Sunday, August 1, 2021

I feel confident...until I look at pictures of me.

Hello there,

I've been struggling with weight loss and confidence lately, and I don't know what to do.

I'm female, almost 15. I'm 5'3, and I weigh roughly 165 pounds (I know, I'm overweight).

My friends and family have told me that I look really skinny and pretty, and I've started to believe them, but whenever I see pictures of me in shorts/tank tops/swimsuits/etc., I get so self-conscious again.

I really want to slim down in order to feel better about myself, because no matter what anyone says about "loving yourself the way you are", I can't.

The problem with that, though, is no matter what I do, I can't lose weight, and it makes me so upset.

Any ideas? I could really use some help here.

submitted by /u/broskiidk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I feel like the scale is lying? I lost weight but don’t feel like I have

I [21F] gained a lot of weight in college and started my weight loss journey about a month ago after graduating/moving. I’ve set goal weights each week and consistently hit them, bought healthier foods and snacks, and started exercising each day before work. So far according to my bathroom scale I’ve lost about 15 pounds since first starting to monitor my weight, which is great, especially to only have done in my first month! Along the way, I have actually genuinely enjoyed sticking to an intense workout routine, eating nutrient-rich salads every day even while tempted by junk food at work, and finding fun activities to do on weekends that involve getting out and being active, so I’m not really worried about gaining weight back so long as I don’t fall back into my old habits.

Even though I’ve made a lot of progress, I feel like I don’t look or feel any different. I thought my clothes would start to feel looser and I’d notice the changes in the mirror, but I genuinely don’t feel like my body looks any different and my clothes fit the same. I still feel horribly out of place when I am next to my thin friends and am still extremely self-conscious out in public due to my appearance. I am trying my best to trust the process and slowly shed a few pounds week by week, month by month, but it’s hard to stay motivated because I still hate the way I look and I worry I will constantly feel this way, even as I continue to lose weight. I don’t know if anyone else has experienced feelings similar to this, but I wonder if/when I will actually start to see progress. Sometimes it’s really hard to trust that I will one day hit my goals when it feels like things are moving too slowly.

submitted by /u/thelilbel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Please help me, how can I stay motivated to lose weight?!

Hey everyone,

20F, im 5'8 and around 186-188lbs atm. A little backstory, I was always at a good weight until I turned 16 which I slowly started gaining weight because I binge ate a lot. But because I had a decent metabolism my weight gain was slow. I was at 175 by the time I turned 17 and throughout that year I gained 23lbs. By the time I was 18 I was 198lbs and entered college I knew I had to lose weight, I dieted for around 1 month and a half and dropped down to 185lbs just by eating a bit better and working out 3-4 days a week. I stopped working out and slipped with my diet because I started getting stressed out by school. I didnt gain weight tho. I took a 4 month break to focus on school. I started my weight loss again by the end January 2020 and went down to 168lbs by the end of March. But since covid happened I started slipping again and started to binge eat again due to my stress about the pandemic.

Now its more than a year later and I went through a 7 month depressive episode which caused me to gain 25lbs. I lost a bit of it but its still a long way to go. My goal weight for me to feel comfortable is 165-170lbs. BUT I FIND IT SO HARD TO STAY CONSISTENT!! The most I have ever been consistent is around 2 months but I have a lot of mental issues which cause me to crash and abandon any consistency I have.

I’m genuinely so embarrassed because I always say I’m gonna start, I do and then I end up stopping after 6 weeks, it’s been like this for the past 3 years. I feel so LAZY. Ive been saying I was gonna lose weight since nov 2020 but I’ve only lost about 5lbs /:.

Im gonna start my workouts and meal prep today since its a brand new month but how do I ensure to stay consistent and not give up? I’d at least like to pursue weight loss for 6 months.

Please, any advice is appreciated!!!

submitted by /u/necksarefathered
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Medication induced appetite suppression, prediabetes and weight loss plateau?

Hey all!

I’m not entirely concerned or worried but I like knowing how things work so I wanted to start a discussion!

I’m 31, woman, 5’0 and I was dx’d 5-6 months ago with ADHD and was put on Adderall. My first month on it I noticed awful appetite suppression. My ADHD always made preparing and eating food an awful experience for me. I’d go all day not eating because of executive function issues and would eat one meal, sometimes two. I maintained my weight through drinking sugary coffees/soda and eating fast food a couple times a week.

That month I dropped about 10 pounds from eating even less. I had no hunger cues and often forgot to eat.

I then went to my doctor for some other reason and got blood work done. It came back with lots of nutrient deficiencies for vitamin D, protein, iron, calcium I think + more and I got dx’d anemic and prediabetic. I talked with a registered dietician and we made a plan to go low carb to treat the prediabetes with a 45g carb/meal 15g/snacks. It’s been going really well. I don’t restrict myself. If I want something sweet, I eat it within the carb limits and pair with protein to mitigate blood sugar spikes while testing all foods to see what my body tolerates.

My SW was 331 pre ADHD diagnosis and I’ve got down to 292 mostly in the past two and a half months after my change in diet. I’ve noticed though the past two weeks I’ve just been bouncing up and down around between 294-291. I know it’s such a small amount, but the amount of food I’m consuming I KNOW I’m not eating enough to actually gain any weight. But I wasn’t sure why such a long gap of not losing anything?

I usually lose 3-5 pounds a week so it was just a surprise (I know this is a lot of weight. Im not complaining, again just curious lol). I WANT to eat 2000 calories but I’m often struggling to eat more than 1300-1400 most days. I’m in a huge deficient for how much extra weight I have so I’m just wondering if I may be eating too little and that’s why I’m stalling. Or if this is normal, I dunno.

I also still struggle with eating. Like I mentioned, I don’t eat a lot of food most days. I can’t handle large volumes of food at once. Does anyone have any experience with this and have any tips on how to work through it? I’ve tried setting specific scheduled times for eating, but my meals are so calorie light since I can’t eat a lot of carbs and still end up eating so little.

I weigh and log everything I put in my mouth, down to marinade ingredients. So I know I’m not over consuming on accident.

submitted by /u/rorybee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Longer term wins mindset?

I’ve been on this sub for a few days now and I’m just starting out in weight loss (although I’ve been trying to lose weight for 20 years, just with varying degrees of success). I’ve noticed a lot of posts with people wanting immediate, short term results. I fall into this trap too, and it’s one of the many reasons I haven’t been successful in the past. I was wondering if anyone has advice for how to have a more long term / high level mindset? For instance, measuring weight loss in months instead of days or weeks? I know we tend to be results-oriented people, so how do we shift that mindset to stay disciplined when weight loss is rarely linear or happening on a daily basis? One idea is only weighing oneself once a week or once a month- any thoughts on this?

submitted by /u/theotherside0728
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

To all the "I do everything perfectly but I can't lose weight" crowd

So I don't need to lose weight anymore, and I am waiting to join my gym again in October to start weightlifting again. But I am still logging what I eat at the end of the day for data analysis purposes. However, due to stress and other things I had been in a pretty significant caloric deficit for every day of July, ~300, and lost some lbs. I am very confident about the extent of this caloric deficit, since I managed to discover how many calories I burn with my usual activities with a lot of experiments and empirical data during the years. I am also generally very active (for example I walk 7 miles a day on "normal amounts of walking" days).

Then the kind of stress I was under switched completely, and I kind of stress-ate for four days. I also couldn't do any physical activity in that period, walking included. I never binged, just ate bigger portions, more frequently and had more caloric-dense foods.

Results: completely annihilated the caloric deficit of the whole month. Four bad days can easily erase 26 good ones. Weight checks out too, after having flushed away the little water weight I had. I don't mind, but if I had just started my diet I would have been frustrated as hell. I knew I was eating more than my rest-days-TDEE , but during each single day I would have never guessed by how much I was going over, since I wasn't binging and I had no takeouts either. If I had these four days peppered through the month instead of consecutive I would have never even noticed the first weight loss.

The point of this post is to be careful with tracking accurately, especially if you aren't seeing results but doing everything "perfectly". Chances are you are doing everything almost perfectly, and that small fraction is messing up your hard work.

submitted by /u/kiwibutterket
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

kidney disease and life since covid started.

I use to visit this reddit a lot. and over a year of sticking to a 1200 calorie diet and walking a mile to a mile and a half on a treadmil each day. I went from 305lbs to 205lbs. But sadly as my kidney disease got worse and the world kinda shut down from covid. I gained 40lbs back over the last couple years. :(

Idk if there is anyone here who is knowledable about weight loss while dealing with kidney disease(and dialysis)

I have a feeling its gonna be a lot harder to lose this 40lbs i need to lose to be able to stay on the transplant list. because a trick i used when i was hungry was to drink a water with either low calorie or no calorie flavoring. But as some people know with dialysis when your kidneys dont work no more, you have fluid limits, my fluid limit is 36oz a day roughly if i go over like 4oz or 6oz its not a huge deal.

Another major issue is energy levels. so i'd need to figure out exercises i can do at home that wont majorly drain all my energy but burns calories over the long term.

I'd appericate all input and advice as i start my weight loss journey again with this difficulty's that i have in life now!

I'm 28 years old, and im 245lbs. it seems a lot of my weight is focused in my stomach and thighs.

Much loves to the entire community. i hope all you hit your goals!

submitted by /u/MrGate
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from loseit - Lose the Fat