Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Feel like giving up during my second plateau this year

I started my most recent weight loss attempt in October, made good progress through January when I hit my first plateau at 40 lbs lost. I just kept logging my meals, exercising 5 days a week, and eventually after 3 months of stagnant weigh-ins, the scale started moving again.

I lost another 20 lbs fairly quickly, but then the scale stopped about a month ago. I kept up my routine for a couple weeks, but I just started to get burned out and discouraged. I started eating junk and stopped exercising about two weeks ago. Somehow I've only gained back 2 lbs over that time, but I need to get back on the wagon.

I think general stress with my job and home life is just weighing on me, because I know that eating junk the last two weeks has only worsened my mood. Guess I just wanted to vent, I know what I need to do.

submitted by /u/renegade7879
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

People do NOT treat me differently after losing weight

Hi, I'm sorry if this sounds like a rant but I am too embarassed to talk to my friends about this and I have to let it out. A year ago, I decided to turn my life around and start doing it by getting fit. I was 200 lbs before and I came all the way down to 150 (I'm 5'10 btw). Starting out, I was very excited because I read all these stories about formerly overweight people who lost weight and were suddenly treated much better by other people and started getting attention from the opposite sex. Well, it's been almost a year since I lost weight but none of that happened to me. People don't treat me any differently and my dating life is exactly the same as before (nonexistent). I literally never had a single woman show any interest in me (romantic or sexual), not even in the form of flirting or dropping hints, in my entire life. I thought losing weight would change that but it didn't. And I did more than just lose weight, by the way. I dress better now, I improved my social skills, I have a large social circle, lots of female friends, I attend various events etc. I even dealt with most of my insecurities and am much more confident now. And yet... nothing changes. I know being healthy should be the primary motivation for weight loss, but let's admit that a lot of us are also doing this for the social benefits we think we'll get. Let's not kid ourselves and pretend like most of us didn't start this journey with the hope that we would be more desirable to the opposite sex.

Anyway, I would like to hear more stories from people like me, people who were sold the dream that their lives would change forever once they lost weight, only to realize that it's all a lie.

submitted by /u/Alternative_Ad_6670
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve gained nearly 50lbs (21kg) in 9 months and I feel ashamed

TW: Mentions about mental illness

Sorry for the long post and venting.

During my last semester of university in the fall 2022, certain events happened which triggered severe anxiety and depression (which I was struggling with previously), so I ended up applying for a leave-of-absence and moved back in with my parents last January. I weighed 123lbs (56kg) which was a normal weight for myself at 5’3” (161cm).

Due to my mental health, I really haven’t left my home all year, only going out for important appointments. My activity has decreased significantly since last year and I have access to food at the time, and I started to eat a lot of delivery food. At home 98% of the time I wear baggy/stretchy clothes, so while I was aware I was gaining weight, I never really noticed just how much weight it was. My grandma is the only one in my family who brought up my weight gain to me.

I’m preparing to finally go back to school next week, and was going through my closet and trying on clothes I used to regularly wear. There is a shirt that I used to look really flattering on me, but I could barely squeeze into it when I tried it on today and struggled to get it off. Next, I tried on a skirt with an elastic band I used to love, and noticed how my stomach was spilling over the band. In disbelief, I ran to weigh myself (which I’ve avoided) and was completely shocked… 170lbs (77kg).

In the span of 9 months, I have gained 47lbs.

I’m still in shock at how much weight I have gained in less than a year and ashamed at myself for not being more aware and trying to do something about it. I compared old photos of myself to one I took today and I wouldn’t even be able to recognize that both pictures are me. Now that I’m going back to school, it sounds silly, but I’m embarrassed that people I knew who see me will talk behind my back and judge me for gaining so much weight. It makes me want to stay inside my apartment.

Weight loss for most people simply comes down to CICO and exercise. I know it’s simple as that, but losing all the weight I’ve gained feels so daunting, I feel like I’m staring up a mountain I have to climb. I began Pilates (3x a week) last month at the encouragement of my parents to start being more active, but I know it wouldn’t help me lose weight, so I’m thinking of incorporating cardio… This is going to be long journey.

TLDR: Went from 123lbs (56kg) to 170lbs (77kg) at 5’3” (161cm) in the span of 9 months; feeling kind of ashamed and not sure where to begin my weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/Hapa_peach
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Seeking health advice

im currently 163 lbs and somewhere in the 5'7 to 5'9 range, female. i gained weight pretty rapidly due to not having access to a kitchen for 8 months, resulting in eating way too much fast food. i hate the way i look and feel but i have no idea how to eat healthier and to lose some of this weight. ive been looking up everything i eat to see if its healthy and it feels like almost everything is bad for me in some way except for vegetables. if anyone has any tips for weight loss and healthy eating, it would be super appreciated !

also, i have severe chronic pain which has contributed to my unhealthy habits. it can be really painful to cook and work out.

submitted by /u/crushed_canz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

F*ck self acceptance, I’m doing whatever it takes now !

104kgs , I’m on antidepressants they never made me feel better , they just shut down emotions both good and bad . I used to weight 67kgs a few years ago and I remember how I felt , I felt amazing energetic talkative with high self esteem . Now I’m just a fat ass piece of shit .

I’ve reached my point and I’ve had enough of the self acceptance bullshit , I’m doing whatever it takes to get my happiness and physics back , I don’t care if I use steroids or weight loss meds or injections, I won’t let anything come my way of happiness, diet + exercise ofc ! I’ve been brain washed for years now and I just woke up from my coma . Journey starts today

submitted by /u/MarsupialParticular7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

TDEE calculator vs Adaptive TDEE?

I actually forgot what made me look up TDEE stuff tonight but on different weight loss subreddits I saw people talking about adaptive TDEE spreadsheets instead of just using a TDEE calculator. Apparently the appeal is that allegedly the spreadsheet is more personalized and thus calculates your TDEE precisely instead of accurately. When I first decided I need to lose weight and posted my first post on here, people told me the TDEE calculator is all I would need. Don’t eat more than the 500 calorie deficit and you’re good to go to lose at least a pound each week. Now I’m hearing sort of the opposite since the spreadsheet could show that you’re eating too much when the calculator said that deficit was ok. So my predicament is: which do I follow? The TDEE calculator that says I’m allowed 1,834 per day, the Loseit! app that says 1,990, the My Fitness Pal that says 1,560 (all numbers calculated based on the fact I walk about 2 or 3 times per week for almost two hours each), or do I make the adaptive TDEE? The only issue with the spreadsheet is that frankly I don’t have the energy to do all that tracking every day, and it’s a spreadsheet, we all know the amount of different info those things hold in general, it’s exhausting just thinking about it lmao. What’s wrong with using the TDEE calculator if it happens to work for you? Especially when I don’t plan on eating practically two thousand calories per day and will likely stick with around 1500? Btw in case you’re wondering I’m 5’8 (practically 5’9), cisgendered male, currently 245 (scale says 240 but I don’t believe it, getting a new scale, it’s super old). My goal is to get to, at most, 180 pounds (at least 170) by preferably losing 2 pounds per week if possible.

submitted by /u/Bloody__Katana
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I feel fat and out of control

I've tried to restart my weight loss journey so many times. But instead I gained about 2 to 3 kg again. I met someone and we go out on dates and food is often part of those. But that's not the worst part. It's all the eating I do besides that. It's like I constantly want food. I know I am unhappy at my job (looking for something new) and I average 5 to 6 hours of sleep a night which also doesn't help.

I am so frustrated and i feel so crazy fat. Because of my commute of about 4 hours a day I can't even go do sports after work as I have to walk my dog and try to do some household chores too. I feel like I am running behind on everything and the only thing that brings some joy is food. But at the same time it doesn't bring me joy on the long term, because I eat a lot of sugary snacks that make me feel sluggish afterwards. I need to get out of the cycle I am in of eating fast and easy snacks. I have also wasted so much money on take away... it's crazy.

I feel like my stomach is also just so upset by the food I am eating which makes me feel so bloated. And the thing is, I don't enjoy the food anymore.

I really need to get my act together, but I feel so out of control right now.

submitted by /u/NotKeepingUp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat