Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Help, I don't know if my calorie intake is too low or my exercise is too much

Hello, I'm someone who's been on a weight loss journey and I pretty much am self thaught, which has led me to not knowing if I'm hurting myself or if I'm not putting enough "dedication" most of the time, still, so far I've been losing weight, I've lost about 12kg in the past 4 months. I've been using myfitnesspal to count my calories and try to stay on a deficit, although many days I've gone beyond what I should be consuming but I've still managed to shed the pounds that's set on my goal, which makes me think I'm either adding more calories than I'm consuming or I need to compensate for some of the exercise I do.

I've got a LOT to say on what has been my experience and what I've been trying but I'll try to keep it brief. So, firstly, I do believe I go on a very low calorie feat sometimes, that's happened to me a bunch of times now, and I notice because of two main things: One is that I'd get a pretty bad headache that'll go away by either eating a big meal or drinking something sugary like coke, so it's actually like my blood sugar is low, and second is that even when I've been sitting and stand up fast enough I get lightheaded and get blurry vision, I need a wall to hold onto because I feel I'm going to fall. I may also get a little lightheaded during cardio. I also have trouble sleeping more than 6 hours, that's something I've blamed on the calorie deficit as well but it could be other things, it may help to know if some of you had dealt with something similar.

Now to elaborate on the exercise I do: I exercise 5 days a week, each of those days I do about 35 minutes of cardio and I think my heartrate stays at a 70-75% for the most part, it may peak to 85% for like a minute a few times. I also do calisthenics, I don't expect to gain that much strength being on a calorie deficit but it's more of a discipline constant at this point, and also because I've read it's good to do strength training and cardio to lose weight, but I'm afraid I may be going a little overboard with strength training (for a low calorie deficit). I am training the way you would if you were trying gain muscle, for example in one day I'll do 3 sets of pull ups, 3 sets of chin ups, bar hold for 35 seconds four times, then do 3 sets of bicep curls and another 3 of hammer curls, I'd near or reach failure on the last reps of each session. What i'd like to know is if some of this is necessary or I need to tone down these workouts.

My BMR is 1554.7 and even though I'd need to eat 1500 calories or less to lose weight (if we're discounting the excercise), I aim towards 1720 on most days to reduce the rate at which I screw myself up lol, even at 1720 calories I start to feel pretty bad eventually and need to fuel up with a lot more calories for a day or two to be able carry on with exercise and the calorie deficit. Apparently, based of the exercise I put every week, my intake for weight mainteinance should be 2400 calories AT LEAST, I'm willing to change my calorie intake to 1900 calories or tone down the exercise but well, I worry I won't be losing weight then. I feel like experimenting and keeping the exercise but increase my calorie intake to 1900 or so for a month, then see if I lost weight or not.

submitted by /u/leemalemon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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