Tuesday, October 29, 2019

(NSV) Someone commented on my weight loss and I'm on cloud 9!!!!!!

I work in a career where I deal with the public daily. I have a regular customer that comes in several times a week, but she's been gone visiting family for the past several weeks. It's been a good month or a little longer since I saw her last. The second she walked up to me and took a good look at me, she said "Oh wow, you've lost weight!!" I was so caught off guard! I know I blushed and said "Oh...well, maybe...one can hope!" And I giggled. No one knows I'm trying to lose weight but myself and my husband, and I felt put on the spot for a second so I tried to brush it off. She continued on and said "Oh no, you've definitely lost...I'd say a good 10 pounds. I can see it, especially in your face."

I was amazed - how did she know? I was flattered beyond belief and have spent the rest of the day on cloud 9!! She has no idea how much she has made my day. Oh heck, she totally made my whole WEEK!! This exact feeling right now is exactly why I'm staying on this weight loss journey !! I want to feel this great everyday.

I've only been on my weight loss journey (this time around) for about 5 weeks. I've lost 12 pounds so far. I still have about 50 pounds to go until I'm where I want to be, so I feel like 12 pounds isn't much in comparison. I'm at the point where I'm getting excited as every pound comes off, but I also know I'm at the beginning phase and the pounds coming off are probably not noticeable. Especially because they aren't noticeable to me yet, at all (insert paper towel roll analogy).

Apparently not!!!!! I went home and then crushed it in the gym tonight!!!! I'm so freaking happy the changes are starting already!!

submitted by /u/PivotPIVOTPIVOOOT
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2WpSPnv

Maintaining a healthy weight as a genetically pre-determined overweight person is the equivalent to keeping up in a book club as a person with dyslexia

This analogy came to me this morning and I thought others would appreciate the idea of it. Too often, overweight people are viewed with scorn because they are overweight. This might also be intensified by the fact that "other people have lost weight".

What this fails to appreciate is that--while it is a CICO issue--it is far more difficult, biologically, for some people to have a weight loss CICO ratio compared to others. Personally, I have a healthy weight/BMI after 40+ years of being overweight (often times, actually clinically obese). I don't achieve this by observing and maintaining my "daily calorie limit". The *only* way I achieve this is with exercise (as much as my schedule permits) and intentionally having a rather large "caloric deficit" (e.g., modest breakfast, fruit for lunch, meal-replacement shake for dinner).

The thing to note is that--courtesy of genetics--this isn't a large caloric deficit for me-hence the quotation marks. My body is great at maximizing and storing calories-as are most people's bodies that are overweight. I probably need around 600-900 calories less than even my sedentary, but thin peers on a daily basis.

This means that we shouldn't shame anyone (nor should we applaud others that are naturally average weight). Fat-shaming is as counter-productive and illogical as shaming a person with dyslexia for struggling to keep up with a reading list. They might do it, but it requires far more work, effort, and commitment than the people without dyslexia.

Those of you struggling to keep up with the reading list and those of you that have kept up with the reading list (i.e., losing weight, maintaining healthy weight)--I commend and applaud you. You are not acting "like an average weight person" you are working harder than naturally average weight people due to additional biological hurdles thrown your way (and this isn't subjective, empirical research has highlighted multiple ways that some people are "screwed" over by genetics when it comes to weight and fat accumulation).

Don't know if it helps anyone, but the analogy felt right to me.

submitted by /u/JoshTheBear_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/331XDlC

How do you reduce you’re body fat %

Apologies if it’s a dumb question but I’m curious.

Do you simply just lose weight and you’re body fat % goes down ?

Or is there something more to it. Because by browsing these weight loss sub Reddit’s I’ve seen some posts where people have a healthy BMI but have a body fat % of 25% or more.

I’m male 176cms tall currently 180lbs and only 20 lbs away from the bare minimum of a healthy weight for my height at 160lbs. But according to my scales I have a high body fat % at like 23-28% ( I know scales aren’t accurate at measuring body fat % )

If I was to get to 160 lbs would my body fat go down to a more healthy % like 20% ?

I’ve been water fasting for the last week so I’ve been losing 2 pounds a week and plan to continue.

submitted by /u/supremegeneralj
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2MZ7V04

About 6 weeks in, but need advice on my current plan

6'1", SW:275 CW: 260(lost 10 of it before i started trying) GW 190.. I started working out about 7 weeks ago, 6 days a week. I have been using MFP, weighing and logging everything i eat. I'm Currently eating 1,800-2,000 calories per day, following my macros, drinking around 120oz of water per day, and also doing OMAD. My usual workout is 45 minutes on Weights and 20 minutes of cardio. So far I have only lost 5 Ibs, and am a little discouraged. So the question is, is my current plan a good one? or do any of you have any recommendations that would make it a little better? Also, I'm not an impatient person and i know any significant weight loss will take time. I want to do this slow and steady. Maybe, i just need a little reassurance that i am doing this the right way.

submitted by /u/DsmitZ1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/348fVla

30 Day Accountability Challenge - November Sign Ups!

Hello lovely losers! Happy almost November!

A new month is starting which means a new Daily Accountability Challenge!

This is the sign up post to make your goals for the month.

There will be a daily post for you to post your progress on said goals.

At the end of the month, there will be a wrap up to talk about your general progress & how you feel about everything! If you miss the sign up post, you're always welcome to hop in, the waters fine!

