Thursday, November 2, 2023

How many kcal should I eat?

25m, 5'8, 200lbs

I don't do any exercise except for bicycle commuting to work. It's 20 miles total per day with an average speed of 15mph.

I've read that healthy weight loss is about 2lbs per week. How many kcal should I eat daily to accomplish a sufficient deficit for this?

Do you have any additional advice on how to successfully stick to a caloric deficit for enough months to see progress? How do you resist the temptation of over-indulging and binge eating?

Do you have any other tips on what to eat during weight loss? I've quit all forms of liquid calories such as alcohol and soda. I've also started eating oatmeal for breakfast every morning for the extra fiber. I weigh my ingredients and meal prep for the week. I cook all my food myself.

My biggest issue is lack of motivation after a few days and giving in to temptation and breaking the diet. After quitting alcohol and nicotine I have a lot of cravings for sweet and fatty foods.

submitted by /u/Direct_Succotash_507
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Well ladies and gentlemen, at 200 lbs, I’m officially “healthy weight” according to the BMI chart.

I did not achieve this in the healthiest of manners, but I did it anyway I’m proud of myself. Very impressed with my discipline and willpower.

I’m a male, 6’4 feet tall, and 25 years old. 26 very soon.

At the last week so of August I was 224 lbs. Got out of a relationship at the time. I’m guilty of pigging out when I go on dates, relationships especially. Always for for the appetizers and the big plates when I go to lunch or dinner with somebody. And my ex had decent food taste so we were always eating out.

But we broke and took advantage of the fact that I was single. (Admittedly, I was even more motivated to lose weight when I was getting many matches on Tinder as I used to a couple years ago).

Well, 2 months later, I’m down to 200 Lbs. Averaging 1800 calories a day since I started. Most of the time I wasnt exercising. Just ate less. (But now I do, not to help with the diet but just to get the heat pumping and keep the body healthy. Nothing major, 20 minutes on the elliptical machine 5x a week). Again, didn’t do it in the healthiest of manners.

For one 24 lbs in 2 months apparently is extreme weight loss. Apparently 16 would’ve been considered safe. But I don’t really feel low energy or tired so I was able to push through.

Second, I still ate lots of fast food. Every day actually. Just lower calorie stuff. My lunches were always in the 1000 calories. Like

  • 10 bone in wings with fries from BWW
  • Two triple cheese burgers from McD’s

  • 20 nuggets and fries from CFA

  • Two bean and cheese tacos with sirloin (corn tortillas)

  • 2 chicken thighs 1 leg with frijoles charros

  • huevos rancheros plate with potato and refried beans

  • double teriyaki chicken with chow mein (only ate half the mein) from panda express

Then my dinner would be in the 500-800 range and there I would often eat at home. Like

  • Tilapia filets with rice

  • chicken thighs with rice

  • scrambled eggs with any combo (bacon, wieners, chorizo)

  • homemade burgers, lean ground beef

  • chicken or turkey meatballs.

Never had any vegetables or fruits in my diet.

My goal now is to continue losing more weight. Only eating healthier stuff and expand the dishes I cook. Not just health wise but in general because really those things I listed is all I cook haha.

What would be ideal weight to push toward to?

Another cool thing, I was 199 this past weekend. But had a pretty major cheat day on Tuesday. No biggie, happens. Did good yesterday and today so far. Just wanted to say I’m sure I havent been under 200 lbs since high school.

submitted by /u/CosmicConjuror2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm an actual idiot - calories per 100g vs calories in one pack

Just. So. Stupid.

I've been eating (I thought) 2000 cals a day. Of which 500 were a box of cookies I'd eat in the evening, which was my treat/Cheat meal of the day. I thought they were 500cals coz the nutritional label said so.

My maintenance is 2400, and I burn 400-500 cals in cardio+strength training daily. And my weightloss the last month (since I've been having the cookies) has been deathly slow, for a supposedly ~1000cal deficit.

Well, just saw there's this TINYYYYY font text that says 'Values given are for 100g'. And the bloody box is 200g. I've been eating an extra 500 calories daily and wondering why I'm not kidding any weight. I mean it makes sense. 8 giant delicious sweet chocolaty cookies, no way they're 500 cals.

What ridiculously dumb thing did you do during your weight loss?

submitted by /u/uduw8wnbruxn2n2hz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Could drinking loads of green tea help me drop water weight in two days?

I have an annual dinner on Saturday with friends from my sorority. Now that we’re all in our thirties, we have our own lives and many even have a family, so we don’t see each other much anymore. Every November, we have drinks an dinner together and everyone dresses nicely for the occasion.

I haven’t seen most of them since last year’s dinner, but my figure has changed quite a bit since then and I want to show off. These people have seen me at different sizes, but always very obese and though I’m only halfway on my weight loss journey, I’m really happy with how it’s going. My waist and legs are much smaller and earlier this week a friend mentioned my face is getting slimmer too. I bought a jumpsuit for the occasion because I want to feel pretty. I even had to get a smaller size than I initially ordered! I tried it on yesterday and it was a little tighter than before even though the numbers on the scale went down this week. I’m thinking might be retaining water, so I want to drop it before Saturday. That means I have a day and a half to go (my timezone is GMT+1) and I read very different things online, even on this sub. That’s why I’m asking you lovely people. 😇

For the next 48h I’m planning to drink lots of green tea, limit salt and sugar intake and get enough exercise and sleep. Would that work? I don’t have a specific number in mind to lose, I just want to look my best in that jumpsuit. 🤞

submitted by /u/DutchieCrochet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

college weight gain

hi i’m really new to this whole reddit thing but I figured i’d give it a shot. i’m a 19 year old female who just entered college. in the first month i’ve already gained 5 pounds and i don’t know how to stop this. Im 5’2 and i currently weight 110 pounds. I’m mostly sedentary but I get about 5000 steps a day and I do a 30 min at home pilates workout daily. Before entering college, I was 105 and had a job where i was consistently on my feet for 6-8 hours 5x a week. I hate how i look now since most of the weight went to my face ;( I first tried to lose this weight by entering a calorie deficit of 1200 calories. I lost some weight but noticed side effects like- depression, extreme constipation, and extremely dry skin on the face. I also lost a lot of muscle because despite the weight loss, the fat is still there. I recently upped my calories to 1350 but I’m still extremely hungry. I want to continue losing weight without counting calories but if I go back to my maintenance immediately I am scared I will gain the weight back. i’ve never dealt with hating my body so much until now and i don’t know what to do.

submitted by /u/Minimum-Holiday-5448
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is there a limit of actual “fat” loss one can lose per week/weeks/month even on a high deficit?

Without getting to technical about all the details,

basically what I’m asking is with adequate protein intake and decent enough calorie intake of 2,000-2,200 cals based on my weight of 107kg.

With a good supply of all macronutrients in a diet, with a very active lifestyle 5x strength training a week, 15-20k steps daily, is there a limit of actual fat loss that the body can lose per week?

This would be disregarding potential muscle loss and water weight fluctuations in that weekly weight loss rate?

To sum it up is there a threshold/limit of fat that the body can lose in a large deficit (with emphasis on muscle retention via weightlifting and protein intake) before it starts to take weight off via muscle and other factors?

Hope this questions makes sense, if it’s not very clear feel free to ask me for clarification and I can answer that.

Thanks guys.

submitted by /u/pebs19
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I be losing more?

I'm having trouble staying realistic about this process. I'm 5'10.5" M currently at 195lbs. I started at 198.8lbs about 2-3 weeks ago. My BMR is 1852 and Sedentary TDEE is 2223. I walk 2 miles M-F, bike 5miles Sun, and weight lift M-Sat. I don't eat back my calories. I'm eating at the BMR level, my dietician said it was safe and good, but the weight loss feels slow. I feel like I should be losing a bit more than I have been. I weigh myself daily to get a good average. The first week my average was 197.05, second week 195.88, and I'm currently at 195 (average will come later this week). What am I missing? Goal weight is 175lb for now as I think that will get me to my actual goal of being around 15% body fat, but not sure until I get there. I use myfitnesspal, food scale, and meal prep. If I do go over my calories I track it too (Snickers and cookies yesterday for Halloween and the weekend cheat meal).

submitted by /u/Red_Analyst
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from loseit - Lose the Fat