Sunday, January 21, 2024

The journey begins

So, I'm not massively overweight (female, 1m74 for about 74kg, which would be 5'7 for 163 lbs), but I've reached the point where I "feel" it, my body no longer feels comfortable, I don't feel strong, and I even can feel some fat in my back when doing some movements.

It's been a rough couple of years and I have progressively stopped doing sports even when I thought I was holding on. I did decide to get back at it every now and then, but I came back too fast and ended up hurting myself every single time.

I've been doing better mentally lately and I think it's time for me to do a serious attempt at regaining my fitness.

I want to lose 10kg (20-ish lbs) or a little less. I think I can make it by the summer.

Instead of starting running again, I'll start with full body exercices to strengthen both my muscles and my joints. I actually started ten days ago, using the Down Dog Hiit app, which will be perfect to get started. I started with 15 min sessions. Today, I did a 35 minutes one. Every now and then, I'll go for a short run (2 to 5 km/1 to 3 miles), always after one of these trainings, to be sure that I am properly warmd up. I forbid myself to try to run 10km until I really feel much stronger. I will also try to jump rope once or twice a week.

I don't think I'll adapt the way I eat too much. I think I started eating too much when I stopped doing sports regularly, but I'm not eating too unhealthy altogether.

I never felt the need to make a proper training plan or to have an actual weight goal. It does feels strange, but I think it will help me regain control over my life.

Anyway, advice would be appreciated.

And just in case someone would be interested, I'd love to find a weight loss buddy to hold me accountable/that I'd hold accountable as well :)

submitted by /u/GreatnessDownTheRoad
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Calorie counting for 4 months and nothing

It's been 4 months. I'm weighting all my food. I've cut back out drinking. I've cut out seeing my friends. I've cut out sweets and coffee and soda and pasta. I've cut out all restaurants. And nothing. 5'6" 194lb. 1500 calories. And no weight loss. Nothing. I pack all my lunches and weight it all out. I make sure I never finish my food. I'm a nurse so I walk 15,000 steps every day. I dont eat anything that is brought in for us to eat. I'm on birth control and that's it. I dont know what else to do other than to go on a liquid only diet of broth and water. I used to love cooking and now I hate it. I have to lose 20 pounds in 10 months but I can't even lose a pound in 4 months.

submitted by /u/Ok_Technician_730
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Am I loosing too fast from underestimating my daily maintenance?

I started my weight loss journey 1 month ago, starting at 113kg i'm now down to 101kg. I worked out my maintenance calories through a calculator on google, putting the highest possible activity level, as I work as a binman and walk 60 miles a week while lifting and loading heavy bins, in the last month I've also been going to the gym to lift weights 4 times a week.

the calorie calcultor gave me 2700 daily maintenance, so i've been eating 2200 a day, with 200g of protein minimum, but im worried I've underestimated my deficit and am losing weight too fast, so far i've lost 12kg in a month and am worried I'll end up with loose skin.How much should I increase my kcal intake in order to slow down my weight loss? Every calcultor I've used gives me similar results with their highest level of activity.

Edit: based on this 1 month progress how likely am I to develop loose skin? ( )

submitted by /u/Nathunes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any LADIES here did a mini cut for their final weight loss phase?

I have taken a break from dieting/weight loss as I mentally felt drained. Countless of times I had asked for advice here which I appreciate but I just decided I needed the break. I do want to resume weight loss in February. Though, I have about 17-20lbs I wanna lose still, and because I feel a little drained still, I’m wondering if I can just do a mini/aggressive cut to kinda reach my goal faster? It’s been almost 3 years, lost 123lbs, I’m tired of deficits but I for sure want to reach my goal of 160lbs. Literally means a lot to me. I love my body now but I know it will be TEA at 160lbs! My question is, any ladies who done this how has it affected your menstrual cycle? How long did you do it? How to make sure I won’t lose muscle? Do any of you ladies fast while doing this? How much time do you think it will take for me to reach my final goal? (Currently fluctuating between 177-179) thanks in advance🫶🏾

submitted by /u/Thatcanadianchickk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Celebrating the small things

I hit a milestone (SV) I never thought I would this morning. It’s nothing major and I still have a long long way to go but I’ve tried and failed since hitting my highest weight of 267 over 2 years ago to get on track and make sustainable weight loss but I’ve always failed before hitting 250. Instead of a fad or crash diet over the last 2 months I’ve made much healthier changes into my life, I walk everyday, I got a new job that involves lots of moving and I’m loving it and I’m most importantly I’m really starting to understand my emotional eating and instead of eating for comfort I’m eating to fuel my body and feel better. This morning I weighed in at 248. Although I know this might bounce back and forward for the next while knowing that I’ve managed to break through that wall gives me so much motivation going forward !!!!

submitted by /u/Individual_Map5357
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, January 19, 2024

Hardly hungry anymore

I started my weight loss back in July and so far I'm down about ~20 pounds. Something I've noticed within the last month is that I don't really feel hungry? Like not in the way I used to. Instead of being this deep feeling, it feels like a dull ache, something I can kind of ignore. Or rather, my stomach feels empty, but I don't feel discomfort from it. A lot of the time I just drink water and any discomfort I feel goes away. It's shocking because sometimes I even have to force myself to meet my calorie deficit because when I do eat, I get so full easily. I can't even finish my meals at restaurants anymore! Most days I don't even eat anything until the afternoon and I don't feel fatigued or impeded at all (except for when I go to the gym in the morning. I always eat after that). I still love food but I don't feel like I have as much space for it anymore.

submitted by /u/KohesiveTerror
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Half way to my goal!

Hey all,

I wanted to provide an update on my weight loss. My scale varies from 184.5 to 187.6 depending on the day. I am 5 foot 7 inches.

I started getting serious at weight loss at 217 pounds in late September 2023 when I started to have some health effects from the weight. I had made some extremely minor changes prior to 217, so I believe I may have actually been in the low 220s at my biggest

2 weeks ago I posted that I was no longer obese and I'm still not obese as of today. I had a week of no weight loss despite eating 1500 calories a day and remained at 188 to 190 range. The week after, I allowed myself to have 2 days of eating what I wanted because of special occasions. Despite my scale going back up to 191 for a singular outlying day, my scale is now solidly reading 184 to 187.6 a day after going back on track.

That marks almost 29.5 pounds lost, with 28.5 pounds left before I have a 24.9 BMI.

I'm happy that I got here even if the last two weeks were slow, I believe the fact that sometimes my scale goes as low as 184.5 vs a sometimes low of 188.8 to indicate solid progress.

Thanks so much for the support!

Hope to have another post in a month and hopefully be in the 170s.

submitted by /u/Willing-Pace-7162
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