Monday, April 26, 2021

Is the Anti-Diet Movement confusing anyone else?

A little background on me, i’m a late 20’s female who has been trying to lose weight my whole life with some success. I have about 70lbs i’d like to lose.

My mind is easily swayed and I am easily influenced, and it has caused a lot of struggle for me in this weight loss world. if someone spent 10 minutes promoting weight watchers to me, i would think that’s the best way to go. but then if someone promoted cico to me the next day, i would think that’s the best way to go. lately, i’ve seen a lot about IE and am wondering if thats the best way to go about this.

but the one thing that’s really confusing me is all of this stuff lately about “anti-dieting”. no tracking, no restricting, HAES, body positivity, etc. i can’t tell you how many posts and videos i’ve seen telling me that any sort of tracking will not be sustainable, and that i will either put all of my weight plus more back on or will need to stay on whatever program i choose for the rest of my life.

i really don’t want to be one judging others, but i feel like the people promoting anti-diets are never overweight. and they’re always like “tracking is insane! you should never have to measure out exactly how much salad you can have for lunch! i’m going to have this huge salad and not feel bad about it!” like okay yes, except you apparently want a salad for lunch whereas i would rather have pizza and wings..... i feel like i’m in a different world.

the thing is, i have health issues that are made worse by my weight, and would improve if i lost weight. i want to be smaller and feel stronger. i want to stop binging. i want to have a healthier body in case i decide to have kids in a few years.

the anti-diet idea is so enticing because i’m exhausted with yo-yo dieting, tracking, and restricting. but i also want to weigh less for my health, and i don’t know if i can just do that the way people are promoting with the anti-diet. I really like the idea of IE, but i want to lose weight. i’m just worried that if i do CICO and lose 50lbs it’s not going to be sustainable like the anti-diet movement says and i’m just going to put the weight back on.

i’m sorry if this post is confusing.... i’m very confused. does anyone else feel the same way? I feel like dieting has always kept me in check and actually found it sort of comforting, yet exhausting. but now this whole movement saying it’s evil is making me wonder if this is going to come back to bite me in the future, if i don’t want to count calories for the rest of my life.

Would love to hear other peoples opinions on this. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/windyafternoon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m at a place where I’m the happiest I’ve ever been

(5’2 137-114) pics:

My whole life I have struggled with depression and anxiety. The thing about food, is it’s so widely available. It’s easy to click or push a button, and get exactly what you want. I used food for comfort, and had a habit of binge eating. I would diet and loose , then binge and gain. The cycle was endless.

My blood pressure was high, and I was getting chest heaviness when walking up stairs. I was only 23/24! So this to me was very scary.. Additionally being a nurse I wasn’t oblivious to all the health issues that arise with being overweight.

One day, I decided to sign up for a 2 year gym membership. Little did I know, how much that would change my life.

At first l only did cardio. I didn’t see my body changing - but cardio was all I knew. I was already so anxious,and it was hard to break free of routine. Gym anxiety is a real thing ,and I struggled hard with it.

I decided to switch it up, and pushed myself out my comfort zone, and tried weightlifting.

Game changer. There was something so satisfying about getting stronger, so I continued being consistent and saw my body change.

With that, my diet changed. I never followed any nutrition plan, but what I did do was make healthier choices. Half my plate would be veggies, then a protein, and maybe some form of carb. I would subside rice for cauliflower rice , or do a mixture.

I focused on fuelling my body, but in a healthier way . No unsustainable diets this time. Also, I would indulge once in awhile. I would never say “no”, so it never felt like I was “cheating “, then I would get right back on the train. Because of all this, I developed a much healthier relationship with food.

This journey though, has been about so much more than weight loss.

It’s been about self love, empowerment, and becoming the best version of my self.

By over coming challenges, and being honest about my struggles with mental health. While, learning to create healthier habits that are sustainable.

Being both physically and mentally healthy, is of utmost importance to me. I have made it my number one priority because, the best investment you can make is in yourself.

I truly believe if you feel good on the inside, you begin to take pride in how you look.

It’s been really rewarding to have my mindset shift, and seeing myself progress. A much healthier and most importantly, happier person

submitted by /u/Triforcetrinityx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: I accidentally grabbed my "They might fit in the future" pants, and got the shock of a lifetime. They fit! Turns out I have dropped 60+ Lbs weight, and HALF A FOOT off my waistline!

TL;DR: swapped brewing tackle, ate more, exercised less.

I don't expect anyone to read this. In fact, I know none of you will. I just wanted to share my joy; and this sub required me to post a text body to post the title. So... here goes!

Mid-December of last year I decided to change a few things to see if it worked. Spoiler alert... it did!

The first thing I did was STOP weighing myself, and just followed my weight loss plan.

I knew I was good at numbers. And I knew that the numbers SHOULD work. So I decided to ignore the scales. They could be wrong, and if they were, the incorrect over weighing would make me give up.

Next up was the weight loss plan. It was simple: CICO.

I needed to find a way to CLOSELY monitor my calories, so I went onto a "meal replacement" product. Basically, it's low-carb high protein shakes. This was good for me because I'm diabetic, and a grazer. (basically... carbs are bad. M-kay?!"

If I could portion out five 400cal meals, I would have enough to keep me going, and with a 700 calorie deficit each day on top of that too! (my TDEE is 2700 approx.).

I used to hate cooking, so I would cook three large meals a day and graze between. But... Thanks to this constant supply of food, I stopped grazing. It was as if my gut shrank because it knew it didn't have to stretch to hold large meals. I literally started to eat more... or so my gut thought!

On top of this I decided to cut out all milk and 75% of the sugar in my brews. It turns out that five lots of half litre brews with a total of 20-30 sugar cubes and half a liter full fat milk (between them) equated to 1000 calories. So, I changed to fruit/herbal tea and dropped the sugar to two cubes a brew; and that 1000 a day is now 160. Don't get me wrong... it wasn't an immediate change. I dropped the sugar by one cube per brew, every two days.

It's true what they say... the little changes add up!

So... so far there is a weekly 3500 calorie deficit on the meals, plus 5,800 off the brews. That's over four days worth of calories saved each week!

I also decided to walk more. Mostly an hour or so at night just before bed.

So far... so good.

It's a few months since I began, and I just bought a bike. This is hopefully going to be good, low impact exercise on my arthritic knees. I got it because I know that soon, I will have to exercise more. My weight loss will plateau out, and I will have to either eat less, or exercise more. And, because I like food...a lot... I decided to exercise more.

Don't worry though; I am in regular talks with my Doc, and other healthcare professionals. They are all aware of my changes, and Doc will run tests and numbers every four months for me, to monitor things.

Here are a few things I didn't expect:

  • Because I was now eating smaller, more regular meals, I was never hungry.
  • Because I shrunk my stomach, my "cheat" meals were only small, but oh so satisfying! (mostly full English breakfasts minus the beans, bread, and tommies)
  • Muscle definition, pokey out veins, better breathing, more stamina, happier... all quality of life improvements. (seriously. I had no idea how bad I was!)
  • My doc has measured "normal" blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar (among other things) for the first time... ever. She even had me do them thrice because she thought there was some sort of cock up in the lab. lol

Anyway... when I finally get to a good body fat percentage, or I get to a place where I am happy, I will reassess my meal plan and exercise routine. This all seems like hard numbers, but it's only short term, until I get into a new healthier lifestyle.

Famous last words time: "I wish I had done this sooner!"

submitted by /u/Ninja_In_Shaddows
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A little help getting started, if possible!

Hey everyone, I've been stalking your helpful posts for a while and thought it's time to get some help. I made a new account that's private as I'm a pretty private person.

I've struggled with my weight for a long time and started weight loss goals only to fail. Last year after a serious bout of depression, I realised I needed to do something good before I felt irreversibly worse, so I started walking every day. I started out setting a goal of just getting out of the house every day and not worrying about restricting my diet for now, no matter how long the walk was for, and it kinda worked! I started feeling better in myself, and 4 months and a couple of virtual challenges later I've started getting into cycling and really loving it. Like elated loving it. I've built up from doing rides of about 5k, to doing a 32k ride this weekend (I was so crazy happy). I cycle a few times a week, and try walk on other days.

So now I'm feeling better in myself, I'm approaching my diet. I haven't really lost anything more than a couple of KG, which I find really confusing, because my diet has stayed the same - not great, but not more than I was eating before when I was just sitting at my desk all day every day working. Obvs I know it needs addressing, but still a little confusing, especially considering my muscle % has only gone up by 1%.

I see confusing information about cutting out carbs, and then other info that says I need carbs to fuel my workouts. I struggle to process all the conflicting advice. I've started using LoseIt to track calories in the last couple of days, with a goal of 1400 calories a day - is this too much? Obvs I would like to lose weight as fast as it's safe and healthy and sustainable, but I don't have a set time goal - I'm using the virtual challeneges to make sure I have SMART workout goals.

What kind of meals do you guys (particularly any cyclists) recommend for losing weight while still fuelling my exercise? Do you add calories on days you've worked out?

I don't know if it helps, but I'm 5ft 9inch, 124kg (yes, I know, I need to get my act together lol - it's evenly distributed, so I'm kinda over the horizon of ultra curvy, but I don't have any mobility issues or anything like that). I really truly appreciate any help anyone is able to give me. My self-esteem is pretty fragile at best, so please don't come at me about my weight, I know I'm very overweight, I'm trying my best to get healthier and fitter. Thanks so much in advance.

submitted by /u/dontbeanannehog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Being fat is the same as being invisible (ironically)

23/f/5’11 SW-267 CW-246

Not sure if you can post this here so please delete if not relevant. I have a little rant about weight loss and life.

I have always been fat, not obese, but overweight in the mid 200’s at 5’11. I have always been the funny one in friend groups, the one who is always perceived as happy or just neutral territory to both guys and girls. I guess, girls don’t think your prettier than them so your not a threat and guys usually aren’t attracted to you so they treat you as they treat their other guy friends (hope this makes sense!)

Anyway, I am having major trouble feeling any sort of way about myself. I have started to see myself as neutral and just believing no guy would find me attractive. so at 23, I have no idea how to flirt, no idea how these things work, just no fucking idea how this whole thing goes down. What makes it worse is friends try and pry into your dating life or try and match you with people and it ends up making me feel even worse (like I am so incapable of doing such a basic thing -making a human connection). I know I am worthy to some degree, I know my friends are just trying to help but it’s difficult to explain to friends that guys don’t just hit on me all the time. I don’t get anyone in my DM’s, I don’t have guys try to get to know me. please know that I have tried dating apps in the past. I have tried to get to know guys in groups I am involved with and just NOTHING. Maybe it is that I am just a very intolerable person lol I do believe there is someone for everyone though, come on! Has anyone else felt this way? Do you feel like dating is easier once you lose it? What changed for you if you have lost weight?

submitted by /u/amillionschmeckles
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sticking to a workout

I'm a 5'7 M 20 133 Lbs. but I didn't really work out (I did for a few days but would quit after less than a week on and off) through the weight loss.

I personally didn't struggle too much when it came to losing the weight, but I cant for the life of me make these workouts a part of my life, my goal is losing these last few pounds and replacing them with muscle instead.

I thought about making it my lifestyle and I am always so motivated at the start, but, the motivation just dies off and I forget about working out.

This kind of ended up all over the place, but any advice on really sticking to the workouts would help.

submitted by /u/Throwaway191242
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

9 Body Toning Workouts for Fast Results

Adding exercise to your healthy eating regiment is a great way to tone up, boost your metabolism and get your endorphins flowing. Drop some pounds? Another potential bonus of your body-toning workouts.

Maintaining a healthy exercise routine throughout the year is ideal for enjoying these benefits all the time and making getting ready for beach season a bit easier. Regardless of your fitness level, these nine body-toning workouts will get your body in top shape in about 20 minutes a day, with no equipment required!

Helpful hint: Getting started is as easy as clicking the name of the move or the link in the description!

Keep these workouts handy and give them a go if you’re looking to tone up before summer.

