Sunday, April 23, 2023

Additional workout advice?

I'll just get straight to the point:

I'm looking for weight loss exercises to add to my current routine. I currently do Beat Saber for 30 mins at a time, 3+ days a week. With the way I do it, this is equivalent to dancing in terms of exercise.

I've heard that weight lifting helps speed up weight loss but I'm not sure where to start with this. There's a lot of tips and advice all over the web but a lot of different things claim, "This is THE right way to go!" and I'm not really sure where to start.

Worth noting: My apartment has a small gym and I have access to treadmills, dumbbells, resistance bands, and yoga balls.

Any advice is appreciated!

submitted by /u/Blackwind121
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing muscle, not fat. Macros to blame?

Over the last four weeks I've been eating 500kcal under my maintenance. In this time I've lost 1kg.

However, according to my renpho scale my body fat percentage has increased. My measurements have all stayed the same, so I believe I'm losing muscle.

My current macros are: Carbs: 50% Fats: 30% Proteins: 20%

I am also anemic, with a slow thyroid which may be accounting for the slow weight loss. I'm still pushing myself to exercise three times a week, and hate to think that all this effort is going to waste.

Would love any advice from people who have knowledge about macros, or who have been in a similar situation

submitted by /u/Renee_G-B
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


Hi everyone!

To make a long story short, I’ve been overweight and extremely depressed for 15 years.

I started taking Prozac and it has changed my life. I haven’t felt the need to overeat since I started taking it, and it has led to my unexpected weight loss journey.

I’ve lost about 12 pounds in 6 weeks. All I’ve done is reduced the amount of calories I consume. I eat whatever I want in moderation, drink a ton of water, and I don’t exercise much.

My question is if this is normal and ok? Should I be concerned? Should I bring this to my doctor’s attention?


submitted by /u/AwkwardPianist_94
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So averse to healthy foods I’d rather not eat at all!

Anybody else relate to this? Especially as an adult I find it so difficult to relate to my peers because I’m so fussy.

It’s so strange to me as well and seems so unfair that although everybody has food likes and dislikes, that I only like unhealthy food.

For context, I’m not living on chips and chicken nuggets etc like you see with some people, I eat plenty variety and do eat some fruit and veg and take vitamins to help with what I don’t eat.

HOWEVER even with veg, people say raw is healthiest, steamed is ideal if you want it warmed. I need to boil the hell out of vegetables until I almost can’t taste them and they’re super soft to enjoy them. Bananas are healthiest the less ripe they are, I only like them when they’re almost brown they’re so overripe - only found out recently that at this stage they’re basically just pure sugar!

I can’t stomach any cold veg like salad etc. I do always have veg in my meals because I know I should but they’re very well cooked and preference wise I would rather not have them in there lol

I know that weight loss doesn’t only come from eating healthy BTW - I just felt like this is a community that might be able to relate haha

submitted by /u/hazelx123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need weight loss tips for my unique? situation

TW mention of eating disorder behavior and low self esteem talk

I'm 15 and 174 pounds (I'm 5'4) it has such a huge effect on my self esteem and I'm not sure where to start with weight loss while I'm living with my current guardian. She's obese and 76 years old, which i don't judge her for at all but her health means she can't cook nor teach me how to cook. So I don't have an eating schedule which leads to my overeating, but there's more (since I'm 15 obviously I don't need someone to cook for me lol)

We're low income so we don't buy ingredients, we buy snacks and frozen food to cook. Which are high in calories, and not scheduling myself I overeat a lot as well from that. My diagnosed MDD & PTSD may also have an effect on my overeating but I'm not sure.

My guardian is super protective, and maybe my overeating wouldn't be an issue if I could get exercise and stuff, but because she's protective I only get to go outside to water the flowers and maybe walk the dog (we live in a small trailer park and she doesn't want me out too long)

I'm not allowed on walks and hardly allowed to go out with friends, though to be fair I don't ask to go out a lot cause their all busy. Either way, I'm stuck inside constantly other than school and chores, and she gets super pissed whenever I ask her if I can go on a walk. She says all the doctors agree that it's unsafe for me to go outside in the state the world is in rn.

I don't know what to do as it kind of feels hopeless. I've had points in my life where I got very insecure and would undereat a lot (I once lost 13 pounds in 2 weeks), and I had points where I'd throw up my food or use laxatives, but i don't have an ED as it never stuck so it's not enough for her to worry about and get a doctor's opinion on.

My room hardly has enough space to even pace around in (like 6 steps to the front door of my room to the back window) and online workout tips have been hard for me because being inside so long has fucked up my muscle. Seriously I used to actually have strength but now I struggle with 10 pounds weights my friend has lol.

Anyone have tips for weight loss or my situation in general? Nothing to do with asking my guardian to let me go outside as she doesn't want that, but if there's any tips or guides or diets (again, Ive grown kind of dependant on food and sweets as much as I hate to admit it) or workouts that I can actually do with the little muscle I have right now i'd appreciate it, as my weight makes me feel very bad about myself, and I think I'd be happier if I could loose at least 20 pounds by around August or something. Ideally I'd like to get my weight down to around 110-140 (big range but I'd be happy so long as I don't feel the way I do now lol)

submitted by /u/casualsimp101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Feeling so discouraged for how little weight I’ve lost in 4 months

A little backstory- I’m 29f, currently weighing in at 204 lbs. I’ve been both fit and/or thin a few times throughout my life. I had my ideal body when I was ages 24-26, when I was going to the gym 5-6 times a week. Then the pandemic happened and it caused my mental and physical health to plummet, which in turn caused me to gain a ton of weight, making me the biggest I’ve literally ever been. I’ve always struggled with disordered eating since I was a teenager. In highschool, I lost 30 lbs in 2 months by running for an hour every day and only eating 500 calories. Throughout my twenties, I went through cycles of binging, restricting and skipping meals. Even when I had my ideal body, I skipped dinner most nights and didn’t track my macros at all. So although I was strength training and gaining muscle, I still didn’t have a healthy relationship with food or my body despite being in great shape. Fast forward to now, 55 lbs later. I’m with a partner who encourages me to enjoy food and love my body despite everything I’ve been through. I try really REALLY hard to practice self love and patience because of him, but I just find myself so tired of putting in so much effort and not seeing my body change much. I’ve been trying to lose weight on and off for 2 years to no avail, mostly because I was in so much pain all the time and didn’t have the energy or strength to workout. I recently got my health issues in check and feel amazing, so I figured weight loss would be easier. I’ve been going at it consistently for 4 months. This is the first time in my life that I’m counting my macros and only doing a slight calorie deficit to save myself from either being miserable or slipping back into disordered eating. I also aim to workout at least 4-5 times a week but life happens and sometimes I don’t always hit that goal but usually get at least 3 days in. I’ve only lost 6 pounds in the past 4 months and it’s really starting to get to me. I find myself getting triggered and wanting to resort to an all or nothing mentality and go back to my old ways of restricting, even though I know it wouldn’t be healthy for me. My mind tells me that I’m not trying hard enough or that my “treat day” is holding me back or that my deficit isn’t big enough. It’s hard not to want to give up after seeing so little change. It doesn’t help when I compare myself to others who have lost so much more in a shorter period of time. I also have diagnosed ocd and sometimes tracking my macros becomes an obsession and causes me extreme guilt on days that I go over my calories or if I don’t hit enough protein. I’m just sick of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. I’ve isolated myself from 90% of my friends and my boyfriend’s friends because I’m afraid they will judge me for gaining weight. I’ve unfortunately experienced how differently people treat you when you’re overweight as opposed to in shape, since I’ve been both at multiple times in my life. Idk, maybe this isn’t even the best place to post this but I just wanted to vent and see if anyone can relate or can offer advice/encouragement of any sort.

submitted by /u/anon9236
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It's done! 205 lbs -> 160 lbs

Why I was so overweight in the first place: I was stressed out from life, I had no relationships, crippling depression, low self-esteem, and my life was fleeting away faster than I realized; I came to a terrible realization that my life is gonna suck forever if this keeps up. I was like this for more than a decade. I spent my whole 20s being fat and depressed.

Then in September 2021, things really started to get better. Someone out there gave me a chance. I got an internship offer from a tech company that I really wanted to work for. Before starting, I got LASIK surgery and I was able to see perfectly. It was a life changing experience for me and I gained a sense of dignity for the first time in a long time; more than when I had graduated university. After securing a full-time position, I had gained even more dignity and it was at this point that I really wanted to lose weight and take better care of myself..

I made a promise that September to mom and dad: I will lose weight and try to live healthier. So I kept that promise through the end and now here I am, back to 2007 where I was in my freshman year in High school. I was still going through puberty and never had any issues with obesity until a few years later when my house got foreclosed, I was consequentially separated from mom and THAT was when it all started.

4 years ago when I was about to graduate university, I went from this to now THIS! Seriously, If you guys want to learn anything about my story, it's that things change. Maybe you might not be happy where you are now but as time goes on, maybe things will start to get better. You just got to hope and do everything you can to make it happen.

Here is my weight loss result:

submitted by /u/Icantw8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat