Monday, August 30, 2021

[NSV] I ran a 10k

9 months ago I was obese, perpetually uncomfortable in my own skin, and could not imagine running a mile at anything resembling jogging speed.

Over the weekend, I ran (not walked) a motherfucking 10K. 10K. 6.2137 goddamn miles.

I’m about 60lb down thanks to Noom (which is maybe a controversial program here??) and within spitting distance of a “normal” BMI. Weight loss isn’t everything. I’m still learning to love myself. And part of that self love is accepting that it’s ok to shout your victories from the rooftops, big or small.

Without this subreddit I would not have started my weight loss journey. And before I started getting healthy I really, truly, at my core, would have never believed I could run a 5k let alone a 10K.

It’s worth reiterating: You can do this.

If you’re just starting out, getting healthy is worth the tough times, the new routines, and the general struggle that comes with big life changes. You have the capacity to make it happen.

If you are at a plateau, keep pushing. You’ve got this. Keep making healthy choices and your body will catch up to your new lifestyle.

If you’ve reached your goal, CELEBRATE! You deserve happiness and health. You’ve fought for this moment so enjoy it!

I’ve still got a lot of work to do (I’m registering for a half marathon next year) but wanted to share a big personal milestone and some positivity with ya’ll ❤️

submitted by /u/PrimeTimeGrime
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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