Thursday, December 27, 2018

Methods to assist weight loss without diet or exercise?

Hello everyone,

I am not looking for a magic cure because one does not exist. I am not looking for weight loss pills.

What I am looking for is tips and suggestions of practices that anyone does to lose and sustain a healthy weight such as not eating while watching tv, drink plenty of water, etc.

I have major depression and struggle keeping to a workout regimen and keeping to a “diet”. My motivation is little to none to keep to a routine. I even have a degree in exercise science, so the knowledge of exercise and nutrition is there, the motivation is not.

TL;DR Post any tips and practices people can do daily to help lose and maintain a healthy weight without stating the obvious “go to the gym”.

submitted by /u/xR3DxArrow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to respond to unsupportive husband?

Hey guys! I’m sure I’m not alone with this issue, so I was wondering if anyone could suggest ways to respond to my husband:

I’ve lost weight before (many attempted times, most successfully on weight watchers a few years back), and I seem to have the SAME issue come up each time I try to lose weight - my husband gets upset that I don’t want to eat out!

For example, his friend is celebrating a birthday at an all-you-can-eat brunch spot. I told my husband a week ago that I wouldn’t be able to make it, and he asked, “Because you’re busy? Or because of the food?” And I told him- yes, I’m free, but I have no self control at buffets and have been avoiding them (I especially love Indian buffets... can you tell? LOL). He kind of goes quiet and I don’t push it. But then today, as we’re casually making plans for this weekend for another group of friends, I mention that he can’t do Saturday with them because of his other friend’s birthday thing. He then goes, “So you’re really not coming because of your diet? It’s his birthday!! Just sit there and not eat!” For me, that is just not possible! I also don’t want to deal with random people’s judgment or questions.

I’m trying SO hard to understand his side. We used to love to eat out together, that was our thing! He’s also much more social than I am, and doesn’t think it’s good for him to go out to a bunch of group dinners without me. I do allow myself to eat out 1-2x a week, but it was my mom’s birthday last weekend and of course I enjoyed Christmas food guilt-free!!

So what to do? Has anyone dealt with this? If he was any other person in my life, I’d have no problem limiting my time with him/her - but obviously, he’s not! I want him to support me - and what really annoys me about this is that he doesn’t see his reaction as wrong!

In the end, I realize I’m responsible for what I eat, not him. But the guilt/frustration is hard to bear, especially when I honestly think he’s in the wrong here. Help! Who else has dealt with a spouse making it that much harder to stick to your weight loss goals?! How did you successfully deal with it??

submitted by /u/indianbuffetftw
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Ta Da List for 2018

Hello!! As we wrap up the month (and year) I wanted to take a minute to encourage you to list everything you accomplished this year. Before you make your goals for next year or race calendar or New Year’s Resolutions… give yourself credit for every victory – no matter how big or small! And I have a fun free printable if you want to write it out OR screenshot for Instagram or Facebook.

Ta Da List printable. How to write your Ta Da list for the year (427x640)

Full disclosure – I don’t think I’ve accomplished anything this year. I didn’t hit any of my goals. I think I actually took steps in the wrong direction on a lot of them. I don’t even want to go through the New Year’s Resolutions for this year because they’ll just make me feel bad. And then I’ll feel discouraged to set new goals!! I mean – who wants to set goals after thinking about how you failed at your last ones??!

But it’s not helpful or productive to focus on failure outside of taking what you can learn from the situation. You have to move forward from setbacks.

One of my favorite quotes is – Don’t let what you can’t do get in the way of what you can do.

And it kind of ties in with this concept of writing a “Ta Da List”. A TA DA list is a list of all the things you have accomplished in a given time period. Today I’m thinking about my accomplishments for the year – but you can do this daily, weekly or monthly too. It’s encouraging to see what you’re capable of! It’s motivating to remind yourself about all the things you have done! So before I write a To Do list for next year – I’m going to write a Ta Da list and at least give myself credit for the things I accomplished – even if they weren’t my big goals or resolutions – they still count and I still deserve credit for that.

I made 2 versions of the Ta Da list – one is a list you can write in of your accomplishments, whatever you choose to focus on and note. The second list narrows it to the main areas of life goals we often focus on – personal development, spiritual, health, relationships, finances, fun, etc. Click on the links below to get the free printable pdf OR go to @RunEatRepeat Instagram stories and you can screenshot it and write it your answers to share with Sasha Medea.

