Tuesday, July 19, 2022

My schoolmates are having a reunion in approximately three and a half weeks; I'd love to drop 5-10 pounds by then. I have some factors to work around.

This wouldn't be my first effort at weight loss, I pushed hard to drop 20 pounds last summer (height 5'5", went from 160 to 135 pounds, currently back up to 140). I'm facing some slightly different challenges this time around, hence my visit here in hopes someone has some advice (and I feel like this is a bit beefy to post in the daily Q&A, mods feel free to let me know if I'm wrong):

  1. The time crunch. I was under no time crunch last summer, I just lost the weight to fit into my pants better. Cheaper to lose weight than buy new clothes.
  2. Global Warming. Oh my god, I dread the idea of going for a brisk walk in this kind of weather. Live in a desert state, for reference, today was about 95 degrees and that's considered low. Going out at night is an option, but... not gonna lie, I'm kinda a coward (and vulnerable, even though this area's pretty decent), walking in the dark kinda scares me. No gym membership.
  3. I never really knew of any good "belly fattening" exercises for beginners, as that's really where my problem area is. Planking/superman seems a bit advanced (or maybe I'm really just that out of shape; I wouldn't complain at a reality check here).
  4. The economy. Obviously, eating healthy has gotten much harder with the way prices on things have gone up, and I live on whatever my dad buys anyways, which doesn't tend to be the healthiest options. Currently I'm subsisting on wheat bread chicken salad sandwiches and tortilla chips and guacamole for lunch, and leftover chicken crack rice (450 calories per serving) from my mom for dinner. When that's gone I have frozen ramen bowls at 100 calories less. I don't eat breakfast.
  5. Time availability. I don't generally have availability to do any working out until around 5 at night on average due to college and work, and by that point I'm pretty tired. I work a desk job from home, but I have a quota to meet so it'd be hard to set aside time during my shift for a workout.

I was sort of the "weird kid" in school, and I would love to show my old friends I'm flourishing now-- mostly just for fun-- and while I know 5-10 pounds isn't a lot, especially at my current weight, it'd go a long way for my self confidence.

So TL;DR, reunion is in 3 1/2 weeks, my weight loss methods in the past have included light cardio, fasting, and calorie counting, but my regular "gym" is a bit too hot so to speak, and I don't have money to spend on lower calorie food

submitted by /u/EscapeTheStates2098
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/RcjU5FE

I feel like I’m losing control again.

I 23(m) 6 foot 3 inches; have gone from 350 pounds to 300 pounds in 6 months. I got a job as a landscaper so I get a lot of exercise and have been eating relatively healthy, the occasional Whataburger on a weekend but other than that it is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the mornings, a fruit cup for lunch and the classic chicken, rice and beans for dinner.

I have been stuck at 300 pounds this past month and feel myself losing control of my appetite like I did when I got to 350 pounds. I know what has to be done to progress my weight loss journey and I know the mental toll I will need to endure to get there but I’m scared I will crash and burn hard.

submitted by /u/Professional-Spot805
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/pDfEJAI

How do I deal with this type of person?

17F and I've lost 20lbs in the past few months, almost halfway to my goal. Lately I've been encountering a lot of people who, when I mention I've lost 20lbs, brag about how they've never had to lose weight. How they've always been a healthy weight. For years I've fought with myself, "why can't I just be normal?" "why don't I look like my friends?" "why can't I stand pictures of myself?" - so hearing someone say these things to me is honestly heartbreaking. There's absolutely no need to put me down for trying hard to improve myself and reverse years of neglecting to learn nutrition.

But I've also found myself become defensive, having thoughts like: "Well I'm better than you because the experience of losing weight is teaching me all about health and I'm learning more about my body than ever before, while you'll probably grow old and fat because you never learnt". I have to stop myself because that's really gross and negative. I'm not better than someone because I have to work for my body, or because I've had to endure all my life feeling horrible about myself because of my weight. Though I know I shouldn't think it, I don't have a lot else to be proud of. This weight loss is something I thought I'd never achieve but I'm really doing it, so this irritates me a lot.

