wasn’t eating enough protein and raised my protein goal each day. I started adding some greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and adding more lean meats to my diet. I also read more about muscle loss risk and how to mitigate it and decided to start incorporating full body resistance training 3x per week.

Parting Thoughts At this stage i’m feeling much better with my function and looks. I’ve dropped a couple pant sizes, i went from a 2XL shirt to an XL but i’m close to comfortably fitting in to L. All my shorts are falling off of me and i’ve started fitting in to some clothes I haven’t worn in a long time. I’ll be attending a wedding at the end of October and i’m excited to go shopping for some nice pants and a shirt to feel good in!

I haven’t been taking strict progress photos but here’s a before and after as best as I could do: Before/After

submitted by /u/ffxivpld19
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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