Ta Da List printable:

Ta Da List for the year (453x640)

* Click here for the Ta Da List pdf printable *


Ta Da List printable with different areas of life goals:

Ta Da List for the year each area of life (453x640)

* Click here for the Ta Da List with areas pdf printable *


And in super exciting Ta Da news…

[ drumroll please ]

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you already know this but…


I’ll share more about him very soon!! But we’re celebrating every tiny Diego victory right now – especially when he goes to the restroom outside. GOOD JOB DIEGO!! YOU WENT PP OUTSIDE!! YOU’RE A GOOD BOY!!! GOOD JOB!!!

So if we can celebrate Diego pee-ing… I think we can celebrate other small victories because they encourage us to keep moving in the direction of success and good habits.

i got a dog named Diego


Make sure to follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram and the Run Eat Repeat Facebook page so you don’t miss out on any exciting (or random) updates!!

Thank you! Talk soon!!

The post Ta Da List for 2018 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Analysis of Previous r/loseit Challenges

This is something that I have been working on in my spare time and I thought I should share it here before the next challenge starts in January.

tldr: I analyzed all of the 10 previous challenges and found that the average amount of weight lost during the challenges is 6 lbs.

So far there have been 10 r/loseit challenges with 76 teams for those challenges.

Challenge Name Number of Participants who Finished
Spring Into Summer Challenge 1063
Mythical Creatures Spring Challenge 1022
Super Mario Brothers Super Challenge 1013
Super Hero Summer Challenge 966
Rebirth Challenge 877
New New Year New Goals Challenge 860
Lord Of The Rings Summer Challenge 858
The Summer Challenge 791
Sci-Fi Movies Challenge 744
Autumn Animal Challenge 697

From participating in a few different challenges, I knew there are many people who have done multiple challenges. I wanted to begin by looking at how many have done more than one challenge, and who has participated in the most challenges. From the data we can see that there have been 1539 people who have participated in more than one challenge (and using the same username) and 4568 people who have only participated in a single challenge so far -- again this doesn't account for people who sign-up using multiple accounts.

Next, I wanted to look at the gender distribution of the participants. From the data it is obvious that loseit challenges have a very large gender imbalance. Around 71% of the participants in the challenges are women, 20% are male, 7% are unknown, and just under 1% of participants identify as other. Because there is such a large imbalance, for most of my analysis I will try and look at how the numbers vary between gender -- if they do at all.

Looking at the age distributions, we find that there is a large peak at the most common age 26. The oldest participant is 76 and the youngest has been 13. Looking the distributions separated by gender, we see that there us not a huge difference between them.

The average height is 66.5 in. With the shortest participant being 52.0 in and the tallest being 82.6 in. As we would expect, men have a higher average height than women do.

The average starting weight is 196.3 lbs. The highest starting weight so far has been 546.8 lbs. and the lowest has been 90.3 lbs. So really no matter how much you have to lose (or gain) these challenges are the place for you!

The average goal loss for the challenges is 10.0 lbs. This entry had a few outliers that are incorrect entries, so rather than using the mean for average, we use the median.

The average weight lost during the challenges is 6.0 lbs. The most weight lost during a challenge is 45.7 lbs.

In these plots we see that there is a slight correlation between starting BMI and the amount of weight that is lost during the challenges. This relationship seems independent of gender.

From these plots we see that giving a NSV, activity tracker, or food tracker does not have much of an affect of weight lost. One thing that I would be curious to see, is if the inter-team challenges/participation is correlated with weight loss.

Next, I wanted to look at how many people provide NSVs and links to activity and food trackers.

Has NSV: 78.82 %Gives activity tracker: 20.78 %Gives food tracker: 57.00 %No Info: 12.32%

Weight loss distributions separated by challenge and by team.

In this next section, we want to create a word cloud so that we can visualize some of the most common words that people use to describe their reasons for wanting to lose weight during r/loseit challenges.

A note about the analysis process. All of the data scraping and analysis was done using Python. To find the Google Sheets used for tracking during the challenges, I used PRAW to search through old r/loseit posts to find links to Google spreadsheets. I then used gspread to open and download the worksheet that contained the tracking data. The data was put into Pandas dataframes and missing data was either replaced using other information or dropped. Participants who missed the final weigh-in were dropped, unless they submitted a weigh-in for the previous week, which was then assumed to be their final weight. All of the plots were created using Seaborn and Matplotlib.

submitted by /u/incoherent_limit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 75 lbs unhealthily, back up to almost where I started

Hi everyone,

Years ago, I went from 210 to 135 (took me about 3 years including long periods of plateau and short periods of extremely fast weight losses) by eating 500-800 calories for extended periods and then going into periods of maintenance. I was hungry all the time, but I loved the weight loss and the feeling of control. To be clear, this wasn't IF. This was extremely unsustainable in the long term and the emotional and psychological approach I had was unhealthy.

When I reached my goal, I felt awesome. I still wanted to change my body, obviously, because that really never goes away. But I felt confident, I felt accomplished, and more than anything I wanted to begin eating normally again. I tried intuitive eating, I tried tracking calories in maintainence levels, I began lifting and increasing protein, and here I am, 2-3 years later, back to almost where I began. Some of the weight is muscle - prior to this point I had never lifted and was largely sedentary my entire life. But a significant portion was fat gain from my diet. I know this because none of my clothes fit, the fat on my stomach is physically uncomfortable when I sit, I'm sluggish, my cardio game is way off, and my mood swings from being 210lbs came back.

One thing that I'm really happy with over the last 2 years is the work I've done on myself in terms of my body image. I genuinely have let go of a huge amount of pressure to look thin and a lot of the fear associated with how I look day-to-day. That being said, I still want to be proud when I look in the mirror, and right now I'm definitely not. But weight loss today is about a lot more than it was the last time I did this. It's about being able to do awesome things with my body (run, lift, climb, etc.) and about feeling comfortable physically in it at any given time (not weighed down by excess, not tired for no reason, not worried about health concerns due to high bodyfat).

This post is partly for me to have some physical, meaningful way to start this process and mentally commit to it and partly to ask the community if anyone has experienced something similar. Does anyone have experience transitioning from unhealthy short-term "success" to healthy long-term lifestyle changes? My goal isn't to lose 40 lbs in 20 weeks. My goal is to change everything I need to about my daily habits and lifestyle in a long-term sustainable way and let my body adjust naturally to those changes, knowing that if I'm healthy, weight loss will logically result. Has that approach worked for anyone? Or do people have more success with calculated deficits and hard-core willpower until they're at their goal weight and then moving into maintenance? Thanks!

submitted by /u/encephalovore
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1 Year On Track

Long time lurker and first time poster here! Sorry if this breaks any rules or anything. Before I post this, I want to apologize for the long wall of text. Progress pictures are here! (pictures show midriff; so link is NSFW)

I started my weight loss journey a year ago as of writing this (December 27th, 2017). I was in my darkest moment, searching for an answer to why I felt like shit all the time. This was the same day as my friends’ Christmas party. I went home from it and cried to myself for hours. I posted on r/relationshipadvice because I thought my friends all hated me. One kind commenter told me that I’m probably lacking self confidence and asked me to look inward instead of blaming my friends for my insecurity. This really resonated with me; I looked inside. I found that I was truly unhappy with myself. I was big. I didn’t fit into normal sized clothes. I had heartburn all the time and I couldn’t breathe very well. I got winded very easily. I decided to change. Still looking to reddit for advice, I found the community r/loseit. There, I read the guide they have available on their sidebar. Everything in it was so helpful and informative and reading it, I remember crying. I downloaded the LoseIt! app and calculated my TDEE. I started at 265 lbs (Female, 5 foot 9 inches tall). The next year, I couldn’t ever have known, would be a very difficult year for me.

The new year came with difficulties. The first half of the year was wonderful; I went out more often with friends and tried to start enjoying myself instead of simply just living. I lost 35 lbs by Spring Break, which I spent part of in another city with two of my best friends. I was able to walk the streets of the city without getting super winded (as I most likely would have before). In July, I went to my local anime convention having lost around 50 lbs. I didn’t cosplay because I didn’t want to make something I wouldn’t fit into in a few months. August came, and so did my birthday (I weighed 208 on my birthday, whoop whoop). At this point, the Fall semester was fast approaching. After a wonderful Summer, I was ready to go back to learning. The thing that I wasn’t ready for, though, was my best friend (three of them, actually) moving two hours away. I felt alone. I had one friend at my school with me, and he provided excellent company, but there’s never a substitute for your closest friend. I didn’t get to see her very often; we were both really busy. That caused a lot of sadness for me.

The semester started and I was doing well (I found out the other day that I passed w/ a 4.0 gpa! :D). I did well with my weight loss, too! September brought my journey into onederland and I was so excited about it. This also meant I was no longer in an obese BMI! October brought midterms, which took a lot of concentration to study for. I was also going to do NaNoWriMo starting in November. This brought significant challenges to my time management. Fortunately, I did not have a job this semester (this is really only fortunate in that I had a lot of extra time to study and write, lol). November came and went like a flash, with me hitting my goal of 50K words written between four different stories, only one of which was actually finished. I learned a lot, though. December has felt so fast. I got a fitbit (alta hr) for Christmas and I’m excited to see how this tool will assist my journey for my own health. I don’t know my exact weight; I’m retaining a lot of water from the big holiday meals and my muscles are sore, too. Last I checked, I was 176.9. That’s almost 90 lbs in a year. I have about 30-35 more to lose depending on how I feel once I’m closer to my pretty arbitrary goal. I haven’t been small at any point in my life, so I’m excited to fit into “medium” or “small” clothes.

I wanted to write a bit about the quality of life changes, just in case anyone is on the fence about losing weight (hi, resolutioners!)

  • I can breathe better now (as in, my weight-induced asthma is better controlled)
  • I can walk without getting winded
  • My skin has cleared a significant amount (from drinking water instead of sweet tea, I imagine)
  • I have a face shape now (as well as collar bones, a jawline, thinner fingers, smaller feet, and hip bones!)
  • Clothes shopping is much more fun (yesterday I went and actually bought something)
  • I have much healthier habits in general (ex. I brush my teeth daily now when I wouldn’t get up to do it before, I wake up at a regular time that is… before noon, and I exercise.)

There are more, but those are the most motivating things in my opinion. I think it’s required for me to tell exactly what I did to lose the weight, so here goes. I started eating 1900 calories per day in January, but I switched to 1200-1300 in the last few months. I try to exercise regularly, but finding motivation was difficult in the harder school months (especially around midterms and finals, lol). I’ll usually spend ~30 minutes on a treadmill and I try to do that 5 days a week-ish.

I didn’t have a really good reason to lose weight. I still don’t, I guess. I knew it would help me be healthier, but I mostly did it to find self-confidence. I haven’t found all of it but there’s much more there than there was last year. My friends are having a Christmas party today, and I intend to go and have fun and if I cry, it’ll just be because I’m gonna miss them until Summer comes again. :) The moral of my story would probably be this: Losing weight will only cause you to lose weight. You won't be happier unless you're working on that, too.

Sorry again for the massive wall of text, but I got a bit emotional and I’ve been waiting to post until my weightlossiversary. I guess I just wanted to release part of my journey to the world just in case anyone out there relates! Feel free to message me, too, if we have similar stats or you need someone to talk to, y'all. <3

submitted by /u/willellarose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When family decides they know what’s best for you.

TLDR; recently gained some weight as a side effect to a drug. At Christmas dinner my aunt took my plate away and said I’d had enough. I’m over 30.

A bit of background, I recently was on an anti-anxiety medication that did a number on my metabolism. I gained 30 pounds in 3 months very unexpectedly. My doctor is currently working with me to boost my metabolism and both her and my dietician agree it was a lame side effect of this drug. (Currently off the drug and starting to see results on the scale)

So my family likes to be right. They tend to hoard information and will use random facts to support their point of view or opinion. The worst are my father and his little sister my aunt. My aunt has a few things that are very important in her life. Image and money, she claims family is important but she visits us once a year. She lives alone is recently divorced and lives in a large house in Scottsdale. She spends $1000s on designer items and plastic surgery, she’s definitely all about image.

So I have explained to my family I’m feeling down a bit this sudden weight loss and about the doctors diagnosis etc. I’m not being secretive about anything, 30 pounds is noticeable.

I had talked to my aunt a bit about how frustrated I am with this weight issue and how excited I am to start the new year with a strong workout plan a diet and support from my doctor etc.

Christmas dinner; I hadn’t eaten all day because it’s Christmas, slept in, helped cook, kinda nibbled on food as we were cooking. Maybe consumed 600 cals before dinner. Sit down at dinner and we’re talking and enjoy family Christmas dinner. Near the end of my plate and there was a small piece of crispy turkey skin on the side of my plate, took a bite and commented on how crunchy it was and well done the turkey was. My aunt then took my plate away and said thats enough for you. I was shocked, I’m an adult over 30. She took my plate.

I have a right to be fuming right? That’s not how you treat adults. I would guess that whole meal, which I was unable to finish, was maybe 700 cals. All homemade, lots of veggies, nothing packaged and heated up.

submitted by /u/lex-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat