Saturday, August 28, 2021

Trying to lose weight as a flight attendant

Hi everyone!

I have a few questions that I'm hoping to get some input on. I'm aiming to lose about 20-30 lbs, and I know ultimately weight loss is all about cico which is actually what's giving me some trouble.

So for the time being I don't have a way to meal prep usually or really bring food along with me (I live in essentially a dorm with no refrigerator or freezer so I can't keep anything cold) on my trips I take a box of ready rice and a can of beans and eat rice and beans for my dinner since I can keep it cool on layovers. However I also eat a lot of hotel breakfasts and I have no clue how to calculate their calories since I don't know what brand anything is or really what a portion looks like. And when I'm back "home" I usually rely on some local food place for dinner and none of them list calories. How should I go about trying to track this? I'm at my wits end.

I also know I need to eat under my tdee but that's also giving me some trouble. I have no clue if I should say I'm sedentary or if I should say I'm lightly active. I do a lot of walking around airports, and I walk a fair bit on our planes doing trash runs, and then when I'm in the back of the plane I get quite the workout with the damn drink cart. But then again a lot of my job is also spent with me standing in the galley staring at my watch seeing when I need to do my next trash run. I don't really work out, I had just started up and then covid got bad around here and I stopped since I take my mask off to work out. My watch says I tend to get around 10k steps a day but I feel like it's inaccurate since my watch counts every little bump as a step and yet somehow registers my walks down the plane as 0 steps. So I don't know if I should count myself as sedentary since I don't feel like my job is a workout or if I should label myself as lightly active since I am on my feet a lot.

Thank you if you read this and understand what I'm trying to say and ask I realize it's a bit all over the place.

submitted by /u/Lydias-ghost
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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