Wednesday, August 25, 2021

I LOST 27LBS! (5'6 F, from 180 ---> 153.5 lbs) Here's my story so far:

I wanted to share this big achievement with you all!

Weight is something (like most people) that I have struggled with for many years. I turned to comfort eating during times of stress, and failed to care for my body during moments in my life when I fell into depression (I wouldn't ever say it was classified as clinical depression but times of severe disappointment/heartache).

I believe we all should feel comfortable in our skin and love our bodies. Now I'm not saying being rail thin is the goal, but, I also never understood obese/severely overweight folks who were content with the way they looked and that they never needed to make improvements in their lives (I know there are a lot of factors that contribute to an individual's body composition - like genetics, environment, metabolism, etc.) But I've had really overweight relatives who would tell me that I didn't need to lose weight and that I should be happy with how I looked. This never sat well with me. Being happy with who you are while improving other areas of your life is something to aspire to.

I'm 5'6 and started out at 180 lbs (the heaviest I had ever been). I felt ashamed that I even let it get to that point. None of my clothes fit me, and, every time I went out shopping and tried on larger outfits...I never thought I looked good. I didn't feel confident in my own skin. I was embarrassed to be seen in public. I would turn down dinner invitations/social events for that reason. I didn't even feel healthy with all this weight on me. Never felt good to be out of breath when walking up the stairs in my own home.

I officially began my journey in January 2021. I never followed a formal plan, but, I made small changes. This included adjusting my portions (smaller, more frequent meals - early on, I would quantify my portions using measuring cups. This helped me to gauge the size of 1 cup. My large portion sizes were the main reason for why I gained so much weight.) and cutting out sugar/desserts (this was especially challenging because I have a huge sweet tooth!). When you make these small adjustments, you become more aware of how much/what kinds of foods you are feeding your body. Your body is the most precious gift, and, you have to take care of it. The Bible says that our bodies are temples. I would wholeheartedly agree :)

It's true, losing weight really is 80% diet. You are what you eat. So during the winter and spring months (when it was still cold), I stuck with smaller portions, eating fruits/veggies, drinking lots of water. Within a couple of months, I began to notice my body slowly transforming. It was finally the end of May, the weather warmed up and I started walking.

I have always HATED exercise. I never enjoyed going to the gym. It always felt like a chore to me. Something I learned about exercise: Do something you really enjoy. Something that makes you excited to move. Walking is accessible to anyone, it's the easiest way to start out. I did try jogging/running, but, I just couldn't get into it. Walking is low impact cardio, and, I kept this up for 1-2 hours every morning listening to music/podcasts. Being outside in nature also does wonders for your mental health. I would encourage anyone, if they don't know how to get started, just go for a walk! It makes a huge difference!

Exercise during the winter months has been especially challenging, because I hate going to the gym lol. I recently discovered that mall walking is a thing. So when it gets really cold, I'll be showing up and walking every morning at the mall! So happy I discovered this recently!

I've lost 27 lbs, and, all my old clothes fit me now! It's an incredible feeling! I'm down to 153.5 lbs. My goal weight is 118. Still ways to go, but, I will continue on making smaller weight loss goals. It's not just about weight loss for me, but really, a lifestyle change. I have never found keto or any other diet to be sustainable (because there is a lot you have to give up). It gets harder to lose weight the older you get. I vowed to myself that even if something disappointing does happen - I won't let that stop me, and, I won't gain weight because I feel down. The truth is, life goes on. People continue to live their lives. They don't care, but in the end, you only have yourself. So you have to look out for you and care for you. No one else will do a better job of doing that.

I hope this can give anyone reading this a bit of mid-week inspiration. If I out of of all people can do it, you absolutely can. Please don't give up! Be your healthiest, sexiest self! Glow up, level up! You deserve it!

submitted by /u/thecherryflower
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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