You can also read everyone else's progress & commiserate, congratulate & whatever else needs ating. Your goals can be weight loss or general health related, creative, self care or whatever else you need to focus your mental energy on. We try to foster a supportive place to chat about your successes & failures & what you've learned from both.

Leading by example, here are my goals, subject to mild tweaks as needed!

Weight by end of month (217 - 214 lbs): Essentially this is aiming for a 500 to 800 calorie deficit per day.

Stay in calorie goal (weekly average): 1500-1700 for input.

Exercise 5 days a week: I want to keep chasing the intensity here, more HIIT, strength training & intense cardio woot woot. X/X days.

Limit purchased coffee drinks (3 a week): X/13 allowed. This goal and I have exchanged some sharp words & I’m not super committed to it. I have some guilt for exceeding the allowance, so to relieve that, I have a plan. If (haha, I mean when) I exceed the number, I’ll donate $25 to a local homeless shelter.

Self-care time (drawing, journaling, beauty treatments, anything that makes me feel taken care of): It’s important to spend time on yourself even on the days you don’t feel worth it because you absolutely are worth it.

Write 1,700 words a day for Nanowrimo: I’ve finished before and I intend to finish this year! Otherwise, $100 dollar donation to Nanowrimo.

Try a new recipe once a week: This keeps me trying new stuff & helps the food aka my own cooking related apathy. I may try to do one no meat meal prep a month for a little extra challenge here too. X/5 weeks.

Be thankful for something every fucking day: Tis the season. Gobble gobble bitches.

Your turn losers, tell us all about the month ahead for you!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2BPABCC

[NSV] I left the "Obese" club and now I'm a member of the "Overweight" club

[TLDR]: I've been obese for at least half of my life until today! My BMI is finally in the "overweight" category. Got over mental hurdles and owe most of it to IF, CICO, and a girl on youtube.


27F| 5'5'' | Start Weight: 210.4, Current Weight: 179.8, Goal Weight 1: 150

Day 73, 5:2 IF + 1468cal/day average (5 days of 2055cal and 2 days of 0cal)

Hi, my name is Receak and I'm I was a serial diet re-starter. I've been trying to lose weight for as long as I can remember. Through my failed attempts, I ended up cracking the code to a successful and sustainable attempt. That key is my mental health and mindset. I would approach weight loss and a lot of other decisions in life with intentions of negative perfectionism. If I wasn't doing things right 100% of the time than I'd rather be doing things right none of the time. Which meant I was a complete failure with every small slip up. If I saw the scale go up even once, time to give up.

The very first step was realizing I had a problem. I knew something up with me but I didn't know what it was. I first began to realize it, not through my eating habits but, through my work habits. Everyone around me would tell me how good of a job I'm doing but I didn't see it that way. I realized this was way of thinking affecting my relationship with food as well. That triggered me to question myself - why? I started with google and finally put a name to it. Black and white thinking - or - dichotomous thinking.

Second step - resolving that problem. It took me a while to figure this one out. Funny enough, I found answers through a weight loss youtube video I watched (tried to find it again and wasn't able to). This girl was explaining her struggles with her weight loss and overcoming her mental hurdles. Her issues were almost identical to mine! She explained how she overcame those problems by moving away from negative and absolute thoughts. For example: Instead of saying "I can't eat that" say "I'm choosing not to eat that" or "I'm choosing to eat that." So, I did as she said. I kept consciously correcting my inner voice until I started doing it unconsciously. That lead to a domino effect of resolving all my issues with food(and other things in my life) and leading to me making healthier decisions.

Third step - picking up Intermittent Fasting. In my mind, CICO is the base of all weight change and it's the most important thing to get a handle on. What's equally as important are methods of achieving that CICO balance. For me, that was 5:2 IF. Before IF, I was doing 1400-1500 a day. While I did lose weight this way, I didn't feel like I was able to fully live life. I wasn't happy. All my focus went to getting my main meals in and didn't leave much room for snacks or a light tea/coffee time. It left me wanting more, every day. Then I began 5:2. I was already used to fasting (without water) for religious reasons, why not try it for weight loss? So, I gave it a chance. It ended up being just what I needed! Those 2 fast days (water/coffee only) went by like nothing and left me with a bigger calorie goal for the remaining 5 days. I've never been happier or more excited losing weight this way. I get to eat my healthy meals (~1500 cal) and get in a good amount of snacks (~500cal).

I've never been happier or more proud of myself than I am right now. I finally found my rhythm and I've been going 73 days strong, allowing me to get out of the obese category and into the overweight category. I'm so excited for what awaits me in the future.

submitted by /u/Receak
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/36agtJn

Making progress but slowly

Hello r/loseit, I’ve been lurking here for about a month, after my bf introduced me to reddit. All I can say is thank you, everyone has such motivating stories. I’ve been on a weight loss journey for the last year but absolutely started committing in September after reaching the highest weight I’ve ever been, 190 at 5’6”. I’m a pretty active person and didn’t know why it was so hard to lose weight. After 2 months my CW is 173, I’ve got a long way to go but seeing everyones stories keeps me going. GW is 135, if anyone has any tips please let me know. Currently doing 1200 a day and exercising 6 times a week. College student makes it really hard to do IF. Thank you guys for stories and support.

submitted by /u/cordaellia_f
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Jynslx