Saturday, August 28, 2021

[ 27F / 5'0 / SW 190lbs / CW 156 / GW 120 ] Happy for reaching some goals. Went from BMI of 35 to 29. Progress pic included

Hello, fellow losers!

I'm posting here about my SVs and NSVs today, because I just realized that I went from being moderately obese to simply overweight. This is huge news for me as reaching a BMI of 35 was one of the lowest points in my life.

On August 25th I finally hit 100 days of dieting. I managed to lose 34 pounds, which I realized is exactly halfway through my weight loss quest. I am so proud of myself for always sticking with it, and sometimes I'm amazed and surprised at how dedicated I've been lately. At 27, I feel like finally, a huge change in my life is coming. I have never felt so motivated and hopeful in my life.

I have always struggled with my weight since I was 13. It fluctuated a lot since then, and I haven't ever weighed less than 135 lbs since puberty. Starting from the latter half of 2019, I started gaining a lot of weight and I ended up reaching my highest, 190 lbs, after the pandemic. I have an emotionally demanding lifestyle and have struggled with mental illness and BED since grade school. After years and years of therapy, 2020 is the year where I finally recovered from my mental illness.

May 16th 2021, my 27th birthday, was the day when I decided I wanted to reach an adequate and healthy weight for good, after seeing some bad pictures from my birthday party where I didn't recognize myself anymore, and finally gathering the courage to change what remained of my old, and in my case sick, self-image.

I have still a lot of weight to lose and it will take me months, but I can't stress how better I feel even when still overweight - I literally feel lighter when I put my feet down from the bed in the morning, I am more gracious in my movements, I'm enjoying choosing and flaunting cute outfits again, and I feel more confident when speaking to people, which as a very shy person, is actually the best part. I have been receiving compliments from the local shops' clerks, and I feel like I can be even more kind to people around me now. I have friends telling me that lately they enjoy my company so much, and being closer to me. There is nothing that could compare this feeling. Of course it's not only because of my weight loss - I have also regained full mental health, which is a revolution in and of itself. However, being more confident in my appearance has turned out to be a great boost.


  • For the first 3/4 days I just logged my calories into MyFitnessPal to have a better idea of how much I was eating.
  • Then, I decided my daily calorie goal and organized a diet plan. I did a "dirty" OMAD (One meal a day) intermittent fasting because I feared I would be too hungry if I had small meals. It worked very well - I had a small sugared coffee in the morning, and then ate all my calories between 19 and 21 PM. I always cooked my meals, which were planned around a main protein source (lean meat/fish usually) and had a big side dish of vegetables with EVO oil. I stopped eating flour/grain based carbohydrates and sticked to potatoes/beans/other starchy vegetables as a source.
  • On day 60 I went to an appointment to a nutritionist that's currently still visiting me every 15-20 days and taking my measurements and weighing me. I switched to her diet, which was surprisingly similar to mine but more varied with the food choices.
  • I have no planned cheat meals as I'm currently happier with eating in a deficit, but I've had my fair share of nights out where I ate at restaurants, usually between 2 and 4 nights a month.
  • I am very sedentary due to work/uni, I only do 30 minutes of yoga everyday.

(NSFW!) This is my progress pic from yesterday. I was already 5 or 6 lbs down on the left.

(PLEASE, don't assume I want to be hit on. I have had a terrible experience on r/progresspics where people kept messaging me lewd things and unwanted comments. It ruined my day to be honest, but I don't want a bad experience to keep me from celebrating and sharing my victories. I just want to share my weight progress - please don't be weird.)

r/loseit has always been incredibly helpful. I posted in the accountability thread when I started, people have always been extremely supportive, and there are always some good tips and experiences to read about. To be honest, hitting this sub every day is a huge factor in my consistency, I can't really explain how, but reading about your struggles, victories and tips helps me staying in a good mindset even when I'm feeling tired from all the restrictions.

Thank you so much for everything, guys. I have never been part of a community like this, and was amazed to see how kind and supportive people can be around here. I'll try my best to give back what I can and keep sticking around.

EDIT: corrected some misspellings. I'm sorry for my bad/wordy English, I'm not a native speaker.

submitted by /u/Objective_Usual_1789
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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