Sunday, May 5, 2019

Finally made it under 200lbs! Any ideas for rewarding myself without spending too much money?

Hey everyone, I am proud to say that, after losing 33 pounds, I have reached a huge milestone of mine. I now weigh less than 200lbs for the first time in over 2 years!

A brief background on me, as this is my first post (hello, world!): I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I grew up in a very low income family with a single mom (and five other siblings), so my diet consisted only of things that could be microwaved, and I refused to drink anything but soda or other sugary drinks. Pretty garbage food. I also always had a habit of using food to deal with my emotions; I had a lot of turmoil in the early parts of my life, and food became a source of comfort for me. By the time I was 11 years old, I wore a size 16...! Even in high school, when I reconnected with my dad and moved in with him, I wasn't encouraged to eat healthy. My dad weighed over 400 lbs, and suffered from severe disabilities because of his lifestyle choices (heart disease, diabetes, extremely severe arthritis starting in his 30s), and he didn't teach me about health either. I look back on my childhood photos and always feel bummed out looking at how unhealthy I was. I had no idea. My parents just never taught me anything about healthy nutrition and exercise, and my body and self esteem suffered for it.

Throughout high school up until about 21, I maintained my weight at around 195 (5'6 F, so still definitely really overweight). After I met my SO, my weight really spiraled out of control. I got comfortable, and I fell for the trap of not maintaining myself once I got into a relationship (constantly going out for drinks, eating out at restaurants all the time, too much Netflix and chill). I also started on hormonal birth control for the first time; between this and my poor lifestyle choices, I put on ~40lbs in about 9 months. I was miserable and my partner had to have a heart to heart with me about my health and the effects it had on our relationship. It was a hard truth to hear, and it took me a while to process, but I came out with a resolve like I have never had before to teach myself healthy habits for the first time.

I told myself that before I walked the stage at my graduation this May, I was going to get under 200.

Now here we are. Graduation is 5 days away...198.6 lbs.

I know I still have a long way to go to get to my goal weight, but I feel like this is a big milestone and I want to celebrate. The problem is, my SO and I operating on small budgets, and due to our financial situation at the moment, I'm really not in a place to be spending a lot of money right now on things like new clothes or equipment, so I'm hoping for some ideas on how to commemorate this achievement. I'm generally not a person who is great at recognizing my own accomplishments, but I feel that making a conscious effort to do this throughout my weight loss journey is important if I want to keep my momentum. So, what do you guys do to reward yourselves that doesn't involve spending too much (or, of course, food).

submitted by /u/jinjerbare
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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