Saturday, October 24, 2020

I lost 35lbs during quarantine, but hit a plateau

I started off quarantine at about 255lbs. At the time I was drinking a lot of beer and not really paying attention to what I was eating. I had sleep apnea and high blood pressure that would regularly exceed 170/100 (normal is 120/80). I felt quite horrible on a daily basis, tired all the time, and a nervous wreck constantly worried about dying suddenly. Long story short, I got real tired of feeling so awful all the time, and decided I’d buckle down and change something.

First, I stopped drinking all together. This wasn’t an attempt to lose weight, although it certainly didn’t hurt, but just a way to improve my general health. Afterwards my mind was a lot clearer, but I still felt rotten, and couldn’t seem to get a good nights rest no matter how long I slept. Of course this was because, in part, I’d been diagnosed with sleep apnea about six months prior, but had neglected to get a CPAP machine.

So I finally caved, called up my local medical supply store, and got myself a CPAP machine. For those who don’t know, sleep apnea is a condition in which your airway closes while you’re asleep, and you stop breathing for short periods of time. This can really fuck up your ability to get a decent nights rest, raise your blood pressure, and contributes to risk of stroke and heart attack. The CPAP machine creates pressure in your airway that forces it to stay open during the night. It took a while to get used to wearing the mask, but when I was finally able to keep it on until morning, I saw changes to my energy levels immediately.

With my drinking eliminated and my sleep apnea controlled, losing weight was ten times easier than it’d been in the past. I wasn’t eating because I was overly tired, and I wasn’t drinking countless calories every night. I started counting my calories every day and kept my consumption to under 1500 cal/day. I stuck with it, weight melted off, and I ended up losing 35lbs. With the weight loss, my blood pressure dropped down to the high end of normal range, and I felt better than I had in years.

Recently however, I haven’t been sticking to that 1500 cal/day limit, and have gotten lazy about tracking my calorie intake. I haven’t gained, but I definitely stopped losing. While I was feeling horribly unhealthy, I had what seemed like unlimited motivation, but now that I feel like a normal person again, motivation has been quite hard to find. Maybe i cut weight too quickly, maybe I need to just buckle down and do it again, but I don’t know at this point. Any advice in getting over a weight loss hump would be greatly appreciated, as would any similar stories you’d like to share.

submitted by /u/snubcrescent
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 30lbs but now I have Body Dysmorphia (Phantom Fat)

I really just need a place to vent right now. I want to be happy for myself and celebrate the progress, consistency and changes that have gotten my body to where it is now.

But I’M NOT.. instead I’m home, crying in bed, with a messy pile of clothes that no longer fit. It’s truly one of the strangest paradoxes I’ve experienced.

My brain is so confused. When I wake up in the morning I still feel like the size 18/20 person. I put on my size 14 jeans and feel like they’re not gonna fit, every single time. I’m swimming in my work shirts and people tell me I’m looking small, but looking in the mirror I can’t tell at all.

I tend to be a logical person, but I’m just having a hard time getting my brain to work with me on this. I did some research and learned about this type of body dysmorphia/phantom fat (I’m aware of this term as I’m queer, identify as non-binary and have dated trans folk) but I didn’t know it was something that typically occurred with weight loss. I can look back and measure my progress through the physical milestones I’ve made. I’m mainly worried for my mental health at this point. Through the pandemic I’ve honed in on working through traumas, but this came out of nowhere and hit me like a driver getting t-boned in an intersection.

I hope this feeling goes away soon and I can eventually feel proud of my success.

submitted by /u/kiml722
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feel like I’m finally learning self discipline and getting control over binge eating

I’m currently 10lbs down in just over a month (aiming for a slow and steady weight loss of 2lbs a week. Currently 218lbs and my goal weight is around 140lbs so I have a long way to go.

It dawned on me today that I am finally leaning to discipline myself not to eat at the faintest stirrings of hunger. Same with binge eating - firstly I don’t buy trigger foods any more (high fat, greasy, sugary foods) and if I do buy some lower calorie treats, I’ll be strict and have one or two as opposed to just mindlessly eating the whole packet or box. I can finally have ‘treat’ foods in the cupboard or fridge for more than a day. It sounds crazy but it’s compulsion I haven’t bothered to resist for such a long time. I think the turning point is slowly educating myself about calories and CICO. Now, when I’m at the supermarket, if I see a treat food and I really want to buy it, I’ll look at the nutritional info and I can see how it’s not worth it. 2 mins of eating for 300 calories? I’ll pass thanks.

That being said, I will allow myself the odd treat but I’ll factor it into my calories for the day/week. I feel like I’m taking a much more sustainable approach and this really feels like something I can stick to for once!

Just so pleased to have mustered some control over my eating habits again!

submitted by /u/fantababy9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss camp starts today!

well, technically tomorrow, but I'm already in the building I'll be staying at for the next few months, and I'm going to bed after posting this.

The other technicality is that it's not an official camp. It's a one person camp just for me, and the supervisor is my dad. We're staying in his old office for 2-3 months and I'll only be eating healthy foods in healthy quantities. I'll also be barred from my computer and laziest of habits so that I learn to develop more active ones.

Basically the goal is to adjust to a new lifestyle rather than lose weight (though I'm sure that will be part of it) and I'm really hoping this is effective. I'm at 470 pounds right now, so I really need to have a plan that'll stick with me, and this seems to be one of the more...potent methods of getting adjusted.

Wish me luck, and if you have any tips or fun activities I can start participating in at my weight, I'd love to hear!

submitted by /u/BenCraigKey
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My Mother keeps telling me that I’m too skinny

I’m 18, F 142. I’ve lost over 30 lbs so I was 180 earlier this year. I’ve been able to maintain my weight loss with intermittent fasting, smaller portion sizes, and exercise. I’m almost at a normal BMI, but the issue right now is my mother. Every week is the same crap. “You’re too small” “You’ll faint” “You look sick” It hurts me so much because it makes me feel a bit insecure. My mom also does this to my little sister who is also at a normal weight. I mean, how could I be getting too small? My stomach is now beginning to flatten, which means this weight is perfect for me. However, she never fails to remind me how “unsexy” I am. I remember her saying something along the lines of how “this weight loss doesn’t fit your body type” You could say I have a proportionate body and curves, which have become a bit smaller as I lost weight, but that’s normal. I feel so healthy like this and my periods have become very regular. She’s so toxic I feel, because when I was larger, she would purposefully never tell me to lose weight, and consistently feed me large portions. Now, its an issue that I’m smaller. She even said that if I ever fainted she wouldn’t care and leave me to die because she told me so. How do I overcome this? I feel like my body is terrible because of this constant body and emotional shaming

submitted by /u/annabeelongx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I was 320 pounds - How I lost the weight.

Early Attempts at Health – 1995

When I was 15, I realized I weighed about 200 pounds. My Grandad also had a concern about his weight, and together we started a weight loss process that got me down to about 170 pounds. We drank non-fat milk, ate plain chicken breasts, and counted calories like they were collector’s items. I ran cross country (albeit poorly), and got in reasonably good shape for my age. However, I didn’t compete in any sports and lacked a real routine for fitness, with starts and stops here and there.

Genetics were not on my side. Both of parents have struggled with weight throughout their lives (more on this later), but have both had periods of weight loss. High blood pressure was a common occurrence in my family. As a kid, I ate peanut butter sandwiches for lunch and dinner, with lots of fun pack chips, cheerios, kix, and, later on, home cooked meals. We had a limited amount of food for three growing kids.

My idea of food and how to eat was skewed by the fact that friends had better access to food, but I didn’t understand that they also had developed self-control. We ate fast food on the occasions where we could afford it, but many times it was just very basic foods like hot dogs in tortillas and small bags of chips and classic sugar-free popsicle flavors (think root beer, lime, and tangerine).

Fast Food Worker – 1996

I started working at the local Arby’s after my parents asked me to get a job to pay for my car insurance. It is important to note here that I had never had access to food of this type before. Arby’s presented an unlimited amount of very-high calorie foods that were what is now referred to as superstimuli. Blessed with all the triple cheese melts, curly fries, and mozzarella sticks I could ask for at a below cost price, I began eating very differently.

A friend invited me to work at Wendy’s. Eating 10-20 mini frosties a night is a bit excessive. I began to gain even more weight. I left after only a few months and went back to Arby’s, but looking back at the pictures, I was already overweight. I had little to no impulse control, and did things like eat 50 peppermints a day for a two to three week period. This was while still eating all the other food. My teeth suffered, and I began to suffer.

By the time I left fast food to work for IBM in late 1998, I was well over 200 pounds. I began a battle with anxiety and depression, which mixed well with poor life choices. I kept eating poorly, often eating over 2000 calories in a single meal. I didn’t understand my relationship with food and coping with the stress of being a young adult and dealing with young adult issues. I had no concept of self-control and ate what I wanted despite evidence that it was bad for me.

Morbidly Obese – 2004

Eventually, I hit 320 pounds by the time I got married to my amazing wife in 2004. I have pictures of that time, and it looks painful. I couldn’t wear normal clothes. I couldn’t wear normal shoes, developing a habit of preferring flip-flops that I still have to this day. Somehow, I lost about 40 pounds, almost seemingly at random, only realizing this when my doctor told me on a routine visit. She compared the weight I had lost to carrying around a bad of cat litter all the time, then putting it down permanently.

I hovered around 270 pounds for years. I would binge eat every night, plowing through a 5 ounce piece of cheese and a big bowl of tortilla chips after dinner. We had ice cream in the freezer. Our daughter was born in 2010, and I tried to change, but wasn’t sure where to start.

Trying to Lose Weight – 2010

I wanted to start losing weight, but didn’t understand how. I tried all sorts of crazy diets. Keto, CICO (not insane), and various others. They didn’t work because I couldn’t maintain compliance. I didn’t have the peer group that drove me to help myself. My mental state was not sufficient to maintain – I was weak.

The suffering caused by calorie deprivation was a serious issue. I would have migraines that were exacerbated by my high blood pressure. The high blood pressure was exacerbated by stress. I would eat massive “healthy” snacks at work in an attempt to be healthier without any attempt at exercise. I started walking 10,000 steps a day with the early Fitbit, and climbing the stairs at work multiple times a day.

My mom started her fitness journey around this time – losing most of the weight she had carried for years and working out daily – she almost became a fitness instructor! I am so proud of the effort and support she has provided over the years. Love you, Mom!

Keto Diet – 2013

In 2014, I began a leadership training course at work that caused me to reconsider my life choices. I began seriously using a ketogenic diet to lose weight, and suffered through all the headaches and so-called keto flu. I lost 40 pounds and looked better than I had in years. My wife and I had a recommitment ceremony, and I still enjoy looking at the beautiful pictures on the wall from the event at our local community center.

I started adding carbs back into my diet slowly, but I was going the diet alone. My Dad started losing weight around this time. He is still an inspiration to me and has kept slim for many years now. He walks every day, keeping his streak going. Unfortunately, adding carbs back in led to backsliding and resuming old behaviors.

Relapse – 2015

I gained all of the weight back. I was stressed out at work and depressed, with my anxiety wreaking havoc on my life. I hit a low point around when my sister got married to her wonderful husband in September of 2016. I was morbidly obese, and had to wear extra wide shoes with my huge suit for their wedding. I still cringe at the bright neon green in the group picture from the wedding and remember having to discuss with them wearing the shoes to their ceremony.

Vegan – 2016

We had gone to a full vegan diet after reading/watching How Not to Die by Michael Gregor, with its cherry-picked statistics about all-cause mortality and animal cruelty discussion. Our first real vegan meal was a kale and sweet potato slow-cooked soup. My body didn’t know how to handle it and I got sick for a few days afterwards. The vegan diet didn’t work because we found vegan junk food and didn’t actually stick to the real, whole vegan food that would have led to weight loss and health benefits.

Vegetarian and Hitting Bottom – 2016

We became vegetarians due to issues with trying to maintain strict compliance while eating at restaurants We added eggs, cheese, and milk to our diet. It was a relief to be able to enjoy dairy food again.

The lowest point came on our Disneyland trip over Thanksgiving in 2016. I felt horrible, and was terrible to my wife and daughter. I didn’t want to be there, as you can see in the photos from that trip. I spent time alone in our hotel room and bickered with my wife. It was a sad excuse for a family trip, and I deeply regret it now. I began to focus on losing weight, but in an unfocused manner. Somehow, I lost 20 pounds by the time Easter rolled around.

Intermittent Fasting – 2017

With that much progress, I started researching intermittent fasting. I would only eat between the hours of 11a to 6p each evening. The weight started really coming off.

By June of 2017, I weighed in around 200 pounds, a 70 pound loss.

I was getting more fit and taking better care of myself. Surrounding myself with fit and strong people motivated me to be better with my eating and fitness. I started emulating my friends at the gym and it made me work harder to be more fit.

Running and BJJ – 2017

I had also started running. I used the Couch-to-5k program, and worked my way up to running a 5k almost every day for a month or two. I started Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, prompted by Jocko Willink. Discipline equals freedom, he told me. I lost another 30 pounds in the first couple of months of getting the crap kicked out of me every day. It was a painful lesson, but I loved the process. A coach recommended that I start lifting weights before BJJ, so I did. I had to start eating in the morning due to the caloric demands of five-day-a-week BJJ and lifting.

