Friday, February 18, 2022

Disappointed with lack of progress

Hey everyone, I’m a bit nervous as it’s my first post here (and on Reddit) but I need some help/advice.

I’ve struggled with being overweight and eating poorly since I was a child. I’ve always been the largest in my class, friend group etc. I’m tall (5’10) and have always been overweight. In 2017, I was depressed and gained a lot of weight - at my highest weight I was about 220 pounds. However, a year later (2018), I lost about 40 pounds without much effort. I ate a bit better, but my diet was still pretty bad, though I did walk a lot.

From June 2019 to June 2021, I was very depressed and coped with food (just like 2017). I gained 40 pounds in 2 years, and am now the heaviest I’ve ever been at 230 pounds. It’s affected my health and my doctor has told me I need to lose at least 10% of my bodyweight.

For the past 3 months, I’ve been tracking everything I eat through the Lose It app. Originally I had it set to 1800 calories, but I wasn’t losing anything, so a month ago I set my activity to “sedentary” (which is accurate anyways) and I now aim to eat about 1500-1600 calories a day. But I’m still not losing weight. I’ve lost a few inches off of my chest and waist (assuming I measured correctly) but my weight hasn’t budged, and I look the exact same in my “progress” photos from January and now. I’m getting super discouraged, and have already gone way over my calorie limit this week. I’m eating so much less than I used to (when I was gaining weight), plus I’ve cut out or reduced other things (less sugar in my coffee, no Starbucks, way less snacking and frozen food) but I’m not seeing any results. It’s frustrating too because a few years ago, I seemed to lose weight without changing much, but now I’m trying so hard and getting no results.

I also like spinning as a workout, but it doesn’t seem to be contributing at all to my weight loss. I’ve read that weightlifting is better for fat loss - does it have to be heavy weights at the gym? Or can it be body weight workouts, or dumbbell workouts?

Hoping for some advice/encouragement. Has anyone else been in this situation, and if so, what helped you? Is it worth getting a Registered Dietician, or will they just tell me standard advice (eat less, eat better and workout more)?

Thanks in advance :)

submitted by /u/globalgal22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Could use some advice

I currently weigh around 180 at 5’5 (female). I have a history of restrictive eating which morphed into binge eating and over eating. At the beginning of the pandemic I was 170, walking a ton and counting calories and lost 15 lb to 155and i was proud but not in a very good spot mentally. I got pregnant August 2020 and gained about 4plb up to around 200lb.

I’ve been trying to lose weight and find good habits but I feel like I already eat pretty well, which is frustrating. I rarely eat bread, mostly fruits and veggies and low fat Greek yogurt, chicken tacos for dinner (thigh, with onion and garlic and no sour cream etc). I live in New England so it is hard to get exercise in the winter.

I got too obsessive with calories recently and I was exercising a minimum of 2 hours 6 days a week, then I relapsed and had a binge.

I stopped counting calories after that binge (about 2 weeks ago) and felt like I was in a really good spot mentally, feeling good about my body, when I found out I gained like 7 lb in the last two weeks. I’ve been trying intuitive/mindful eating but now I’m just sad and frustrated. I’m already in therapy, and I have an appointment with a local weight loss clinic i used to attend.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :/ I just feel like I have to torture myself mentally (ie count calories) in order to make myself lose weight, and I’m not sure what to do.

submitted by /u/babydance1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Frustrated and maybe I’m just hyper focusing

For context, I had emergency surgery back in Oct/21 to have my gallbladder yeeted. Since then I’ve lost roughly 40 pounds. I know that weight fluctuation is normal, and this is more than likely where the hyper focusing is massively coming into play.

My day before surgery weight was 263.4 and my lowest since surgery was 221.8 on Monday. I weighed in at 225.6 this morning. I’ve been fluctuating anywhere between 1-7 pounds since the beginning of the month. I KNOW that the fluctuations are normal. I know it. But for whatever reason, seeing the numbers increase occasionally makes me want to cry. It also frustrates me at the same time, because I don’t really want them to increase. And this morning was one of those days.

I’m still experiencing rapid weight loss since surgery. I’ll take the weight loss in general, as I was at 324 at my highest. The rapid weight loss since surgery has also resulted in body dysmorphia that comes and goes. Today being one of those days where I just want to cry. I’ve been talking to my mental health worker about it over the last four months, and one of the things we’ve talked about was to take the mirror out of my room for a week or two at a time. I know that the next logical thing to do is to move the scale to someplace where I don’t have access to it for a week or two, as it’s currently chilling out in my bedroom.

submitted by /u/little__pet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Visual Progress

Hello, I have recently started my weight loss journey. I am 18 years old and 278 pounds and 5'8. I started my journey at around 287. I will most likely be town to 277 by the time I reach my three-week mark. I know it is probably too soon to see any, but when can I expect to see any visual progress? I know it can be different for people, I am just curious to hear when other people saw clear visual progress. I think once I see some clear visual progress, it will motivate me 100 times more than I already am.

submitted by /u/trevor4428
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight too fast

Hi everyone,

This may seem weird in a subreddit where to help each other achieve our weight loss goals, but I seem to be losing weight at a very, very fast pace. I want to stay healthy and I don't want to exhaust my body, hence why I'm seeking advice today.

I'm a man, 30 years old, my starting weight was 221 lb on Jan. 24th.

This morning, Feb. 18th, I'm at 211.4 lb.

I always weigh myself as soon as I wake up, about once or twice per week. I'm using Myfitnesspal, and I'm at 1650kcal / day. I work a desk job, going to the gym around twice a week, 45 minutes each time.

My macros objectives are around 100g protein/ 55g lipids/ 186g carbs but I usually end up eating more fats than carbs, proportionally.

I am aware that when you embark on a weight loss journey, the first thing you lose is water, but 10lb in barely a month seems big, doesn't it?

Anyways, thanks a lot for your help on this!

submitted by /u/Chocchip_cookie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not sure where to go from here

I've been trying to lose weight for a while now and have made v little to no progress. I signed up for fitness classes and have been going sort of consistently (I go 3 times a week usually but not on a regular schedule so my gymming schedule is all over the place). I can definitely see progress in my fitness level since I can run for longer now (used to have the worst endurance on earth!) and I can definitely feel my ab and arm muscles forming. However, the scale is not budging. I just can't seem to get my eating under control. I have good days where I'm pretty good about my CICO, but then the last few days I just went ham and started binge eating.

I think the small change in my lifestyle like going to exercise 3x a week was a good addition to my life, but I'm a little frustrated by my eating habits. I think that is my biggest adversary in this weight loss journey. I'm pretty happy with the gym progress that I can see and feel, but I'm not sure where I should take it from here in terms of losing weight. Should I just keep trying to do CICO? Try something else? I'm just getting a little frustrated with myself and wanted to know what suggestions people might have!

submitted by /u/Small_Molasses_8345
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone know at what point the groin fat disappears.

Hello everyone I am new to the subreddit. I am about 1/3 of the way through my weight loss. I hope this topic isn't too inappropriate (I am not going to any explicit details so don't worry)


Anyways I just wanted to talk about the 'pubic' fat that tends to 'visually' cover my privates at its base. I've noticed that the super-fit male actors in pornography tend to have verrrrry minimal fat around their groin so that everything 'shows out'. I think losing my groin fat will add layers to self-esteem and motivate me even further to straighten my body out.

So far I have lost fat around my face and upper body, I don't I've lost too much from my lower belly area. Now I am kind of wondering that I may never lose the groin fat at all :(

I'd like some good motivating stories/experiences from other people on here!.

submitted by /u/Pokemonthrowawayy111
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from loseit - Lose the Fat