So how do I deal with those types of inconsiderate people and how do I stop thinking this way about them?

submitted by /u/nevermindimneverland
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/lpBj0FK

I did it again!

After returning home from vacation, I’ve been finding it really difficult to get back into my weight loss routine and diet. Ive been telling myself I’ll start tomorrow for the past 3 weeks.

Yesterday I decided that Ive wasted enough time procrastinating. I ate a healthy breakfast, a healthy lunch and dinner. Didn’t get the opportunity to exercise yesterday.

Today, I ate a healthy breakfast and lunch . Drank a lot of water too. I’m planning to go for a 5km walk later in the evening to ease myself into my daily exercise routine. Planning to eat a healthy dinner too.

I know these are just small little things but I kinda feel good that I did not eat anything unhealthy the past 2 days. I hope I can continue this and hopefully not have to go through another cycle of failing

submitted by /u/throwaway12335142
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/eQKFxyI

Not mentally or emotionally used to getting attention after my huge weight loss.

I feel really bad because I've never in my life have gotten peoples attention. Recently I have been getting hit on or get those looks by a few people (never have been hit on in my entire life) and idk its just kind of new to me. I honestly feel super uncomfortable and being overweight most of my life I'm used to not talking to anyone or getting ignored so this really has me feeling super uncomfortable and part of me is kind of annoyed that now people want to socialize with me. anyone is going through the same thing? (Weighed 300 now down to 190)

submitted by /u/beaststead66
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/nL3uFX7

Monday, July 18, 2022

Not losing weight if I exercise and diet but drop lbs quick if I only diet.

6’3 209lb Male

I’ve noticed many a time throughout my long and stressful journey of fat loss that exercise paired with my rigorous diet leads to very little if at all any weight loss. However, skipping my workouts and just focusing on the diet (keeping everything the same), I lose a lot very fast.

My gym routine consists of,

Cardio: 5 MPH 30 minutes on a treadmill

1 hour - 1 1/2 hours of weightlifting

I have used dozens of calorie/weight loss calculators online and all of them indicate that paired with my gym routine, I need ~2.3k calories to lose 2lb a week.

I eat around 1.0-1.4k calories a day. Basic stuff, chicken, egg, canned tuna, broccoli. Majority of my sugar comes from Greek yogurt which I have one serving of a day (9g of sugar). No bread no cheese. Only water (~3L a day). I use light seasoning to keep my sodium intake low. Progress has been so, so very slow and I’m beyond frustrated.

What I described in the title is something I’ve experienced many times for the past few years, but here is a more specific example.

For four days I went on vacation for July 4th holiday. I didn’t exercise one bit and lost 2.5lb in that short time frame.

When I returned I went back on my normal physical training regime. Two weeks later to the day, I have lost a grand total of:

0 lbs. I’ve lost nothing. I’m starving everyday. I go to bed mind numbingly hungry. I have zero energy to work out but I give it everything I can anyways and still no progress. This has been going on for a long time. I don’t understand how this is physically possible and am looking for some advice.

submitted by /u/Bahmawama
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/fCKHasz

Lost a full stone! First time weight loss attempt!

35F/163cm. SW: 66.2kg; CW: 59.5kg; GW: 52kg.

I realised today I lost an entire stone! I'd had a major operation (hip replacement) that went really wrong back in March and I ended up nearly dying and was in hospital for several weeks. I recovered fully but my brush with death gave me a newfound appreciation for my health, and also was told by my surgeon that I had to get in shape and lose my belly fat to protect my new joint for as long as possible. So I set out on this journey not really knowing what to expect but I reduced my meals down to 2 and swapped unhealthy snacks for healthy ones (but otherwise not doing much - still probably eating too many carbs and cheese lolz), and the major change was my ability to exercise with my new hip. I was fully sedentary before because of the arthritic pain and now I can walk miles and swim again, even if I will never be able to run (no major loss for me!). And that's caused me to lose an entire stone. I really didn't even believe it would be possible just from the little I've done, but it's made a huge difference. Still got that stubborn belly fat but I still feel such a sense of achievement!!!

submitted by /u/lemonkitty_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/oF607vO