However, the weight started coming back on, and in December of 2018 I weighed about 190 pounds. I told people I was putting on muscle in exchange for fat. I’m really not sure if that was the case, but I was active and I ate what I wanted within reason. Over the next year, I ranged between 200-210 pounds.

My wife was super supportive in the process, and began to lose weight as well. She’s a trim 130 pounds nowadays and looks like a supermodel.

Carnivore – 2019

After seeing all the hype from Dr. Shawn Baker and Dr. Peter Attila, I began eating the carnivore diet. I was attempting to check all the extreme diet boxes. I had lots of steak, fish, hamburger patties, and pork. Unsurprisingly, my cholesterol skyrocketed, completely against the internet wisdom that it would be normal. I did lose some weight, moving into the 195 pound range. Meanwhile, longtime meat-eaters at the gym began moving to vegan due to their cholesterol issues.

Pescatarian and IF – 2020

March of 2020 greeted us with COVID-19 and severe meat shortages as everyone hoarded food and toilet paper. I had to switch to a vegetarian diet again. The weight almost immediately started coming off. I had to stop BJJ due to COVID, but started doing the Murphy Workout regularly. Then I started lifting weights again. I’ve had to adapt my routine to being at home without equipment.

I’ve been between 170 and 175 pounds for months now, over 150 pounds lighter than I was 16 years ago. I slowly added fish back into my diet, eating catfish and tilapia. I’ve learned a lot of lessons over the years about how to care for myself and what my body needs to feel healthy.

Current Routine

My daily routine has changed over time to adapt to growing older and trying to stay healthy:

I fast until 11a – walking about 6000 steps first thing in the morning

I’ve started running a 5k each morning after I cook breakfast for my girls

I have a green smoothie for lunch, inspired by Scott Jurek, and some sort of cheese toast or similar

I’ll have a snack of fruit and nuts in the afternoon

I walk on a desk treadmill during all work conference calls and throughout the day – I walk at least 20,000 steps every day

4 days a week I use Mark Wildman’s kettlebell routines

I stop eating at 6p each night

Sample Meals for a Day – Late 2020

Breakfast – None, I fast until 11a each day

Lunch – Green smoothie

Protein powder

½ banana

1 date




Nutritional yeast


Frozen Fruit

Cheese toast or leftovers from dinner and some dark chocolate

Snack – Apple and nuts (pistachios, walnuts, pecans, or cashews)

Dinner – A solid vegetarian meal

Veggie burgers and baked fries

Oatmeal and potatoes

Buddha bowls

“Jesus” bowl

Veggie burritos

Final Thoughts – October 2020

I’m not going to be a model. I have loose skin everywhere, my face has sagged without all the fat holding it up. But I can run 5k fasted at a better time than I could 3 years ago. I’ve run 10ks. I’ve walked 120+ miles a week for weeks in a row walking 6-10 hours a day. I feel better than I have in my whole life, even on bad days. It’s been an interesting journey.

Why I Wrote This

I see others struggling with weight, and emotional issues. I’d like to help other people out, and that’s part of why I am sharing my story here. I don’t have all the answers, and I can only talk about what worked for me. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, and I will do my best to provide support or tell you what I have done to get to where I am now.

Disclaimer: I am not a dietician, nor a doctor – just a guy who lost a bunch of weight and have kept it off for several years. This is not medical advice, but I am happy to share my experiences

submitted by /u/FormerlyObeseGuy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Update- Made a promise to myself post Covid

Original Post

I caught Covid in late June and thought I was going to die and I made a promise to myself that I would get my shit together. Here we are close to four months later and I've lost 50.4 lbs! Not only that, but my partner got on the path with me, and he's lost 52 pounds!

We want our weight loss to be forever, so we've made a lot of lifestyle changes. No soda, limited sugar, no alcohol, CICO. I'm vegan, but that's unrelated to weight loss. I initially focused on portion control, starting at 2400 calories and decreasing it gradually to where I am now at 1600. Once I felt like I had the diet situation on lock, I started focusing on moving more. I do 30-40 minutes of yoga a day (10 in the morning, 20-30 before bed) and keep workout clothes in my car to stop at the park on my way home. Mostly I just walk around, but I only do things that I enjoy because I've learned that if I don't like it, I'll find an excuse to not do it.

I have a long way to go still, but I'm proud of myself. I'm so grateful to myself for getting my head on straight finally. Thank you to everyone who gave advice/ encouragement. You're all gems!

Before and after pics

submitted by /u/Freddie_boy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat