Monday, May 6, 2019

what are your non-food based rewards for achieving goals?

I've put on over 20 kilos (circa 45 lbs) since I left high school from a combo of being super depressed and not knowing how to cook and then I developed binge eating disorder in my second year of uni and things just got worse. I have a really bad history of rewarding myself with binges of several blocks of chocolate, bags of chips, sweets etc for "good" behaviour like getting out of bed once a week and washing my hair once a fortnight going for a run or coming under my calories for the day.

I'm trying to shift my brain away from "I deserve a whole block of Guylian chocolate" to "if I work hard, I will get X." Part of that means breaking down the emotional connection between food and reward, which is basically built into my brain because I come from a family where doing well means getting sweets and winning things means a McDonalds meal. That was OK when my parents picked out food and I was a little kid, but as an adult it's starting to get a wee bit problematic and suuuper expensive to immediately reward myself with masses of food the second I do something well. I'm super reward orientated so I thought it would be cool to look at stuff I need and stuff I will need while I lose weight (new cloths, underwear etc.) and then make it into a rewards chart alongside things I want (necklaces, a couple of experiences, some trousers etc.)

My rewards are:

  • 95 KG- Buy a small gold necklace I've wanted for a long time.
  • 93 KG- Replace all my ratty grandma knickers bought to cover my FUPA with some nicer ones.
  • 90 KG- A bra and undies set from Lonely Lingere (again, new underwear is VERY much needed given the sheer state of things in my drawers.)
  • 87 KG- A top from an Etsy shop I like, hopefully in a size M instead of an L or an XL
  • 84 KG- Flotation Tank and Sauna Experience because I've wanted to do a tank soak for AGES but keep putting it off.
  • 80 KG- Entireworld Tiny Tee's 2 Pack to replace all my XL t-shirts which should hopefully be much too big by now
  • 77 kg- A pair of Matter Prints trousers, which I've wanted for ages and been too big to fit into.
  • 76 kg- underwear and bra set from Negative Underwear, to finish off my nice new underwear collection that actually fits me.
  • Maintain under 80 KG for 3 months- Get my teeth whitened professionally.

I also have three mini-rewards for when I hit 92 kgs (sauna and plunge pool), 86 kgs (2 new bras, since my boobs should go down a cup size or too) and at 82 kgs a new set of togs from Batoko. I have a couple of other bits and pieces- new shoes, beauty days, lipstck, work pants, some books and a bootcamp pass- for when I reach various time based milestones and points in completing my programmes.

Do you guys have any set rewards/reward programmes you put yourself on as prizes for reaching different milestones? Do they just surround weight or do they extend out into other parts of the weight loss and ~healthy lifestyle~ experience?

submitted by /u/clyt3mnestra
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, May 5, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Monday, 06 May 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So close to Onderland I can taste it

I'm a 29 year old, 5'10" woman. My all time highest (known) weight was 257 lbs. Since then, I've gotten married, had a child, separated from my husband, had my gallbladder removed, been unemployed, dealt with PPD, been on and off assistance, and lost 56.8 lbs. The scale this morning read 200.2 lbs.

I went to a barbecue dinner at my mom's house today. I prelogged my intended dinner (bbq pulled pork sandwich and potato salad) and it left me with 310 calories to spare. I ended up also having baked beans and a (non-diet) soda. I also played with my toddler outside (how exactly do you track that? I ended up logging it as "coaching sports for 90 minutes"). I skipped the chips amd blueberry pie with ice cream.

I know my food choices today weren't stellar. I wasn't going to dirty measuring cups for my mom to wash, so I eyeballed it. But! But! I came in 62 calories under budget. And I'm proud of that.

I've toed the line of disordered eating in the past. I stopped counting calories for a year+ because I knew that I'd latch onto the numbers as something in life I could control when everything else seems to be spinning around me. I'm currently training for an entirely new (physically demanding) career, and felt like tracking my food choices would be empowering at this point. I'm now 13 days strong tracking and using CICO for weight loss. I've been on point with my hydration (100 oz water/flavored water/Gatorade a day). I've been within my calorie budget 11/13 days. And, I've been okay and honest with the days that I went over. I've allowed for indulgences when wanted/needed (free pizza lunch at construction training, networking at chick fil a). I've focused on quality nutrition and getting in my fruits and vegetables (in the past, I've skipped those for lower calorie counts, yeah, bad logic, I know). I'm hoping for a number that starts with a 1 (for the first time in 6 years) when I weigh myself on Wednesday morning, but if it doesn't happen, I know I'm still making good choices. I'm proud of the example I'm setting for my son, especially given my ex/his dad frequently eats fast food for most meals and weighs in around 350 lbs.

My mom offered pie no fewer than 3 times, its only polite in Minnesota, after all, to offer a minimum of 3 times, and chastized me for "not enjoying life". I stood firm, I ate plenty. I enjoyed time and food with family. I played outside with my son and without tv.

I'm so proud and so grateful for finally being able to take charge of my health and wellbeing. I'm proud to be a good example for my son (who currently refuses all junk food except for donuts, and would live off of yogurt, blueberries, and string cheese if he had his way). I'm proud to be choosing a path that utilizes the strength of my body and will continue to build that strength. I'm proud to be down 56.8 lbs in 6 years. I'm proud of who I am and where I am in so many ways. Today feels like such an NSV, and I'm hoping that the SV shows this week, but if it doesn't, I'm proud to know that it will soon, so long as I make my 11/13 logging and in-budget streak grow.

I will definitely update Wednesday when I hit Onederland, but I will also be okay if that's not this week, but next. I'll still be happy with the tasty and reasonable choices I made today, and in the 12 days before it, and the days to come. I know that family barbecues aren't going to go away because I'm making health a priority, I also know they're about more than food. They're about watching my son play with his cousin,snuggle with his grandma, and learn to plant and water flowers with his grandpa. They're about playing on a see saw and a swing and a wagon. They're about laughing and rolling down a hill. They're about kicking a ball around the yard. They're about examining lilac buds and sampling sauces. And in a few weeks, when I pass on pie I can go pick fresh raspberries in the backyard instead. And if I want a slice of pie, I can skip the soda, or go for a swim, or run around a little more with my giggling son and nephew.

submitted by /u/CuteNCaffeinated
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally made it under 200lbs! Any ideas for rewarding myself without spending too much money?

Hey everyone, I am proud to say that, after losing 33 pounds, I have reached a huge milestone of mine. I now weigh less than 200lbs for the first time in over 2 years!

A brief background on me, as this is my first post (hello, world!): I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I grew up in a very low income family with a single mom (and five other siblings), so my diet consisted only of things that could be microwaved, and I refused to drink anything but soda or other sugary drinks. Pretty garbage food. I also always had a habit of using food to deal with my emotions; I had a lot of turmoil in the early parts of my life, and food became a source of comfort for me. By the time I was 11 years old, I wore a size 16...! Even in high school, when I reconnected with my dad and moved in with him, I wasn't encouraged to eat healthy. My dad weighed over 400 lbs, and suffered from severe disabilities because of his lifestyle choices (heart disease, diabetes, extremely severe arthritis starting in his 30s), and he didn't teach me about health either. I look back on my childhood photos and always feel bummed out looking at how unhealthy I was. I had no idea. My parents just never taught me anything about healthy nutrition and exercise, and my body and self esteem suffered for it.

Throughout high school up until about 21, I maintained my weight at around 195 (5'6 F, so still definitely really overweight). After I met my SO, my weight really spiraled out of control. I got comfortable, and I fell for the trap of not maintaining myself once I got into a relationship (constantly going out for drinks, eating out at restaurants all the time, too much Netflix and chill). I also started on hormonal birth control for the first time; between this and my poor lifestyle choices, I put on ~40lbs in about 9 months. I was miserable and my partner had to have a heart to heart with me about my health and the effects it had on our relationship. It was a hard truth to hear, and it took me a while to process, but I came out with a resolve like I have never had before to teach myself healthy habits for the first time.

I told myself that before I walked the stage at my graduation this May, I was going to get under 200.

Now here we are. Graduation is 5 days away...198.6 lbs.

I know I still have a long way to go to get to my goal weight, but I feel like this is a big milestone and I want to celebrate. The problem is, my SO and I operating on small budgets, and due to our financial situation at the moment, I'm really not in a place to be spending a lot of money right now on things like new clothes or equipment, so I'm hoping for some ideas on how to commemorate this achievement. I'm generally not a person who is great at recognizing my own accomplishments, but I feel that making a conscious effort to do this throughout my weight loss journey is important if I want to keep my momentum. So, what do you guys do to reward yourselves that doesn't involve spending too much (or, of course, food).

submitted by /u/jinjerbare
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tomorrow has Finally Arrived

Good Evening everyone,

I've been a long time lurker, first time poster. I've been trying for the past few months to lose weight with no avail. In all honesty, I've gained about 10 pounds. I've tried everything from keto to intermittent fasting. While I'll saw success within the first week, I would hit a snag and fall off the wagon...hard.

Today, I've decided to use the information I've learned from this subreddit and create a custom plan for my weight loss journey rather than chase a fad. Since I'm an avid gamer, I decided to turn my journey into my own adventure. I'll be breaking each of my new habits I want to gain into a quest objective. Once I've successfully completed the objective for 4 weeks, I'll complete the quest, level up, and earn a reward.

Below is the outline for my personal adventure to a new me. I'll be sure to provide updates with successes and challenges I encounter all the way.

Level 1

Goal: Remove Dr. Pepper/soda from my diet.

Reward: A massage

Level 2

Goal: Replace sweet treats (i.e. cookies, candy) with fruits.

Reward: New outfit (shirt, pants, shoes)

Level 3

Goal: Limit eating out to twice a week

Reward: Nice pair of running shoes

Level 4

Goal: Move for 30 minutes a day, 3x a week

Reward: Workout clothes

Level 5

Goal: Move for 30 minutes a day, 6x a week

Reward: Wireless headphones

Level 6

Goal: Exercise for 30 minutes, 2x a week

Reward: NAS

Level 7

Goal: Exercise for 30 minutes, 3x a week

Reward: New driver license (updated picture)

submitted by /u/kreloth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don’t want to give up like I have so many times before.

I’m 260ish lbs (23F). My weight typically fluctuates from 258-265. I’ve been overweight since I was 8 years old, and the only time I’ve been able to lose weight is twice when I’ve spent extended periods of time out of the country. In 2012, for that reason, I lost about 15 lbs but gained it all back within a year of being back in the US. Last summer, I lost about 8 pounds in 1 month spent in South America. Other than that, I have steadily gained weight my entire life and I believe my max was 265.

I did a little dieting for a few weeks this winter and got down to 260. On 4/27 (8 days ago), I stepped on the scale and was 263.5 lbs, and I decided it was time to change for good. I’ve been eating mostly raw veggies (which works well for me because I’m basically a rabbit). I love junk food too, but switching to eating raw food hasn’t been hard yet. I’ve only cheated a couple times this week on an order of crinkle cut fries and one night I ate too many spoonfuls of peanut butter because I tend to get cravings for it and then can’t stop lol.

Anyway, to get to the point of this post... this is stupid, but I’m kind of discouraged because, although I’ve been limiting myself to between 1200-1500 calories per day and walking a lot (I’ve even gone to the gym twice this week) I haven’t really lost any weight. I’m sitting at anywhere from 259-263 over the past few days. This is honestly the longest I’ve ever stuck to a weight loss plan in my entire life, and I don’t want to get discouraged because I’m not seeing quick results on the scale.. how can I overcome this? What specific things can I do to stay motivated?

submitted by /u/buttercup228
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally hit the big Five-Oh. I have lost 50lbs in 113 days!

I started this weight loss after I had spent some good time lurking around here and being inspired by this community. I finally said to myself, if all of these amazing people can do it, then why the hell can't I?! I started by focusing on doing CICO. After losing about 20lbs, I added HIIT training. About a month ago I started 16:8 intermittent fasting, and this has done wonders. I feel so much more energetic and in control of my impulses around food. I recently started the StrongLifts 5x5 program and will be doing that 3 times per week to add some more serious weight training. After just 4 sessions of that I feel like I have better posture and that my body is feeling stronger, sturdier and more toned. There is still a lot covering up the muscle, but I can certainly feel the difference already!

Thank you for inspiring me. I hope I can inspire some of you! I love this community and you are all amazing :)

Here's a progress pic:

submitted by /u/FinnAnotherHuman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat