Thursday, December 14, 2023

Severely constipated. Need advice to fix this.

I am having a really embarrassing problem at the moment. I have always had regular bowel movements. I have been in a calorie deficit for 6 weeks now and am currently dealing with severe constipation.

Started 3 weeks ago, EXTREMELY hard stools, which were very difficult and painful to pass. I was passing maybe twice per week. I have bright red blood in my stools, I believe I've actually given myself haemorrhoids from straining so much (can definitely feel one at the opening which was not there before).

I took a laxative for the 1st time in my life on Sunday which gave me uncontrollable diarrhea for 24 hours straight. Extremely painful abdominal cramps and nausea.

I have not pooped since that episode which was 6 DAYS AGO.

Seeking advice please as I am never taking another laxative again (it was awful).

I have increased my water intake, take one magnesium citrate tablet per day (I've been taking this for years). There is more fiber in my diet than there ever has been, I eat plenty of veggies.

I am so scared I'm going to be dealing with extremely hard painful stools again when the time finally does come to go to the toilet.

Please someone tell me, is this common after embarking on a weight loss journey? When I consumed fatty junk food every day I never had any bowel issues...

submitted by /u/Possible-Being-5142
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Anyone use the Lose It app? How can I adjust my budget?

I started counting calories earlier this year at 161lbs. I set my original goal to 140lb and my average budget was around 1400-1300 calories. I hit my goal weight (yay!) and my budget automatically adjusted to 1700 for maintenance. I adjusted my goal to 130lbs, and tried to change the settings back to weight loss, but it only adjusted my budget to almost 1600 calories. That seems high given that I weigh less now and I’m shifting back to losing rather than maintaining. Does that seem like the correct amount? Did I adjust the setting correctly? If not, how can I adjust it further?

submitted by /u/youbetjurassic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can I still lose weight while taking creatine?

I’ve been on my weight loss journey now for about 4 months, but haven’t started to actually take it seriously until 2 months ago. I’ve lost 15 lbs so far (I am a slow but steady loser). I am nowhere near my goal weight- I plan to lose 45 more pounds. In the past, my weight has fluctuated a lot from going on different fad diets. My doctor wants me to incorporate more weight training into my routine. Right now I’m doing weights 4-5x a week and cardio 2-3 times. Now that I’ve begun to lose some weight again, I’m wanting to introduce creatine in my regimen to help build my muscle more. I am wondering if the boost creatine gives will also contribute to weight loss as well? I’ve done research on it and I am aware that creatine does make you retain water so bloating is really common for those who take it. Also, it will cause me to gain muscle mass. And muscle is more dense than fat. Right now, I am only taking protein powder for after my workouts. Has anyone had experience on this before?

submitted by /u/ParsleyTime5687
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight has been so tough.

For context, I go to the gym almost daily, I'd say on average 5/7 days, staying for at least 40 minutes. I do a lot of strength training and cardio. I track all my meals, end up with a 3-400 calorie deficit daily, I cut out beer. I'm seeing muscle gains but no loss of belly fat or weight going down.

I'm just here to ask what you all eat.
How do you find proper meals for weight loss?

I'll be honest I eat a bunch of chipotle at work, I'm trying to get better with meal prepping but its just hard.

submitted by /u/TheRedInsight
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 74lbs, but i worry about my body even more.


When i started my weight loss journey, i was a whopping 150kg (330 lbs) and 1 year something later, i weigh 116kg (255 lbs). I am incredibly proud of this, but i know my journey has only begun.

Now here are the things i worry about.

Abdominal fat, and the biggest issue (that really mentally fucks me up sometimes) is the size of my penis.

While a weight loss of 34kg (74 lbs) sounds a lot on paper, in reality, it doesn't actually look like i lost that much weight, and it's really crushing. Besides my mom, i barely get compliments on my weight loss. But this isn't (too) big of an issue, because i know what i've accomplished, so i don't have to rely on other people's compliments.

The biggest issue i have, is penis size. I, for obvious reasons, can't talk about this matter in real life, so i created a Reddit account in hopes of receiving information surrounding this matter to ease my anxiety, and i'm hoping that men who were (or are) in my situation can help. Every few months, the thought of my penis size spirals me into a terrible mentality, and i start doubting myself. Now, i'm not saying that i start binge eating or something, i actually have never cheated on my diet due to bad thoughts or anything, this is more like depressing kind of thought, one that makes me think about my future.

I will go into detail.

At my highest weight, my penis size was 7 cm. Currently, my penis size is just above 10cm (3.9").

I'm scared that even if i do lose weight, my penis size won't increase, and that thought is just super depressing, i lost 74lbs and only gained 1.1".

I read up on something called bone pressed measuring and did that, but i can't seem to do it properly because it just hurts and it doesn't to deeper than 12cm.

Today (unfortunately) is just one of those days. Losing sleep about this topic, questioning myself.

Is there someone here that went through the same thing as me?

submitted by /u/MMonclaire
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Starting Postpartum Weight Loss

I (28F) just had my first baby two weeks ago. Before I got pregnant, I was 130 lbs. I gained about 45 lbs and was around 175 lbs when I gave birth. As of today, I am 153.4 lbs. I am very thin-framed, so my goal is to get to (and stay at) 120-125 lbs. So, long story short, I am trying to lose about 30 lbs.

Until I heal up, my exercise plan is to walk 10 minutes per day starting today, and adding an additional 5 minutes per day every week. (Next week, I will walk 15 minutes per day, and the week after I will walk 20 minutes per day, for example.) In addition to that, I am just doing some kegels and gentle strengthening exercises to help my body heal from giving birth (cat/cows, clamshells, and pelvic tilts). After I’m a little more healed, I would like to start hiking, running, biking, and swimming as well as doing whole-body strengthening exercises, but I’m definitely not capable of that yet.

My nutrition goal for this week is to only have one caloric drink per day. I’ve been drinking a lot of chocolate milk and Soylent and Gatorade because I’m trying to get enough fluids for breastfeeding, but starting now, I will switch to mostly drinking plain water.

Is anyone else here postpartum? If so, how is it going? This being my first pregnancy (and first time trying to lose weight), I’d love to hear about what other people’s experiences are/have been.

In case it matters to anyone, I had a vaginal birth with no complications and I am exclusively breastfeeding/pumping. I know I need to consume a certain amount of calories (seems like at least 1800) to be successful at breastfeeding, so extreme dieting is not in the cards for me.

submitted by /u/MinimalistMoose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First walk

I’m a 17 year old guy, and today I took my first walk (hopefully of many) purely for exercise. I’m 6’2” and 465 or so pounds. For years a bunch of terrible stuff has been happening to and around me, and I just started to eat and sleep without any diet or exercise. I went from like 250 to my current weight in just a few years. My friends and I were talking about going to prom and this has given me motivation. Due to some illnesses I had to move to online school and haven’t seen many friends for a while, so this is kind of a last hurrah to end high school on. I could really use some general tips for weight loss, I don’t think overeating is a problem anymore but I could be wrong and will take any advice I can get. Also I talked my mom (who has been having some of the same issues as me) into walking with me sometimes! I should also add I got denied liposuction, I really wanted to get rid of my moobs but I was too fat for it, so if there’s anything I can do specifically for that I’d like to know.

submitted by /u/Sensitive_Pea_4861
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from loseit - Lose the Fat