Sunday, August 1, 2021

Medication induced appetite suppression, prediabetes and weight loss plateau?

Hey all!

I’m not entirely concerned or worried but I like knowing how things work so I wanted to start a discussion!

I’m 31, woman, 5’0 and I was dx’d 5-6 months ago with ADHD and was put on Adderall. My first month on it I noticed awful appetite suppression. My ADHD always made preparing and eating food an awful experience for me. I’d go all day not eating because of executive function issues and would eat one meal, sometimes two. I maintained my weight through drinking sugary coffees/soda and eating fast food a couple times a week.

That month I dropped about 10 pounds from eating even less. I had no hunger cues and often forgot to eat.

I then went to my doctor for some other reason and got blood work done. It came back with lots of nutrient deficiencies for vitamin D, protein, iron, calcium I think + more and I got dx’d anemic and prediabetic. I talked with a registered dietician and we made a plan to go low carb to treat the prediabetes with a 45g carb/meal 15g/snacks. It’s been going really well. I don’t restrict myself. If I want something sweet, I eat it within the carb limits and pair with protein to mitigate blood sugar spikes while testing all foods to see what my body tolerates.

My SW was 331 pre ADHD diagnosis and I’ve got down to 292 mostly in the past two and a half months after my change in diet. I’ve noticed though the past two weeks I’ve just been bouncing up and down around between 294-291. I know it’s such a small amount, but the amount of food I’m consuming I KNOW I’m not eating enough to actually gain any weight. But I wasn’t sure why such a long gap of not losing anything?

I usually lose 3-5 pounds a week so it was just a surprise (I know this is a lot of weight. Im not complaining, again just curious lol). I WANT to eat 2000 calories but I’m often struggling to eat more than 1300-1400 most days. I’m in a huge deficient for how much extra weight I have so I’m just wondering if I may be eating too little and that’s why I’m stalling. Or if this is normal, I dunno.

I also still struggle with eating. Like I mentioned, I don’t eat a lot of food most days. I can’t handle large volumes of food at once. Does anyone have any experience with this and have any tips on how to work through it? I’ve tried setting specific scheduled times for eating, but my meals are so calorie light since I can’t eat a lot of carbs and still end up eating so little.

I weigh and log everything I put in my mouth, down to marinade ingredients. So I know I’m not over consuming on accident.

submitted by /u/rorybee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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