1. Lunges >

woman doing lunges workout

Drop into some full-body engaging lunges to work multiple muscles groups simultaneously. You’ll tighten your legs, butt and hips, perfect for getting your body beach-ready. Lunges can be performed almost anywhere, too, making them an easy move to work in during the day, whether it’s during a break at work or part of your morning routine. Start with 8 to 12 reps as you get started with exercise. Click here to feel the burn >

2. Jumping Jacks >

woman doing jumping jack exercise

For a fun and full-body, cardio exercise, simply start with 8 to 12 reps of jumping jacks to work most of the muscles in your body. If you’re pressed for time, jumping jacks are also easy to squeeze in just about anywhere. For a more intense workout, try doing intervals of 10 to 15 seconds of jumping jacks between other exercises like squats or lunges. That’ll really kick this body toning workout into high gear. Click here to feel the burn >

3. Superman >

woman doing superman exerciseFeel super with this hero-inspired routine: It gets your back, glutes and hamstrings working in no time, supporting the muscles that weaken over time from sitting around at a desk all day. All that’s required is enough room to lay flat on the floor, and a few minutes of your day. Before you know it, you’ll be soaring like Superman and getting your booty in shape. Start by doing 8 to 12 reps and work toward 10 to 12. Click here to feel the burn >

4. Hip Raises >

Woman doing exercise with Hip lift for firming her body.

Another great exercise for firmer buns is hip raises, which target the hinging of the hips. Hip raises isolate and strengthen your gluteal muscles, critical for flexibility and movement. This exercise also works the abs, lower back and hamstrings. When you begin with this exercise, start with 8 to 12 repetitions. Click here to feel the burn >

5. Mountain Climbers >

Healthy woman doing the Mountain climber exercise.

These fun and engaging climbers get your entire body moving, by challenging core muscles and raising heart rate to burn more calories. Incorporating this full-body exercise into your list of body toning workouts will get you looking great in your favorite suit. Ease in to this exercise by starting with 8 to 12 repetitions. Click here to feel the burn >

6. Plank >

Woman doing correct full plank exercise position and wrong for compare on blue mat.

Plank is a body-toning gem that any fitness guru would approve of. It targets your entire core, while also calling on the strength of your arm muscles to keep you raised. As long as you stay straight, and don’t lift your butt up too high, the benefits you reap are fantastic for getting you that lean look you want. It builds over time too, so start small, holding for just 15 seconds and over time this could even increase to a minute, plus! Click here to feel the burn >

7. Side Plank >

Woman doing a side plank.

As if the regular plank wasn’t good enough! The side plank takes your fitness routine to a whole different level, targeting those tricky-to-tone side muscles. You’ve already worked your core with the traditional plank pose, but with side plank, that muffin top doesn’t stand a chance. Like the plank, you can start out just holding yourself up for 15 seconds and over time see some serious progress, as that 15 becomes 30 or 45. Don’t let your hips sag! We teach you how to do a modified side plank right here, which is more beginner-friendly than a regular side plank but still effective. Click here to feel the burn >

8. Burpee >

woman doing burpee exercise

The burpee is essentially your best friend and worst enemy. This lean mean body toning workout calls on the use of every muscle you can imagine, as you bounce up and down to get your heart racing hard. The trick is quick. The burpee is a combo of a plank, push-up and a jump, alternating hard work with lower-intensity. The results: Maximum burn. You get more bang for your buck. Needless to say, this one’s a keeper, but maybe best saved for the most avid gym-goers. Click here to feel the burn >

9. Push-Up >

woman doing push up exercise

Want your weight to go down? Push-Up! Dropping to the floor and giving the old “20,” is an amazing way to get your health moving in the right direction. Form is everything, however, so make sure that when you get down and start moving that you’re following all the right guidelines. Keeping your arms square to the ground, back straight and eyes on the prize will be the trick to working every muscle you can imagine (arms, abs, legs and more!). Click here to feel the burn >

Allergic to exercise? We understand, and have some tips for you: Allergic to Exercise? 5 Fitness Tips You Won’t Hate

*Always speak with a doctor before starting an exercise routine.

The post 9 Body Toning Workouts for Fast Results appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf