Sunday, October 22, 2023

Is calorie deficit really all that matters for weight loss if you're on antipsychotics?

I've tried dieting a thousand times, I've lost weight and gained it back just as many times. I decided at one point that I didn't care anymore and gained even more weight, but that was my depression talking. Now I'm 265 and want to get back down to at least 200, maybe lower if possible. I'm super short at 4'11"

I'm looking at doing a plan that is around 1200-1500 calories daily with prepackaged meals that count the calories out for me already. It would look like: skipping breakfast as I don't get hungry in the morning anyway, a salad and sandwich for lunch at about 250 calories for the salad and 350 for the sandwich, and a wrap at about 650 for dinner and maybe a small snack like a yogurt or some granola to get the cravings for sweet out, if needed. 0 or low calorie drinks like unsweetened tea or sparkling water. (I'm also just now giving up energy drinks D: help lol)

I believe this would allow me to eat foods I actually enjoy, not starve, and feel satisfied while creating a calorie deficit. I also plan to weight lift to build upper body muscle to burn more fat as well as some cardio on an exercise bike regularly.

The problem is I'm on an antipsychotic and that contributed to the weight gain. I am terrified that all this work will amount to nothing because of this medication.

submitted by /u/Weird-Accountant-873
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New training split - opinions?

I'm interested in your opinion of my 4x Fullbody training split. Goal is maintaining muscle mass during weight loss and maybe getting newbie gains. I heard 4x weight lifting a week is optimal so that's what I'm going for. I have some limitations for excercises as I can't rotate my arms fully (so no supination possible) and I also can't put too much strain on my knees.

Monday: Cardio 30 min (HIIT/Boxing), Dumbell

Tuesday: Rest / Yoga

Wednesday: Gym

Thursday: Dumbell

Friday: Cardio 60 min (Zumba)

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Pilates 60 min, Gym


Dumbell meaning at home:

Overhead press 3 sets

Lateral raises 3 sets

Tricep dips combo with crunch 3 sets

Romanian Deadlift 3 sets in superset with Stiff legged deadlift 3 sets

Various ab excercises with Dumbell 3-9 sets


Gym meaning:

Lat pull down 4-5 sets

Kas glute bridge 4 sets

Seated row (cable) 3 sets

Abductor machine 3 sets (Currently looking for another leg excercise to add that are easy on my knees)

Give me your input what you think I should consider, add, leave out or restructure :)

submitted by /u/langweilmichnet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1st Workout in Home gym

Currently 330+lbs 32F

Today felt so great to workout in the “privacy” of my garage.. quotes because the garage door was open but my car was in the driveway AND I’m at the dead end in the neighborhood. It was only like 40mins of weight lifting.. but I have a squat rack, a barbell and about 210lbs worth of bumper plates..

To know that my own personal bathroom and shower is only feet away.. Plus I changed the laundry from the wash to dryer in between sets (machines in the garage) LOL it’s so oddly the little things..

Today felt great.. I still struggle with meal planning and I know that’s the bigger deal.. Just trying to Focus on protein and veggies.. day 1 of my 160lbs weight loss goal..

Any tips to keep consistent?? Or meal plan routines that help you guys?

Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/UsrNamesRLame
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Depressed about the state of my body

I’ve lost 20kg but I’m still fat. My bmi is 26 and it used to be 33, but I look the same. I mean you can see some weight loss in my face but I don’t look like a different person or anything I don’t look better at all. I’m still really fat even though I’m close to a healthy weight now.

But what’s really getting to me is just seeing other dudes with similar stats to me who look so much slimmer. My scale and measurements say my body fat is around 20% but it looks like it’s 30%. Fat face, fat tummy, when I sit down my man boobs and stomach roll over each other. I don’t feel lighter than I used to.

Im starting to slip with diet, lost a couple weeks, won’t be 80kg until the end of December earliest now, if I don’t fuck up again. I just wish I never got to this stage. It wouldn’t have been so hard to stop eating as much junk food as I want all the time for years. I’ve ruined my body and it’s impossible to imagine myself ever being a normal weight or looking good. The fact there are men my weight and height who look incredible really gets to me. Yeah they probably have double my muscle mass, but I’m the same weight.

submitted by /u/lightisalie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Aggressive deficit to reach my goal weight??

M24 6'1 SW 310 CW 215 GW 190. I've been on my weight loss journey for a year, and it has been incredible. I believe I've gained a strong grasp on managing my food intake and emotional eating.

I would really like to transition into maintenance sooner. Currently, I consume 1800 calories per day, resulting in a weekly weight loss of about 1lb. My goal is to reduce my daily intake to 1400 calories for the next few months. Does anyone have any advice or tips for me? I researched this and didn't find anything similar come up 😔

submitted by /u/dogfanatics
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, October 20, 2023

Compliments from grandma

TL;DR: Sweet grandma notices I lost weight. Is extremely supportive and made me feel happy :)

I went to visit my grandma for the first time in 5 weeks, and she seemed a bit confused when I approached her in the nursing home, before she seemed to recognize me. A large chunk of the visit she talked about how good I looked now that I had lost some weight and how she almost didn't recognize me- and how she herself had doctors prescribe her medicine in the past to help her lose weight (which apparently worked like a charm, but are now no longer being offered as medicine, probably due to side-effects or health risks.)

My grandma used to be the type to openly deny that I was fat- even though I weighted about double what I should. But now all of a sudden I 'could lose some more weight, but not too much!'. I think she used to tell me I wasn't fat because I was never ready to lose weight, but now that I started losing weight and actively changing my life she's READY to support me- even apologizing for buying cake and soda (she normally never buys either unless she knows I'm coming over).

What surprised me the most is that she could clearly see the weight loss- something I myself haven't really noticed. I expected I'd have to tell her I lost some weight, but nope she noticed what was going on herself and made a big deal out of it- which did make me feel good.

submitted by /u/Kindryte
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss and PCOS

Whenever you look up info on PCOS, you hear about how hard it is to lose weight. That calories in calories out doesn’t work for PCOS because macros have to be hit and you can have inflammatory or insulin resistant. How you shouldn’t eat dairy or gluten but you can do some complex carbs but if you’re still not losing weight, cut those too. But don’t restrict either. Don’t do high stress workouts, workouts don’t even burn that many calories. Just go for a walk.

And maybe you still won’t lose weight.

It seems SO discouraging and impossible to follow! But guess what? I started only eating 3 meals a day, no snacking, because I knew I was overeating and feeling overly full. I want to lose weight but I had such a mental block that I wasn’t going to lose weight that I was shocked to see I’m down 6 lbs over the past 2 weeks! Just from not snacking! (I was snacking ALOT). But I’ve realized that a basic energy formula cannot be disputed by a diagnosis.

I’m just sick of hearing people equating things that are hard to being impossible. And by packing on all the stipulations before even trying is tough! Maybe I’ll get to a point where those extra ten pounds aren’t coming off with CICO but I’m obese! I have to start somewhere and I’m disappointed I was discouraged for so long from just trying SOMETHING.

Rant over.

submitted by /u/MIuser1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat