Thursday, July 2, 2020

Made it three weeks without soda!

No small victories. 5 years ago I was at my lowest weight since high school. My face was thin, I was wearing XL clothes again, and I felt good. I was getting attention, and I was no longer the "other" in the room.

5 years later I'm at the heaviest I've ever been in my life. Off the charts in so many ways. Miserable daily.

Depression brought me down. The daily humiliations kept me down.

But quarantine gave me a chance to start to lift myself back up. Without the pressure of being in public, I was granted the head space to focus on a simple goal.

Today I'm three weeks soda-free. Weight loss has been minimal, but so has my exercise routine. Going to start some walking now, and will check in in another month or so.

No matter how slow you're moving, you're always lapping somebody on the couch.


submitted by /u/KafkasGhost
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to lose 100lbs.

Hi guys,

I’ve posted two separate times in the past. From Jan to July of 2019 I was on my first ever consistent and successful weight loss journey. I was eating right, doing CICO, gym 5-7 times a week and I was seeing results. I lost around 30/35lbs in those months and I felt on top of the world. It was the only time I’ve ever seen active results from my own actions and I felt in control and confident.

In mid June I switched jobs from an office 9-5 to a very busy front desk position at a resort. Although I loved my new job the schedule was all over and my regular set gym time started becoming inconsistent. Add a cafeteria for employees that always had a dessert bar and something greasy for lunch and I was on my way to gaining. Then at the end of July the worst thing that’s ever happened to me happened. My dad died from unexpected heart failure and shattered my heart and all of my will to do anything but exist.

Cut to January of 2020. I’m healing. I got a supervisor job at a Hilton hotel closer to home. But I’ve now gained approx 60lbs since July. The entire weight I worked so hard to lose and now an additional 30+lbs making me the heaviest I have ever been. I weighed in at 245. My previous heaviest was 205. I was ashamed and miserable with myself. I also got incredibly deep and large stretch marks on my stomach and pelvic area which I’ve never dealt with. So that was even more upsetting. I sobbed in the bathroom when I saw them, I didn’t even want my husband to look at me naked. I did that to myself in the matter of months.

I got temp laid off from March to May because of COVID. So in April I joined WW. I always heard good things and thought why not? I lost 12lbs in two months and I really like it so far. It forces me to eat based off the nutritional contents and not just calories. Although I am thinking of potentially going back to CICO. I feel out of control without seeing that I’m in my calorie limits.

Also I’m looking for ways to workout and be active without being at the gym. My husband has severe asthma and I can’t risk bringing the virus home. any tips helps! Right now I’ve been alternating every other day between a low impact video on YouTube and a 30 minute hike/walk.

All of this to say I’m coming from the lowest point of my life so far. I’m 21, I’m 5’4 and I currently weight 230lbs. My GW is between 130-140lbs. I am intimidated but I know I’m capable. Any advice at all is so appreciated. I’ll need it. I don’t want to always be big. I was doing great before and I’ll do even better now.

TLDR: was losing weight in 2019, dad died, gained 60lbs and reached my highest ever weight. Now I want to lose 100lbs to get to my goal of 130.

submitted by /u/ivy_rose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

How I use my bullet journal for my weight loss

Album is here

I’ve been using a bullet journal since the start of the year. I had one to organize parts of my life but when the weight loss parts were getting too many pages, I decided to split it into its own journal.

I’m not going to show the “initial” setup since it’s a little dated and honestly, I had no idea what I’m doing.

The notable pages are the graph, the milestones/rewards page and the progress pics page where I take a pic at the start of the month to stick on there.

I took pictures of spreads that has helped me from March to now. Like everything, it’s an evolving process but this is what worked for me.

The album shows the pictures out of order but I’ll explain. I split up my monthly pages to two sections: one for food and one for working out. I have thought about making one big calendar with both information but found that I preferred separating it. I wanted to see what I ate and I wanted to see what my workout was scheduled for.

Anyway, here are the spreads I’ve used:

  1. Affirmation, Month Title with the weight of each week

I like affirmations. I also find a weight loss related quote to use that. It’s mainly to fill space. I log weight once a week, even though I check everyday.

  1. Food log with meal plan

The top is my food log with calories while the bottom is the meal plan of the week. I do OMAD so I don’t really need MFP to log my meals anymore. I add what I use and jot it down. I like meal planning because it helps me organize grocery shopping

  1. Mood Tracker with weekly reflections

Color coordinated on the days I’ve done what. Reflections to further process how I’m feeling.

  1. Brain Dump

If I have a meal I want to do but don’t know where to put it or look up YouTubers to follow along with my workouts. Super helpful when I’m planning my meals when I don’t know what I want

  1. Workout Schedule with habit tracker

I did the Chloe Ting 2 week shred and PIIT 28. I hated figuring out which day I did what workout so this was an easier way for me to fit it. The habit trackers to keep me on track

  1. Workout reflections

Where I put my measurements and general thoughts and accomplishments. I’m trying out a new program this time around and wanted to add which video I did and whether the trainer was someone I would want to continue.

I usually have two or four pages left over so I used that for other ideas. Some I used for quick references, other are for book thoughts

So yea, this is my weight loss bullet journal. I could have done all of this online, especially with Happy Scale, MFP, Google Drive but I wanted everything in one place and also, this was another hobby I could do with my hands. Usually I’m focused on this so I don’t snack and any new hobby I pick up that uses my hands, I’m all for it.

I hope this helps some people

submitted by /u/starsreminisce
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any tips on making the process fun?

I've just started my weight loss journey, and I have a few things down pat. I've found exercise that I enjoy and that I'm willing to do every day or almost every day. I usually go for a long, brisk walk and do yoga every single day, and I've loved connecting with my body like that. That took ages for me to do because I hate the environment of a gym. If you thrive there, heck yes, it's just not for me. The food's been pretty easy to manage as well - one simple carb a day and not a lot of it, lots of fruit and veggies, lean proteins. It's amazing how easy it's been to slip into this new routine. I've already lost a pound (not a big deal, but I've been struggling forever).

But y'all - I'm miserable. I'm really trying hard not to be a brat, thinking of future scale and non-scale victories, trying to jazz up my options, throw myself into other things in life. Nothing is working. It's just a huge bummer. I know that this is going to take a while. I've accepted that part. Any tips on making it enjoyable in the moment? I don't want to just slug through this and put my happiness on hold. The delayed gratification ain't cuttin' it. I need some part of this to be fun. Is that impossible?

submitted by /u/theconductor37
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Happy Cake (Mango Pudding Pie) Day!!

Hey guys! Since it’s my cake day, I (17, F, 5’4) thought I’d share some progress as I came to reddit to find help with my weight loss journey, but I’ve managed to find beautiful and funny communities in other places as well that really brighten up my gloomy days.

I started out my weight loss journey at 228.0 lbs. and am currently getting back to my 140s. I was struggling with my eating habits and have finally gotten a control over it in the last month. What finally worked for me is realizing that I didn’t have to be strict all the time. I started out with eating 1200-1400 calories every day. And although that worked for me weight loss wise, I did feel a sense of restriction that led to binges as well as multiple plateaus. I recently started doing “cycles” in my calories, where some days I’d have 1200, but others I could have up to 1900. Combined with my workouts, it would average out to 1500 calories every day.

This has allowed me to lose about 1-2 pounds a week (I’m hoping to hit 128). This was a big realization for me as I always believed that I wouldn’t lose weight unless I stayed at 1200. Allowing myself to have days where I didn’t necessarily cheat, but had bigger calorie allowances made me feel refreshed and ready to take on the challenge again. If I was starting to break and was feeling a binge coming on, then I would bring my calories up to maintenance for as long as I felt I needed to. I would remind myself that there was no rush and that I could take a big breath.

... And that big breath today is in the form of mango pudding pie which I will pretend to be having in celebration of my Reddit Cake Day!

So to end this note, please be kind to yourselves and remember: Just pretend that you’re a superhero that needs to save your people. Superheroes need those strong muscles (well, except for Thor that one time. Ignore that...).

submitted by /u/JFae556
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Looser fitting clothing

30/F/5’4 SW:240 CW: 236 GW: 160. I’m new to the reddit community in general. I took a job nearly two years ago which took me off my feet (averaged 7k steps daily) to a sedentary (but stressful) desk job. I’m back up around my highest weight. Seeing this community has given me the motivation I have needed to make it stick.

My thinnest in high school was around 150lbs, and I used to play a lot of DDR. After graduating college, I attended a specialty program and had a second floor apartment. Lots of stress from studying and less active time lead me to gain. Having a kid has added a lot more difficulty in finding time to work on myself.

My weight has always fluctuated but I’m taking control of it finally. I purchased a treadmill (issues there).. so in the meantime I’m going back to DDR, walking, and swimming.

In 10 days I’ve lost 4 lbs and feel better and my clothes are fitting better. It’s an amazing feeling and I can’t wait to see the progress continue. I’m not even struggling with will power. So unbelievable to me. Weight loss for me is all about the mentality. I honestly have not ‘cheated’ yet.

submitted by /u/kittenshiver
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question about minimum calories

Hello! I'm on day 24 of CICO and have already been seeing consistent weight loss results! My question is this - I've been using My Fitness Pal to track all of my calories and the minimum it says I'm required to eat is 2020 calories per day with my current activity level. (For reference I'm a woman, 5'6, currently 305 pounds) Most of my days I never meet that and am staying at a semi-consistent 1500-1700. Is this healthy in the longterm if I physically feel fine? Should I restrict even further? My doctor has said she wanted me on an 800-1200 calorie diet but to me that was not sustainable in the long run - I knew I'd get frustrated and start going back to old habits.

Where I am now though, I could feasibly see going to 1200 eventually. Before I started this journey I would easily hit 2500-3500 a day (just estimating) so I know the main reason I'm losing is because I've created this big deficit from the normal amount I would consume.

Is it sustainable to keep at the rate I'm going, about 1500-1700 calories a day, or should I be taking in the minimum amount my Fitness Pal states?

submitted by /u/Baristasiren
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from loseit - Lose the Fat